A General Optical Systems Evaluation Program (IBM version)
The General Optical Systems Evaluation Program, GENOPTICS, was developed as an aid for the analysis and evaluation of optical systems that employ lenses, mirrors, diffraction gratings, and other geometrical surfaces. The GENOPTICS evaluation is performed by means of geometrical ray tracing based upon Snell's law. The GENOPTICS program can provide for the exact ray tracing of as many as 800 rays through as many as 40 surfaces. These surfaces may be planar, conic, toric, or polynomial shaped lenses, mirrors, and diffraction gratings. Each surface may be tilted about as many as three axes and may be decentered. Surfaces having bilateral symmetry may also be analyzed. GENOPTICS provides for user-oriented input and for a wide range of output for the evaluation of the optical system being analyzed.
Program Size: 5,733 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV
Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC