A Vertical Profile Which Minimizes Aircraft Fuel Burn or Direct Operating Cost
The OPTIM computer program was developed to generate optimum vertical profiles for turbojet powered aircraft. Specifically, OPTIM generates a profile of altitude, airspeed, and flight path angle as a function of range between a given set of origin and destination points for particular models of transport aircraft. The profile may be optimized in the sense of minimizing fuel or time or in minimizing the direct operating cost expressed as a combination of fuel and time. Inputs to the program include the vertical wind profile, the aircraft takeoff weight, and the aircraft engine and aerodynamic characteristics. The optimum vertical flight profile is generated by calculating the airspeed and thrust required to minimize the Hamiltonian at specific energy increments.
Program Size: 5,403 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV
Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC