Nasa PHT


Mistuning Effects on Turbofan Cascades

The study of stability and response in bladed-disk assemblies is complicated by the presence of small differences between the individual blades, known as mistuning. The Mistuning Effects on Turbofan Cascades program, MISER2, was developed to improve the basic understanding of the effects of mistuning on aeroelastic stability and response. The MISER2 program calculates the flutter boundaries and aeroelastic response of a cascade of arbitrarily mistuned airfoils. Each blade is modeled as a two degree-of-freedom oscillator having inertial coupling between the bending and torsional motions. It is possible to consider any type of uncoupled bending and torsional frequencies, damping ratios, mass ratios, and elastic axis and center of gravity positions. Special cases which can be treated by MISER2 include: tuned and mistuned cases; uncoupled bending and uncoupled torsion cases; and the tuned coupled bending-torsion case.

Program Size: 2,623 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN 77

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC