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ROTORCRAFT ANALYSIS: Aeroelastic Analysis for Rotorcraft in Flight or in a Wind Tunnel (arc-11150)
AIRCRAFT TRAJECTORIES: Optimal Aircraft Trajectories for Specified Range (arc-11282)
GRAPE: Two-Dimensional Grids About Airfoils and Other Shapes by the Use of Poisson's Equation (arc-11379)
VASCOMP II: V/STOL Aircraft Sizing and Performance (arc-11433)
MONITOR: Monte Carlo Investigation of Trajectory Operations and Requirements (gsc-12705)
PILOT: Parameterized Investigation of Launch Opportunities and Trajectories (gsc-12801)
FSD: Flexible Spacecraft Dynamics (gsc-13006)
EGRAM: Echelle Spectrograph Design Aid (gsc-13016)
WING FLUTTER: Modified Strip Analysis Method for Predicting Wing Flutter at Subsonic to Hypersonic Speeds (lar-10199)
MARS RELAY: Fast Mars Relay Communication Link (lar-10658)
MISLIFT: Aerodynamic Lift on Wing-Body Combinations at Small Angles of Attack in Supersonic Flow (lar-10932)
AEROELASTIC EFFECTS: University of Kansas Static Aeroelastic Program (lar-11602)
AEROELASTIC DIVERGENCE: Aeroelastic Divergence Characteristics of Unguided, Slender Body, Multi-Stage Launch Vehicles (lar-12004)
AIPP: Atmospheric Interaction Plume Program (lar-12203)
NSEG: A Segmented Mission Analysis Program For Low and High Speed Aircraft (lar-12299)
KERNEL FUNCTION METHOD: A Steady And Oscillatory Kernel Function Method For Interfering Surfaces In Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Flow (lar-12524)
OPTIM: A Vertical Profile Which Minimizes Aircraft Fuel Burn or Direct Operating Cost (lar-12940)
TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT ANALYSIS: Takeoff and Landing Performance Capabilities of Transport Category Aircraft (lar-13086)
COREL & W12SC3: Two Programs for Supersonic Wing Design and Analysis (lar-13239)
RATIONAL SPLINE ROUTINES: Rational Spline Subroutines for Adjustment of Tension Parameters (lar-13694)
NOZZLE MATERIALS: Analytical Comparisons Of Ablative Nozzle Materials (lew-00240)
TANDEM BLADE TURBOMACHINE: Velocities and Streamlines on a Blade-To-Blade Stream Surface of a Tandem Blade Turbomachine (lew-10743)
ROTOR BLADE DESIGN: Design of Two-Dimensional Supersonic Turbine Rotor Blades With Boundary-Layer Correction (lew-11744)
FLUID: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids (IBM 360 version) (lew-13127)
CAS2D: Nonrotating Blade-To-Blade, Steady, Potential Transonic Cascade Flow Analysis Code (lew-13854)
MISER2: Mistuning Effects on Turbofan Cascades (lew-14380)
FLUID: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids (IBM PC version) (lew-14418)
SSSP: Space Shuttle Synthesis Program (msc-13914)
COLDARC: Dissociated Air Flow Effects During Plasma Arc Testing (msc-20522)
ARIES: Aircraft Rollout Iterative Energy Simulation (msc-20816)
NEQHTCAT: Laminar Nonequilibrium Aeroheating (msc-20996)

Other NASA Engineering Source Code CD-ROMs

The entire NASA Engineering Source Code series consists of four CD-ROMs: Aeronautics, Modeling, AI and Tools, and Flow and Structure. The following programs round out the entire suite of programs contained on the other discs and are included here as a reference.


VASP: Variable Dimension Automatic Synthesis Program (arc-10616)
CONTOUR PLOTS: A General Algorithm for the Construction of Contour Plots (arc-11441)
GENOPTICS: A General Optical Systems Evaluation Program (IBM version) (gsc-12439)
GENOPTICS: A General Optical Systems Evaluation Program (DEC VAX version) (gsc-12823)
NASTRAN NASTPLT : Plotting Post Processor (gsc-12833)
ORACLS: Optimal Regulator Algorithms for the Control of Linear Systems (DEC VAX version) (gsc-13067)
CIRCUIT ANALYSIS: Sneak Circuit Analysis for Locating Wire Segments on Schematic Drawings (hqn-10517)
DIGITAL CONTOURING: Generalized Digital Contouring Program (lar-10872)
TRANSIENT RESPONSE: Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Effects of Shape Change (lar-11049)
TRANSIENT THERMAL RESPONSE: One-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of the Transient Thermal Response of Multilayer Insulative Systems (lar-12057)
ORACLS: Optimal Regulator Algorithms for the Control of Linear Systems (CDC version) (lar-12313)
TRANSIENT DIFFUSION: Numerical Analyses For Treating Diffusion In Single-, Two-, and Three-Phase Binary Alloy Systems (lar-12381)
ORACLS: Optimal Regulator Algorithms for the Control of Linear Systems (IBM 370 version) (lar-12953)
SOPAD: Separation of Overlapping Peaks and Analysis of Derivatives (lar-13276)
PLOT3D: Drawing Three Dimensional Surfaces (lew-10482)
GRID3O: Fast Generation of Multilevel Three-Dimensional Boundary-Conforming O-Type Computational Grids (lew-13818)
ANDUCT: Velocity Gradient Method for Calculating Velocities in an Axisym-Metric Annular Duct (lew-14000)
IMAGE PROCESSING ROUTINES: Evaluation of Registration, Compression and Classification Algorithms (mfs-25367)
COMPSIZE: Preliminary Design Method for Fiber Reinforced Composite Structures (mfs-27153)
SCAT: System Commonality Analysis Tool (mfs-28207)
SOLAR ARRAY: Orbiting Solar Array Simulation Model (msc-18558)
DIGITAL FILTER DESIGN: Compare Digital Filters by Minimizing Sum Square Error (msc-20982)
VMACO: Variable Metric Algorithm for Constrained Optimization (msc-21275)
IPEG: Improved Price Estimation Guidelines (IBM 370 version) (npo-15569)
LCP: Lifetime Cost and Performance Model for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems (npo-16001)
IPEG: Improved Price Estimation Guidelines (IBM version) (npo-16583)
SERVICES FINANCIAL REPORT: Lmss Services Financial Report Program for Comparing Alternative Designs (npo-16606)
ORBSIM: Estimating Geophysical Model Parameters From Planetary Gravity (npo-16671)
OPTICAL LENS REFORMATTER: Optical Lens Prescription Data Reformatter (npo-17093)
SPAM: Spectral Analysis Manager (DEC VAX version) (npo-17180)
SPAM: Spectral Analysis Manager (UNIX version) (npo-17182)

AI & Tools

FPT: Fortran Programming Tools for the DEC VAX (arc-11676)
IBASE: A General Purpose Imagery Database System (arc-11712)
PITEST: Multiple Precision Arithmetic (arc-11725)
GREMEX: Goddard Research and Engineering Management Exercise Simulation System (gsc-11512)
TRAJEC: Numerical Tracing of Electron Trajectories (gsc-12535)
NBOD2: Program to Derive and Solve Equations of Motion for Coupled N-Body Systems (gsc-12846)
OAP: Office Automation Pilot Graphics Database System (gsc-12925)
INCA: Interactive Controls Analysis (gsc-12998)
SOAR: Software for Optical Archive and Retrieval (gsc-13121)
OWL-1200: Video Terminal Emulator for the IBM Personal Computer (ksc-11293)
FLOWCHARTER: A Universal Structured Design Diagrammer (lar-12548)
AESOP: An Expert System Engine With Operative Probabilities (lar-13382)
CARE3MENU: A Care III User Friendly Interface (lar-13514)
PUSHBUTTON EDITOR: Programmable Display Pushbutton Legend Editor (lar-13671)
EXPERT SYSTEM EXECUTIVE: Expert System Executive for Automated Real-Time Monitoring (msc-20908)
CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System for Developing Expert Systems (IBM PC version) (msc-21208)
CLIPS: C Language Integrated Production System for Developing Expert Systems (Macintosh version) (msc-21467)
LOOK: A Text File Display Program (npo-16358)
NETWORK TOPOLOGY DESIGN: Optimal Network Topology Design for the Space Station Information System Network (npo-16809)
STAR: A Simple Tool for Automated Reasoning Supporting Hybrid Applications of Artificial Intelligence (npo-16832)
SOSPAC: Solar Space Power Analysis Code (npo-16855)
TAPECERT: A Tape Certification Utility for Dec Vax/Vms Computers (npo-16876)
SIMRAND I: Simulation of Research and Development Projects (npo-16937)
STAR: A Simple Tool for Automated Reasoning Supporting Hybrid Applications of Artificial Intelligence (npo-16965)
FAST POLYNOMIAL TRANSFORM: A Fast Polynomial Transform Program With a Modularized Structure (npo-17030)
NASA ARCH: A File Archival System for the Dec VAX (npo-17129)
PROCSCAN: Monitoring the Execution of a VAX Image (npo-17297)
SCANEXE: Examining The Subroutine Structure Of A Vax Image (npo-17298)
TEXVIEW: Production of Viewgraphs With Tex (npo-17299)
ZED: A Line Editor for the Dec VAX (npo-17300)
LONGLIB: A Graphics Library (npo-17443)

Flow & Structure

AOFA: Three-dimensional Supersonic Viscous Flow (arc-11087)
AIRCRAFT MOTIONS: Analysis of Aircraft Motions from Air Traffic Control Radar Records (arc-11132)
NASDS: Nastran/Discos/Samsan Dmap Bridging Program (gsc-12902)
QUIKVIS: Celestial Target Availability Information (gsc-13083)
PRESSURE SURGES: Estimating Pressure Surges in Cryogenic Liquid-Vapor Systems (ksc-11312)
FLOW IN SHOCK LAYER: Determination of Flow Field in a Nonequilibrium Shock Layer (lar-11198)
EXHAUST FLOW FIELDS: Analysis of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Exhaust Flow Fields (lar-11596)
HIGH SPEED FLOW: Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow Around Real Configurations (lar-11891)
MASPROP: Calculation of Mass Properties of a Rigid Structure (lar-12454)
COMBUSTION FLOW FIELDS: Viscous Characterictics Analysis of Combustion Flow Fields (lar-12598)
NOZZLE FLOW: Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations for Flow Over Nonaxisymmetric Nozzle Configurations (lar-12962)
PAFAC: Plastic and Failure Analysis of Composites (lar-13183)
GASP: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Argon (lew-11629)
BLADE3D: Three-Dimensional, Inviscid, Rotational Flows With Shock Waves in Axial Compressor Blade Rows (lew-13910)
FIN HEAT TRANSFER: Solution of Radiation and Convection Fin Heat Transfer Problems (lew-13978)
AESOP: Interactive Design of Linear Quadratic Regulators and Kalman Filters (lew-14128)
CONVECTIVE DEPOSITION: Multicomponent Convective Deposition Rates (lew-14366)
COMPRESSIBLE FLOW: Solving Compressible Flow Problems Using Electrical Analogy (mfs-14683)
FLUID FLOW IN PIPE: Thermal Analysis Of Fluid Flow In A Pipe With a Variable External Thermal Environment (mfs-15148)
TAP: Thermal Analyzer Program (mfs-18410)
EQUILIBRIUM COMPOSITION: Multiphase Chemical Equilibrium Composition (msc-01119)
GAS PERFORMANCE: Axisymmetric Two-Phase Perfect Gas Performance (msc-11774)
PROPULSION SYSTEM: Evaluation of Design Parameters and Size of a Low Pressure Auxiliary Propulsion System (msc-14016)
THERMAL PROTECTION SYSTEM: TPS Multidimensional Heat Conduction Program (msc-18616)
PSANAL: Composite Point Stress Analysis (msc-18978)
GAS STORAGE SIMULATION: High Pressure Gas Storage System Blowdown and Charging Models (msc-19658)
GENERAL FLOW DISTRIBUTION: General Flow Distribution Program for Hydraulic Systems (msc-20306)
CUMBIN: Cumulative Binomial Programs (npo-17555)
NEWTONP: Cumulative Binomial Programs (npo-17556)
CROSSER: Cumulative Binomial Programs (npo-17557)
SOLAR FLUX: Simplified Calculation of Solar Flux on the Side Wall of Cylindrical Cavity Solar Receivers (npo-17732)

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