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Contents of Sound

The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system.
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autools is a collection of several C programs to play, record, generate, modify, and analyse audio files on Linux/Solaris/IRIX/Win32. It includes native support for 16 bit .au and raw files. If linked with the AFsp library, most common audio file formats are supported.
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beep does what you'd expect: it beeps. But unlike printf("\a"), beep allows you to control pitch, duration, and repetitions. Its job is to live inside shell/perl scripts and allow more granularity than one has otherwise. It is controlled completely through command line options. It's not supposed to be complex, and it isn't - but it makes system monitoring (or whatever else it gets hacked onto) that much more informative.
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DarkIce is an Icecast, Icecast2, and Shoutcast live audio streamer. It takes audio input from a sound card, encodes it into MP3/Ogg Vorbis, and sends the stream to one or more servers (Icecast/Shoutcast if it's MP3, and Icecast2 if it's Ogg Vorbis).
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erec is a tool program for recording raw audio stream from the soundcard. Multiple instances of erec can be running at the same time sharing the same audio device. It works as a frontend to the audio device for programs wishing to listen at the same time.
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Screenshot ermixer is a very sophisticated OSS mixer with a lot of useful features like the gestion of multiple profiles files. It offers a complete interface to the mixer capatibilities. You can use it with a nice curses interface or with a commandline interface (for use in scripts).
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Screenshot FFTscope is a visualization plugin for AlsaPlayer. Its main purpose is to demonstrate how to write a plugin against the AlsaPlayer visualization API.
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Screenshot glsvg is an SVG/SMIL player using GLX.
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Screenshot Gnomeradio is another FM-Radio tuner writen in gtk+. Gnomeradio should work with every FM-Tunercard that is supported by video4linux. Remote-controls are supported as gnomeradio has (optional) lirc-support.
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Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network. The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services, and their TCP personality can be adapted so that they appear to be running certain versions of operating systems. Honeyd enables a single host to claim multiple addresses on a LAN for network simulation. It is possible to ping the virtual machines, or to traceroute them. Any type of service on the virtual machine can be simulated according to a simple configuration file. Instead of simulating a service, it is also possible to proxy it to another machine.
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Jooky is a frontend for MP3 players which can run as a daemon and be controlled through client/server operations or telnet. It can run full screen/curses, be daemonized, or be /etc/inittabed.
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Screenshot LAoE is a graphical audiosample-editor, based on multi-layers, floating-point samples, volume-masks, variable selection-intensity, and many plugins suitable to manipulate sound, such as filtering, retouching, resampling, graphical spectrogram editing by brushes and rectangles, sample-curve editing by freehand-pen and spline and other interpolation curves, effects like reverb, echo, compress, expand, pitch-shift, time-stretch, and much more.
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Maudio is a simple audio mirroring device (a sort of audio pipe). Unlike a filesystem pipe, maudio behaves as a hardware soundcard. In particular, after installation of the driver, you get two audio-like devices (usually /dev/dsp0 and /dev/dsp1) which are connected to each other. Everything sent to the first DSP will appear as sound data on the second DSP and vice versa.
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Screenshot mcd is a really small cd player for Linux with a curses-like user interface. It compiles against dietlibc, supports minimal remote/local cddb/freedb track data, different playmethods, and volume control.
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MC Foo is an advanced, and adaptive ogg/mp3 jukebox server, with continuous music playing. There are no static playlists; MC Foo uses a play- queue that you can view and alter. It will learn what music you like and dislike, and adjust the play- queue automatically. It can be controlled from any hosts via TCP/IP, and even with infrared remote controllers. It allows multiple user/preference profiles, according to who's listening, and his or her mood.
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RhythmBox is music management software, heavily inspired by Apple's iTunes.
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Speex is a patent-free compression format designed especially for speech. It is specialized for voice communications at low bit-rates in the 8-32 kbps/channel range. Possible applications include Voice over IP (VoIP) applications, Internet audio streaming at low bit-rate, and archiving of speech data (e.g. voice mail).
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Screenshot spwave is a speech file editor supporting several sound formats including WAV, AIFF, MP3, raw, and more. The program is designed for research use, so stability and usability are regarded as important. spwave runs on multiple platforms including Unix, Windows 95/98, and Mac OS.
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Screenshot streamripper records shoutcast-compatible streams. For shoutcast style streams it finds the "meta data" or track separation data, and uses that as a marker for where the track should be separated. For live365 streams it hits the Web site and finds when a track has changed. Either way, the MP3 data will be decoded and scanned for a silent point which is where tracks will be created.
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Screenshot streamtuner is a Perl/GTK+ SHOUTcast browser. It will connect to the SHOUTcast Web server and retrieve the list of available audio streams. Stateful behaviour, themes support, and a natural user interface are some of its features.
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Screenshot Tutka is a tracker style MIDI sequencer for Linux (and other systems; only Linux is supported at this time though). It is similar to programs like SoundTracker, ProTracker and FastTracker except that it does not support samples and is meant for MIDI use only.
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whitenoise is a small utility that turns your computer into an ambient random noise generator. This can be useful for relaxation, helping you get to sleep, drowning out noisy neighbors, etc. Command-line options allow the user to tweak noise characteristics and set a shutoff timer.
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Screenshot xmms-iris is an advanced OpenGL Visualization plugin for XMMS. It features a theme engine with different themes, fullscreen mode, and a lot of options.
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The XMMS Audio File Library Plug-in allows users to play any file which the Audio File Library (libaudiofile) can read. Common formats such as AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, and NeXT/Sun .snd/.au are supported.
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ZoltanPlayer is a music playing daemon. It accepts remote commands via its own mini HTTP server and can seamlessly use Audio or Data CDs. Audio CDs are played internally (optionally querying CDDB info servers) and digital songs in audio CDs are played via external players. It's not limited to CDs, as a hard disk directory can also be used.
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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