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Contents of Graphics

album is a free HTML/XHTML photo album and gallery generator that supports themes/skins. You can choose different themes or write your own to get different layouts and styles. It automatically crops your thumbnails, so that they are all the same shape, and it descends into directories so you can organize your photos. See the home page for more examples - N.B. The purchase link is provided for donations, the software does not cost anything.
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Babygimp is a simple Perl/TK editor for small icons with some unusual features.
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Demoniac is a tool for exploring and animating OpenGL effects by providing a GUI and keyframing for parameters of graphic effects. The goal of Demoniac is to produce OpenGL demos. It uses GTK and works under Windows, Linux, and Solaris (SPARC64).
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CoolRay is a system for generating photorealistic images out of a mathematical description of a scene. CoolRay was designed using sophisticated object oriented methods. Its language is not only a description language, as it also provides constructs for programming such as loops and functions.
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Drip is a DVD to divx conversion frontend and backend application set. The frontend is GNOME based, and the backend encoding engine is a textmode only tool. Using the GUI just makes it all easier, and adds some logic, like automatic filenaming and subpicture detection. Drip does the whole job in 1 go - no user interaction is needed during runtime.
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GQview is an image viewer for X window. Features include single click file viewing, external editor support, thumbnail previews, thumbnail caching, and adjustable zoom. GQView has the ability to compare files and list similar or duplicate images based on content. Full screen view and slideshows allow for basic presentation of images. The program offers simple image file management with the ability to copy, move, rename, and delete files. Image collections, similar to a song playlist, are also supported.
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The Graphics Muse Tools are a collection of plug-ins, brushes, and patterns for use with the GNU Image Manipulation Program, more commonly known as the GIMP. The current release provides three plug-ins: ArrowGFX for creating arrows and pointers of varying types, CardGFX for creating business and greeting cards, and TransGFX, which is an alternative interactive rotation transform tool. Additionally, a collection of new brushes and patterns are also available in a separate package (Graphics Muse Tools Extras).
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Imager is a module for manipulating gray, color, and rgba format images. It can read TIFF, PNG, JPEG, PPM, and GIF formats. It has a built in language for blends and fade multi-image effects. It has built-in filters, and also a plugin interface for filters written in C. The primitives it provides include boxes, circles, lines, and points. Imager renders T1 PostScript fonts and TrueType fonts to images with or without antialiasing.
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The new generation of digital camcorders use the Digital Video (DV) data format. Kino allows you to record, create, save, edit, and play movies recorded with DV camcorders. Unlike other editors, this program uses many keyboard commands for fast navigating and editing inside the movie.
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Kvdr is a video capture program which can control a Video Disk Recorder (VDR) daemon (doing Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) recordings) and display a video-overlay.
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SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, handheld scanner, video and still cameras, framegrabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is public domain and its discussion and development are open to everybody. The source code is written for UNIX (including Linux) and is available under the GPL, but commercial applications and backends are welcome. The package contains the libraries, net support, and scanimage. The X frontends xscanimage and xcam can be found in sane-frontends.
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Truevision is a 3D modeler designed for povray with an integrated GNOME frontend.
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XJRT is an open source Java renderer with a ray tracing backend. Objects can be fed into the renderer either through Java or an XML-based scene description language. Shaders can be written in Java and are instanced using the reflection API. The renderer currently supports a variety of polygons, polygon model formats, spheres and other quartics, cubic patches, boxes, torii, blobbies, constructive solid geometry (CSG), and a variety of light sources. Support code is provided for doing tiling and noise based texturing.
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VCR enables you to record TV programs using a video4linux-compatible video grabber card. It doesn't require a graphical environment, and by using the avifile library, it can use popular Windows codecs (DivX, Indeo Video 5) for realtime encoding.
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vgrabbj grabs a frame from the videodevice and writes it as a JPG/PNG to stdout or a file, which makes it ideal for a Web cam. It supports timestamping, can run as daemon, and shows the current settings of a video device.
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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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