Nasa PHT


Numerical Tracing of Electron Trajectories

The TRAJEC computer program was developed as a tool to aid in the analysis and design of various electron imaging systems. TRAJEC can integrate the path of a relativistic electron through a region of non-uniform, static electromagnetic fields to an accuracy of one micrometer in ten centimeters. The program is designed to easily interface with various forms of user defined electric potentials and magnetic fields. TRAJEC may be implemented interactively so that the analyst might freely experiment with combinations of trajectories, thereby gaining insight into the aberrations inherent in the imaging system under study. Lines of electrons may be studied to test system linear imaging properties. TRAJEC also allows for studies of Monte Carlo point sources of electrons to simulate the characteristic emissive properties of photo-cathode materials and their effect on the images produced.

Program Size: 865 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC