Nasa PHT


High Pressure Gas Storage System Blowdown and Charging Models

This program is a simulation model for predicting the pressure and temperature histories occurring in recharge or blowdown processes for high pressure gas storage systems. The model allows for real gas effects as well as conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer to the storage container walls for any environmental boundary conditions. The parameter values currently encoded into the program code are those appropriate for sizing the fuel cell high pressure hydrogen and oxygen reactant gas storage subsystem for the Shuttle Orbiter 101 approach and landing test program. However the model can be applied with some modification to sizing and performance prediction of industrial high pressure gas storage systems subject to time varying thermal environmental conditions.

Program Size: 443 Statements
Computer Language: IBM 360 CSMP ( 85 %); FORTRAN IV ( 15 %);

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC