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A demo version of this commercial partition and boot manager.
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AutoRPM is a program that can do any combination of the following: mirror RPMs from an FTP site, keep installed RPMs consistent with an FTP site or local directory and keep installed RPMs in a cluster or network of systems consistent. It is highly flexible and contains a fully command-line driven interactive install mode (for installing RPMs from the queue or for installing RPMs from your system interactively). It also handles recursive dependencies, multiple versions of the same RPM, the same RPM with multiple architectures, and more. It does some of the same tasks as up2date and AutoUpdate.
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CAPI4Linux is a Linux CAPI driver for AVM's Fritz!PCI 1 and 2, Fritz!Classic, and Fritz!PnP.
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Screenshot The Castellan Sentry detects login attempts on SSH, and advises the desktop via a GUI popup window. This popup allows you to block the remote machine, ignore the login, or commit an investigation. Investigation reports back to you the nslookup, reverse DNS, ARIN, and a simple port scan via NMAP. This will help determine if the source should be blocked or not and gives you the option of doing either.
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CDfs is a file system for Linux systems that `exports' all tracks and boot images on a CD as normal files. These files can then be mounted (e.g. for ISO and boot images), copied, played (audio tracks), etc. The primary goal for developing this file system was to `unlock' information in old ISO sessions. The file system also allows you to access data on faulty multi session disks, e.g. disks with multiple single sessions instead of a multi session.
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comfigure eases the task of './configure'ing many packages. It remembers the 'configure' options for each package, and uses them automatically if called without options. comfigure automatically recognizes the package name and version from the directory from which it was called. If the stored version is not equal to the current one, an MD5 digest sum is calculated over the output of './configure --help' to determine if the available options have changed. In such a case, the user will be asked what shall be done.
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Crash Recovery Kit (CRK) for Linux is a tool which can recover your crashed PC.
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dobackup.pl is a flexible Perl script to handle unattended incremental backups of multiple servers. It handles multiple media sets with automatic media preparation and rotation, configurable 'what-to-backup', global per-host exclusion patterns, and user settable 'don't-back-this-up' metafiles. Its design goal is zero-maintenance, nothing to do except change the media when told.
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ibackup lets you automate (with cron) the backup of system configurations. It is easy to extend it for your systems and adapt to your needs. It supports exclude lists, upload, and encryption of your backups.
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imprison imprisons processes to jail. This can be chroot, UID/GID, and/or capability type.
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IPTables-tutorial is a tutorial which explains how to install and set up iptables and netfilters on Linux. It takes you through a usable example file step by step, and helps you understand its basic functionality. The tutorial currently contains 6 different example scripts that may be used freely under GPL licensing terms.
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The Linux Capability PAM Module is an attempt at a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system. Users can be assigned a "role", and roles have capabilities that are set during a PAM session. For more on capabilities, read the "capfaq". A sample config file is included.
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Modular Access Control System (MACS) is a system for global authentication, authorization, user/group/resource management, and application services.
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Mondo is a very simplistic health monitoring daemon that relies on lm_sensors. It is capable of monitoring whatever settings you're willing to assign a label to in your sensors.conf file. It provides the same function as Motherboard Monitor, except it lacks a GUI interface and is specific to Linux.
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The OMNI printer driver provides support for over 400 printers using the Ghostscript framework. In addition, it provides a model for dynamically loading printer drivers and creating new devices by editing device description files, and simplifies new printer driver development by allowing for the subclassing of previous device features.
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Panoptis is a tool to detect and stop DoS/DDoS attacks. It relies on data provided by NetFlow-enabled routers, and includes functionality to cooperate with other "Panoptis" detectors in order to trace the attack back to its source.
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The PCI Utilities package contains various utilities dealing with the PCI bus. It includes `lspci' for listing all PCI devices (very useful for debugging of both kernel and device drivers) and `setpci' for manual configuration of PCI devices.
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Quarantine is yet another firewall that has masquerade, TOS, and traffic shaping features. It has a lot of options, but is quite easy to configure. It was formerly known as Netwall.
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Rottlog is a replacement to Red Hat's logrotate. It has similar syntax, but more powerful features to cut and store logs.
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RunQ is a computer performance management tool, designed to keep track of the usage of computer resources. It can be used to keep track of daily performance data and/or to do specific performance or capacity studies. It contains the performance collector and data analyzer, and a Perl script to show how to use the tool to store daily performance data in an RDBMS. The CVS output can also be imported into spreadsheets for manipulation and graphing.
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Screenshot SNARE (System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment) is a dynamically loadable kernel module that will form the basis for a host intrusion detection facility and C2-style auditing/event logging capability for Linux.
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Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem, etc.), socket (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), etc. It provides forking, logging, and tracing, different modes for interprocess communication, and many more options. It can be used, for example, as a TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as a daemon-based socksifier, as a shell interface to Unix sockets, as an IP6 relay, for redirecting TCP-oriented programs like brutus to a serial line, or to establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell scripts with network connections.
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Ssync is a minimalistic filesystem synchronization utility. Primary development goals are correctness, simplicity, speed, low resource consumption, and portability. Ssync is written entirely in ANSI C and should work on most UNIX-like platforms.
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xinetd is a replacement for inetd, the internet services daemon. Anybody can use it to start servers that don't require privileged ports because xinetd does not require that the services in its configuration file be listed in /etc/services. It can do access control on all services based on the address of the remote host and time of access. Access control works on all services, whether multi-threaded or single-threaded and for both the TCP and UDP protocols. xinetd supports both internal access control, and the use of the libwrap library. IPv6 with access control is also supported.
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