Multicomponent Convective Deposition Rates
A wide variety of engineering applications including chemical coating of metals, solid state electronics device fabrication, filtration, aircraft icing, corrosion and fouling of gas turbine blades, and heat exchangers deal with vapor and particle capture, either to exploit or suppress it. A comprehensive but tractable convective diffusion deposition rate theory exists based on the assumption of a multicomponent 'chemically frozen' boundary layer (CFBL). The theory makes full use of available transport coefficient and property information. CFBL is applicable under conditions of multicomponent vapor transport, and is capable of simultaneously dealing with "heavy molecule" particle transport. This CFBL theory has been incorporated into a simple computer program for calculating alkali sulfate deposition rates. With code changes, this program should be adaptable to other deposition problems.
Program Size: 698 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV
Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC