Nasa PHT


Fast Generation of Multilevel Three-Dimensional Boundary-Conforming O-Type Computational Grids

The GRID30 computer program incorporates a fast algorithm for accurately generating boundary-conforming, three-dimensional consecutively refined computational grids applicable to arbitrary wing-body and axial turbomachinery geometries. The method is based on using an analytic function to generate two-dimensional grids on a number of coaxial axisymmetric surfaces positioned between the centerbody and the outer radial boundary. These grids are of the O-type and are characterized by quasiorthogonality, geometric periodicity, and an adequate resolution throughout the flow field. Because the built-in nonorthogonal coordinate stretching and shearing cause the grid lines leaving the blade or wing trailingedge to end at downstream infinity, use of the generated grid simplifies the numerical treatment of three-dimensional trailing vortex sheets.

Program Size: 1,346 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC