Nasa PHT


Two Programs for Supersonic Wing Design and Analysis

COREL and W12SC3 are two computer programs useful in the aerodynamic design and analysis of wings for supersonic maneuvering. Both programs use the Super Critical Conical Camber (SC3) concept, in which high supersonic lift coefficients are obtained by controlling cross flow development. COREL (Conical Relaxation) solves the nonlinear full potential equation for a spanwise section of a wing in the crossflow plane and corrects the result for any nonconical geometry. W12SC3 applies linear theory panel methods to compute solutions for a wing-body configuration. The programs are not restricted to supersonic maneuvering cases, but are useful for many design, analysis, and optimization applications.

Program Size: 20,150 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC