Nasa PHT


Axisymmetric Two-Phase Perfect Gas Performance

This program calculates the inviscid axisymmetric nozzle expansion of propellant systems having both gaseous and condensed exhaust products. The program considers the velocity and thermal lags (for ten particle groups) between the gaseous and condensed combustion products (when they are present in the chamber). It does not consider mass transfer (only momentum and energy transfer) between gaseous and condensed combustion products. It also does not consider nonequilibrium effects of finite rate chemical reactions between gaseous and combustion products. This program considers only the expansion of a uniform mixture (the ideal engine case). Standard explicit integration methods are utilized. The program is designed for engineering use and is specified and programmed in a straightforward manner to facilitate its use as a development tool.

Program Size: 3,366 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC