Nasa PHT


Evaluation of Design Parameters and Size of a Low Pressure Auxiliary Propulsion System

This program was written to evaluate and define optimum design parameters and size of a low pressure auxiliary propulsion system (APS). The APS will provide attitude and translational control, using gaseous hydrogen and oxygen propellants for both the booster and orbiter elements of a NASA Space Shuttle Vehicle. The program evaluates, for various space shuttle performance requirements, the optimum subsystem design parameters such as engine chamber pressure, mixture ratio, expansion ratio, and component/subsystem weight and size. The APS design point, sensitivities to design parameters, and mission requirements can be obtained quickly with the program. The program could be revised to evaluate and optimize oxygen and hydrogen subsystem concepts for fuel cell and environmental control on space vehicles.

Program Size: 1,648 Statements
Computer Language: FORTRAN IV

Copyright (c) 1996 Pacific HiTech, Inc. and COSMIC