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Screenshot Anti-censorship tools (proxyTools) consists of a huge Perl application (localProxy) and a set of tools to analyze the user's network (proxies, firewall rules, name servers, etc.). LocalProxy abstracts external services in an uncensored, reliable, fast manner to the localhost, where they may be used by standard clients (Web browsers, Usenet news clients, SOCKS-capable clients, etc.). Various combinations of strategies are tried to ensure the non-censored nature of the information, and multiple, parallel services (e.g. HTTP proxies) are used to ensure reliability and speed. The tools are capable of automating collection of the data required for localProxy. LocalProxy builds a configuration for the user and dynamically adjusts to using the fastest strategies and proxies available to it. The tools are useful for network analysis (firewall rules, proxy capabilities, etc.) independently of localProxy.
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Apache is the world's most popular HTTP server, being quite possibly the best around in terms of functionality, efficiency, security and speed.
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Screenshot A Web portal system based on PHP that does not require a database.
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Designed for insertion into a .forward or .qmail file, autoresponder is a simple email receptionist; it replies to any mail messages it receives on STDIN with the response you specify in the command-line arguments. Configured entirely through the command line on each invocation, you can specify the from, cc, bcc, and errors-to addresses for the reply, the file containing the response text, and whether or not the original message should be attached to the reply.
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Big Brother Log Analyzer (BBLA) is a package comprised of an HTML access logger and a log analyzer. Contrary to most loggers/analyzers, BBLA is completely free, and doesn't require you to have a stupid banner on your webpage. It is completely transparent, and unless your visitors look at your HTML source, they won't notice that you are tracking them.
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CKS is an openPGP (RFC2440) compliant public key server. It is currently under development. It is written in C, and runs on Linux. It uses PostgreSQL for key storage, and supports the hkp protocol (it can interface with GnuPG and NAI PGP). The keyserver is mostly functional, and there is a link to a running copy on the homepage.
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Screenshot DNSTools is an easy to use browser-based DNS configuration and DNS administration utility. It stores all information in a MySQL database and creates the BIND v8 configuration files from the data. It eliminates errors and dramatically reduces administration time. It also supports: CIDR, delegation, and user and group permissions. It has many features, including a log file, an easy to use configuration screen, massive scalability, and support for secondary DNS servers and delegated domains (regardless if they use DNSTools or not).
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EvoBB is the hottest new forum software free for use on your own web site or community. Optimized to use the maximum speed from the php engine.
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Eyebrowse is a Web-based mailing list archive browser. Eyebrowse differs from other popular archive browsers in that it does not require that mailing lists be exploded into individual HTML files, and the HTML rendering is done at serving time, rather than at the time the message is received, to allow for easy customization of the message display. HTML rendering is performed through the use of the Velocity template engine.
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GeekLog is the weblog software that concentrates on performance, privacy, and security. It features Web-based administration, surveys (polls), user-customizable boxes, a friendly administration GUI with a topic manager, an option to edit or delete stories, an option to delete comments, a search engine, backend/headlines generation (RSS/RDF format), calendaring, and much more.
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Screenshot IP-Atlas is a PHP script that plots you or any other host on the globe using the public NetGeo database.
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Jigsaw is W3C's leading-edge Web server platform, providing a sample HTTP 1.1 implementation based on RFC2616 and a variety of other features on top of an advanced architecture implemented in Java. Jigsaw provides both client and server HTTP/1.1 implementations, is fast, easy to extend, flexible, and is also packaged as a ready-to-run HTTP/1.1 proxy-cache.
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Screenshot mcLinksCounter can manage all of the links and count all of the clicks on your Web site. It allows you to display links one by one or in lists sorted by categories, ordered by names or number of hits, and with visible or hidden counters. An admin page shows you statistics and allows you to manage, modify, or delete your links. It requires MySQL.
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mod_auth_cache transparently caches an authentication originally done by a different module. The aim of this module is to speed up complex authentication mechanisms, to reduce database traffic if authenticating thru a backend database, and to implement some sort of authentication reliability if the database server fails. As the caching is completely transparent (done by the webserver), you don't have to change or implement new functions in your existing applications. The module only caches a users authentication and not a users access permissions, which can still be controlled by a different module.
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Mod_auth_kerb is an Apache module designed to provide Kerberos user authentication to the Apache web server. Using the Basic Auth mechanism, it retrieves a username/password pair from the browser and checks them against a Kerberos server as set up by your particular organization. It also supports mutual ticket authentication, although most browsers do not support that natively.
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mod_auth_sqlite allows Apache to authenticate users via the SQLite database engine.
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mod_pgsql is an Apache C module which records all requests to a PostgreSQL database. The primary purpose of the module is to allow great flexibility for log detail extraction.
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PHP is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. PHP runs on many different platforms and can be used as a standalone executable or as a module under a variety of Web servers. It has excellent support for databases, XML, LDAP, IMAP, Java, various Internet protocols, and general data manipulation, and is extensible via its powerful API. It is actively developed and supported by a talented and energetic international team. Numerous Open Source and commercial PHP-based application packages are available.
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PHP FormMail is a PHP script conversion of the original FormMail.pl, but with many security and spam related fixes and improvements. Some customization options are removed for simplicity while keeping functionality and improving it where neccessary.
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Screenshot The PHP WebSite User Management System enables users to quickly deploy a fully-functional, user registration, email verification, and user account management system to their Web site.
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Screenshot phpTest is a Web-based testing program. It provides an environment to take multiple choice or true/false quizzes. It is designed to be modular and flexible. An administrator can add any number of questions, tests, users, and groups. Once a test is created, a user can log in to take the test, and his test results are scored automatically and stored in the database for easy viewing. It includes features designed to prevent cheating, such as randomization of questions on tests, and security logging for unauthorized access to pages.
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Portmon is a daemon that is able to monitor network services and send notification in the event that a server goes down. Portmon was designed to be able to monitor a large number of servers/workstations and give very configurable notification in the event of a network failure.
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PDNS is an advanced high performance authoritative nameserver with a host of backends. Besides plain Bind configuration files, PDNS reads information from MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and many other databases. Backends can easily be written in any language, a sample perl backend is provided. PDNS powers http://express.powerdns.com, a Web-based DNS maintenance site and the toplevel domain .TK.
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PVote is a PHP voting system. It uses MySQL to hold all information about the system.
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Screenshot Siteseed is a full Web Development and Content Management System. It provides bases for site building and uses PHP for extensions and site programming. Advanced features include intercomunications with other Siteseed sites, XML export, multiple backoffice staff with detailed permissions, visual WYSIWYG editing and previews, three internal cache layers for maximum flexibility and top performance, internal message system for project management, easy setup, on-line editing, on-line image manipulation, and Word documents import.
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Screenshot ToDoList.php is a set of PHP scripts that creates a Web-based list of things todo. Items can be added and removed, and are sorted by an assigned priority. It is also possible to assign special tasks to another person and to specify a due date. ToDoList supports several languages.
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Screenshot V-webmail is a fast, customizable and standards compliant Webmail application with folder support. It features very simple installation, an entirely template-based architecture that is highly customizable, plugin support, POP3/IMAP support, mime support for both sending and viewing emails, the ability to save attachments to disk or view them online (browser permitting), email management (reply, reply-to-all, forward and forward-as-attachment), folder management (delete, rename, create, subscribe and unsubscribe), folder summary pages with unseen/seen messages and folder size, a simple addressbook, the to view HTML emails inline with the option to disable and/or sanity check, and internationalization support. Multiple URLs per installation, each with its own template, are supported (i.e., virtual hosts).
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Screenshot VAMP (Very Attractive Mail Program) is an extremely easy-to-configure, usable, Web-based email client written in PHP3 (and compatible with PHP4). It is for use with POP3 servers, and it also supports "Virtual Domains", encryption (under Linux/PHP3), attachments, contact list, a signature database, an easy-to-use setup tool, and more.
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Screenshot WebCleaner is a filtering HTTP proxy. It can disable animated GIFs, compress documents on-the-fly (with gzip), add/remove HTTP headers, and remove unwanted HTML (adverts, Javascript, etc.). It can be customized to your needs.
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XMail is an Internet and intranet mail server featuring an SMTP server, POP3 server, finger server, multiple domains support, mail-only accounts, SMTP relay checking, RBL/RSS/ORBS/DUL and custom spam protection, SMTP authentication (PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, POP3-before-SMTP, and custom), a POP3 account synchronizer with external POP3 accounts, aliases, domain aliases, custom mail processing, local maildrop, custom mail filters, mailing lists, remote administration, custom mail exchangers, logging, and multi-platform code (Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris/NT).
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ZenWeb is a system for building entire Web sites, not just pages. It allows you to focus on the content and the structure of the website, while leaving page construction, markup, layout, and navigation as secondary concerns. It provides tools for complete Web site design and creation, simple paragraph to HTML generation with embellishments, and a rich set of tools for page and Web site creation, modification, and customization.
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