Nasa PHT


Simulation of Research and Development Projects

The Simulation of Research and Development Projects program (SIMRAND) aids in the optimal allocation of R&D resources needed to achieve project goals. SIMRAND models the system subsets or project tasks as various network paths to a final goal. Each path is described in terms of task variables such as cost per hour, cost per unit, availability of resources, etc. Uncertainty is incorporated by treating task variables as probabilistic random variables. SIMRAND calculates the measure of preference for each alternative network. The networks yielding the highest utility function (or certainty equivalence) are then ranked as the optimal network paths. SIMRAND has been used in several economic potential studies at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory involving solar dish power systems and photovoltaic array construction. However, any project having tasks which can be reduced to equations and related by measures of preference can be modeled.

Program Size: 3,146 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN 77

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC