Nasa PHT


Software for Optical Archive and Retrieval

Software for Optical Archive and Retrieval, SOAR, is an interface between the VAX computer's VMS operating system and a WORM optical disk drive. The Write-Once-Read-Many optical disk technology (WORM) does not permit the overwriting of files. SOAR creates a seamless user interface for this new device, allowing the user to write data files using commands very similar to the ones already used in VMS. The optical disk can be read using the standard VMS commands for file access. SOAR maintains a directory list on the magnetic drive until the optical disk is filled with data, then permanently writes this directory list to the optical disk.

Program Size: 4,303 Statements
Computer Language: ASSEMBLER ( 67 %); FORTRAN 77 ( 22 %); DEC VAX DCL

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC