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Aileron is an email client written for the WindowMaker window manager. It is based on the WINGs widget library. The philosophy behind Aileron is to be as similar to NeXTSTEP's Mail.app as possible, right down to the menu keybindings. Aileron will play nice with pine, elm, or whatever other mbox mail reader you use. There will be a few deviations from the original Mail.app, most of which the average WindowMaker user will appreciate.
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Aria is a download tool similar to Reget or GetRight. It downloads files from the Internet via HTTP or FTP. The transfer can be paused, resumed, queued, and saved. It has a friendly GTK-based GUI and useful log consoles. It supports URL list importing, CRC checking, HTTP proxy servers, HTTP recursive downloads with various useful options, and cut-and-pasting. It can also handle annoying CGI fake download pages.
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Balsa is a Gnome e-mail client supporting POP3, IMAP, and local mail delivery. It can be compiled with multi-threading support for faster response, and can do nifty things like read your GnomeCard address book, use LDAP, and render HTML mail.
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Bouncer is a network tool which allows you to bypass proxy restrictions and obtain outside connections from an internal LAN. It uses SSL tunneling, which allows you to obtain a constant streaming connection out of a proxy. If you are restricted behind a proxy and can access secure online ordering sites, then you can get out to whatever host on whatever port you want. It also supports a lot of other features including socks 5, basic authentication, access control lists, and Web-based administration, and will run on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris.
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Deadman's Redirect is designed to replace whatever it is your browser loads when you click on the Home button in your browser. It is a web-surfer's power tool that can be completely customized, using HTML, to fit the needs of the user. It allows for URL redirection as well as an interface to various search engines through its aliasing system. It also supports user-set aliases with functional arguments, RSS headlines, and a history of all the URLs that pass through it.
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Ezimail is a port of the Carnegie Mellon AMS client ezmail modified to use IMAP. It is a text-based client and supports strong authentication.
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Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It is fast, has a light interface, and is fully standards-compliant.
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GnoPhone is an Open Source Internet telephone (and more) that allows you to make calls to other GnoPhone users or to an Asterisk PBX Gateway. It supports a fully-featured Web interface allowing you to participate in various discussion groups. It also supports the full rate GSM codec for great quality that doesn't require very high bandwidth.
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KWhois-RH is a KDE2 whois client. It has been developed on Red Hat Linux, but should hopefully work on other systems. It also works with any fwhois clients for Unix.
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Larbin is an HTTP Web crawler with an easy interface that runs under Linux. It can fetch more than 5 million pages a day on a standard PC (with a good network).
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Mozilla is a Web browser that is being developed by the Free Software Community with the cooperation and support of Netscape. Initially, its development was based on an early version of Netscape Communicator 5.0. But most of it was disposed of halfway, and the current Mozilla is a completely new software based on the "NGLayout" layout engine developed for Netscape Communicator 6. "Netscape 6" (the Web browser from Netscape) and "Beonex Communicator" are based on Mozilla. Many other projects use/embed Mozilla's rendering engine.
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Qtella is a Gnutella client for Linux. It is written in C++ using the Qt libraries. KDE is supported but not necessary.
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SwiftSurf is an HTTP proxy that lets you do a lot of things. You can spy, filter, and modify the HTTP requests that your browser sends, as well as the answers it receives. Some of its possible uses include filtering ads, limiting access to a specific domain, or suppressing cookies.
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GNU Wget is a utility for noninteractive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies. It can follow HTML links, download many pages, and convert the links for local viewing. It can also mirror FTP hierarchies or only those files that have changed. Wget has been designed for robustness over slow network connections; if a download fails due to a network problem, it will keep retrying until the whole file has been retrieved.
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Gaim is a GTK-based messenger application. Gaim is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with AOL. It is actively being developed and supports many common features of other clients, including many unique features. It also supports multiple protocols, including AIM (Oscar and TOC), ICQ, IRC, Yahoo!, MSN Messenger, Jabber, Napster, and Zephyr.
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Gtk-Gnutella is a Unix Gnutella client using GTK+.
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