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Contents of Development

Screenshot Abbot is a scripted Java GUI testing framework. Using simple XML-based scripts, you can launch a GUI, invoke arbitrary user actions on it, and examine its state. The scripts may be invoked from JUnit or any other testing environment. The Abbot framework also includes the Costello editor, which facilitates editing scripts. The editor also supports recording arbitrary user semantic actions into a script.
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Arg Parse is a tool that provides the features of the LeoArg library for shellscripts. It allows you to process complex command-line parameters within shell scripts.
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Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as viewing, generation, or manipulation. It gives developers a set of core modules (parsers, generators, DOM implementation) which can be used together or individually, and be highly extensible. It comes with a full-fledged SVG viewer.
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Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter. The line numbers are mandatory, and it has PEEK & POKE. The main goal is to execute programs written in old interpreters, but it can be used as a scripting language.
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borZoi is an elliptic curve cryptography library for developers who want a simple means of adding privacy protection to their applications. Ease of use and a minimum risk of security problems due to incorrect use are its strong points.
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ccache is a fast compiler cache. It is used as a front end to your compiler to safely cache compilation output. When the same code is compiled again the cached output is used giving a significant speedup (typically 5x).
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cdb is a fast, reliable, lightweight package for creating and reading constant databases. It features fast lookups, low overhead, no random limits, fast atomic database replacement, and fast database dumps. cdb is designed to be used in mission-critical applications like email. Database replacement is safe against system crashes. Readers don't have to pause during a rewrite.
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ClanLib is a cross-platform game SDK currently supporting Windows, Linux, and BeOS. It provides easy-to-use interfaces for 2D graphics, sound, resources, networking, and OpenGL. The goal is to provide a game SDK that does all the dirty work that all modern games need to implement anyway, thus making the game developer concentrate on the gameplay instead of reinventing the wheel over and over again.
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Screenshot CodeGuide is an IDE that detects errors in your code as you type, offers powerful code completion features, maintains a structured view of your program, has an integrated visual debugger, supports the latest Java technologies, and works together with virtually all JDKs.
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config_api is a library that allows you to easily read/write/syntax check/erase configuration files.
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Cygwin is a DLL which provides a Unix emulation environment for Windows. The Cygwin environment provides a complete port of such development utilities as gcc, binutils, gdb, make, etc., as well as a number of useful utilities.
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dteq is a query tool that passes results through a template. It is well-suited for auto-generating all kinds of things from a database like authentication tables, DNS zone files, or whatever you can come up with. It also does updating commands like INSERT and UPDATE and reports back the number of rows affected. This used to be named mysqlquery but it is now DB-independent, with cdb, MySQL, and PostgreSQL drivers available.
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Screenshot David is a C/C++ code editor for GNOME. It pretends to be a complement to Glade, so it doesn't include an environment for GUI's development. It has neither a debugger or other kind of tool to help debugging. The idea is for it to be a light code editor that doesn't need too many resources, and makes use of external tools (gcc, glade, ddd, etc.) for some tasks.
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File::Scan allows users to make multiplataform virus scanners which can detect Windows/DOS/Mac viruses. It include a virus scanner and signatures database.
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FireString is a library to make string handling easier in C. It provides replacements for some libc string functions with saner semantics, and provides an interface for easy, intelligent configuration file parsing.
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Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to use any other toolkit that a module is written for.
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Screenshot Greq is a program that lets you build simple GTK+ dialogs (or requesters in AMIGA lingo) from within a shell script. This is useful if you are writing shell scripts that need to get input from a user by way of a GUI.
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ICU provides a Unicode implementation, with functions for formatting numbers, dates, times, and currencies (according to locale conventions, transliteration, and parsing text in those formats). It provides flexible patterns for formatting messages, where the pattern determines the order of the variable parts of the messages, and the format for each of those variables. These patterns can be stored in resource files for translation to different languages. Included are more than 100 codepage converters for interaction with non-unicode systems.
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Libsafe is a library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks. It works by putting a wrapper around dangerous functions that contain any buffer overflows within the current stack frame, so that the return address can not be changed.
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ltrace is a debugging program which runs a specified command until it exits. While the command is executing, ltrace intercepts and records the dynamic library calls which are called by the executed process and the signals received by that process. It can also intercept and print the system calls executed by the program. The program to be traced need not be recompiled for this, so you can use it on binaries for which you don't have the source handy. You should install ltrace if you need a sysadmin tool for tracking the execution of processes.
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ncc is a C source code analyzer which generates program flow and variable usage information. Using it should be as easy as changing CC=gcc to CC=ncc in makefiles, and effort has been made to support most common gcc extensions. ncc has been tested with the sources of the Linux kernel, gtk, gcc, gdb, bind, mpg123, ncftp, and many other famous projects.
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Onyx is a powerful stack-based, multi-threaded, interpreted, general purpose programming language similar to PostScript and Forth. It can be embedded as an extension language into other applications, and was designed to have a small memory footprint. It is among the smallest embeddable interpreters available.
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Screenshot OOPS is a comprehensive bug tracking system. It allows developers to track their bugs in much the same way as Bugzilla, but without all the overhead of unnecessary features.
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Optik is a powerful, flexible, extensible, easy-to-use commandline parsing library for Python. Using Optik, you can add intelligent, sophisticated handling of commandline options to your scripts with very little overhead. Optik implements the conventional GNU/Unix commandline syntax. Features include typed options (if you say you want an integer, you'll get an integer) and automatic help generation.
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Screenshot php_jh_pdf is a set of classes intended to simplify the generation of PDF documents with PHP. It enables you to put down continuous text with automatic line wrapping, automatic creation of new pages, etc. It also renders barcodes directly onto the PDF document. It offers classes for creating tables by only specifying column widths and the data to put into the cells. The table layout (border widths, colors) is highly adjustable. The table class builds on top of the other classes, so table cells can contain anything supported by the other php_jh_pdf classes. The interface used by the table class to output the actual content is simple and classes for putting in other content can thus be easily created.
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The popt library exists essentially for parsing command line options. Some specific advantages of popt are no global variables (allowing multiple passes in parsing argv), parsing an arbitrary array of argv-style elements (allowing parsing of command-line-strings from any source), a standard method of option aliasing, ability to exec external option filters, and automatica generation of help and usage messages.
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Ever wondered what keeps those Russian hackers going? No, it's not the vodka. It's the TEA. An authoritative HOWTO in the best traditions of LDP that helps the ordinary Linux hacker to brew first-rate tea.
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Screenshot SISC is an extensible Java-based interpreter of the algorithmic language Scheme. It uses modern interpretation techniques and handily outperforms all existing Java interpreters (often by more than an order of magnitude). In addition, SISC is a complete implementation of the language. The entire R5RS Scheme standard is supported, with no exceptions. This includes a full number tower including complex number support and arbitrary precision integers and floating point numbers, proper tail recursion, and full support for first-class continuations (not just escaping continuations as in many other interpreters).
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The Spread Toolkit provides tools for developing reliable and robust distributed applications ranging from collaboration tools to fault-tolerant database servers to replicated Web servers. It consists of a daemon which provides multicast messaging, reliability, ordering, and membership services, and a library which applications link with. Spread provides a simple API for writing group applications and is designed to provide high performance for local and wide area networking applications.
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SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. A large subset of SQL92 is supported. A complete database is stored in a single disk file. The API is designed for convenience and ease of use. Applications that link against SQLite can enjoy the power and flexiblity of an SQL database without the administrative hassles of supporting a separate database server. Because it omits the client-server interaction overhead and writes directly to disk, SQLite is also faster than the big database servers for most operations. In addition to the C library, the SQLite distribution includes a command-line tool for interacting with SQLite databases and SQLite bindings for Tcl/Tk.
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Since version 3, Qt has become more than a GUI toolkit. It now is a complete programming platform that offers solutions to the most commonly used back-end functionalities. TinyQt contains only these classes and thus finally provides a very easy to use, fast, and stable API for C++ without having to depend on X11. It provides the following features in an extremely compact library: UTF8 and ASCII strings, type optimized collections (dictionary, map, cache, vector, list), regular expressions, filesystem access, URL processing, threads, shared library handling, storing and retrieving user settings, date and time handling, DOM & SAX XML parsers, optimized data and text streams, and abstract IO devices.
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