Atmospheric Interaction Plume Program
This computer program can be used to predict the gas dynamic and chemical properties of underexpanded rocket plumes from sea level to the altitude above which the viscous continuum flow assumption, with distinct shocks, is no longer valid. The program computes the plume shock structure while simultaneously accounting for turbulent mixing, nonequilibrium chemistry, and gas/particle nonequilibrium effects. The program also has the ability to calculate plume properties in the subsonic region downstream from the Mach disc, downstream of the shock reflected from the triple point, and in the far field. The program can readily be used to determine plume optical and electrical properties, which are necessary data for calculating the infrared radiation pattern and radar cross section. This program was used to calculate deposition rate of various nitrogen oxides into the stratosphere caused by the Space Shuttle exhaust plumes.
Program Size: 5,950 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV
Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC