Nastran/Discos/Samsan Dmap Bridging Program
The NASTRAN/DISCOS/SAMSAN bridging program and its associated data file processor provide the flexible structure control designer with a means of tying together the following programs for the design and analysis of flexible structure controllers: 1) the NASA Structural Analysis (NASTRAN) system which provides general finite element and matrix manipulation capabilities for the analysis of structures, 2) the Dynamic Interaction Simulation of Controls and Structure (DISCOS) program which provides for the time and frequency domain analysis of any dynamic system that can be modeled as a system of interconnected rigid and flexible bodies, and 3) the SAMSAN library which provides a self-consistent set of algorithms for the support of large-order controls system design and evaluation studies with an emphasis on sampled system analysis.
Program Size: 1,130 Statements
Computer Language: NASTRAN DMAP ( 35 %); FORTRAN IV ( 65 %);
Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC