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Bastille Linux aims to be the most comprehensive, flexible, and educational Security Hardening Program for Red Hat Linux 6.0-7.2 and Mandrake Linux 6.0-8.1. Virtually every task it performs is optional, providing immense flexibility. It educates the installing admin regarding the topic at hand before asking any question. The interactive nature allows the program to be more thorough when securing, while the educational component produces an admin who is less likely to compromise the increased security.
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BEFS-driver for Linux is a read-only Linux 2.4 filesystem driver for the Be filesystem, the native filesystem of Be (includes BeOS). The basic features (directories and files) are stable, and robust. It is distributed as a patch against the latest 2.4 kernels.
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DeepManager aims to be a package dependency manager, helping you to better understand the relations between a set of packages. It has two main operations modes: "dot" builds a graph showing selected relations to be viewed with graphviz, and "check" verifyies consistency in the given information sources. It supports reading from RPM hdlists or an RPM database.
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The dump package contains both dump and restore. Dump examines files in a filesystem, determines which ones need to be backed up, and copies those files to a specified disk, tape or other storage medium. The restore command performs the inverse function of dump; it can restore a full backup of a filesystem. Subsequent incremental backups can then be layered on top of the full backup. Single files and directory subtrees may also be restored from full or partial backups.
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Dynamic Probes (Dprobes) is a generic and pervasive system debugging facility that will operate under the most extreme software conditions such as debugging a deep-rooted operating system problem in a live environment. Dprobes allows the insertion of fully automated breakpoints or probepoints anywhere in the system and user space. Each probepoint has an associated set of probe instructions that are interpreted when the probe fires. These instructions allow memory and CPU registers to be examined and altered using conditional logic. When the probe command terminates, prior to returning to the probed code, a syslog record may be optionally generated.
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EDDIE (Essential Distributed Diagnostic and Information Engine) is a system monitoring tool developed entirely in Python. Its key features are portability, powerful configuration, and ease of expansion.
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Ettercap is a network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones, like SSH and HTTPS). Data injection in an established connection and filtering on the fly is also possible, keeping the connection synchronized. Many sniffing modes were implemented to give you a powerful and complete sniffing suite. Plugins are supported. It has the ability to check whether you are in a switched LAN or not, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to let you know the geometry of the LAN.
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Linux NTFS provides Linux drivers for the proprietary filesystem used by Windows NT, 2000, and XP, and for the Logical Disk Manager (LDM), which controls Windows' Dynamic Disks, which are used to create software Mirrors, Stripes, RAID, etc.
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MAT is an easy-to-use network-enabled UNIX configuration and monitoring tool. It provides an integrated tool for many common system administration tasks, including backups, replication, and running commands on hundreds of machines at once. It includes a warning system for potential system problems, and graphing of many common system parameters. MAT provides many of the tools a system administrator needs during the day, including DNS, NIS, Backups, and Replication. One can run a MAT command on many hosts at once. A simple editor window is provided which can modify a set of machine's configurations in one session.
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Maillog View is a Webmin module that allows you to easily view all your /var/log/maillog.* files. featuring: autorefresh, message size indication, ascending/descending view order, compressed file support, full statistics page. Sendmail and Postfix support.
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Mondo Rescue archives Linux and Lin/Win sytems to tapes or CDs, which may be used to restore some or all of your OS and data in the event of catastrophic data loss. The emphasis is on stability and ease of use. Currently, ext2, ext3, (v)fat, minix, ReiserFS, XFS, and JFS filesystems are supported, as are RAID and LVM.
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The OMNI printer driver provides support for over 300 printers using the Ghostscript framework. In addition, it provides a model for dynamically loading printer drivers and creating new devices by editing device description files, and simplifies new printer driver development by allowing for the subclassing of previous device features.
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RPMSV manages RPM packages installed on a system to determine which ones should be installed, deleted, or updated. This can be done with a single command. It has definitions of function groups to determine all packages needed for a specific function (such as serving web pages), and can do central maintenance of packages, versions, and function groups over many hosts.
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The RPM Wizard (rpmwiz) is a program for fast and simple installation of RPM packages. Using a wizard interface, it tries to simulate well-known installation programs available on MS Windows.
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Visual Raptor is a full-featured Unix system administration tool and network monitoring system. Complete network status is available at a glance. It helps streamline system administration chores, and network connectivity changes are announced vocally.
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The SquidGuard Configuration Webmin Module helps users to configure their SquidGuard filter. It understands all sections and statements and is easy to use. It can "arm" Squid to use SquidGuard if you have not already done so.
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Sysstats module for Webmin adds a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to email box size.
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Gnome Xsu is an interface for the command "su - username -c command". It is not setuid root, and it uses the standard Unix "su" to run commands.
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Gimp-Print is a collection of very high quality printer drivers for UNIX/Linux. The goal of this project is uncompromising print quality and robustness. Included with this package is the Print plugin for the GIMP (hence the name), a CUPS driver, and a driver for Ghostscript that may be compiled into that package. This driver package is Foomatic-compatible to enable plug and play with many print spoolers. In addition, various printer maintenance utilities are included. Many users report that the quality of Gimp-Print on high end Epson Stylus printers matches or exceeds the quality of the drivers supplied for Windows and Macintosh.
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lm_sensors provides essential drivers for monitoring the temperatures, voltages, and fans of Linux systems containing devices such as the LM78 and LM75. It contains drivers for sensor chips and I2C and SMBus masters. It also contains text-based tools for sensor reporting, and a library for sensors access called 'libsensors'. It also contains tools for sensor hardware identification and I2C bus probing.
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Card Services for Linux is a complete PCMCIA or PC Card support package. It includes a set of loadable kernel modules that implement a version of the Card Services applications program interface, a set of client drivers for specific cards, and a card manager daemon that can respond to card insertion and removal events, loading and unloading drivers on demand. It supports hot swapping of most card types, so cards can be safely inserted and ejected at any time.
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