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The Atlas protocol is intended for use in networked roleplaying games, and provides a flexible and extensible means of communicating between the components of a game system. The protocol is transport independant, encoding independant and portable. Atlas-C++ is the standard implementation of the protocol in C++ used by most WorldForge software, and is made available for use in any other system.
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CLAP (Class Library for All Purposes) is a general purpose collection of C++ classes, designed primarily to make C++ development faster by providing an easier interface to many commonly used functions, such as string handling.
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cvsadmin is a handy tool to administer users of a CVS repository. It handles adding, deleting, renaming users, changing passwords, etc. gcvsadmin is a GTK interface to it that handles multiple repository handling. You can also use the backend for other applications.
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cvsfs is an attempt to let a user mount a CVS project like any file system. It allows you to navigate and browse through a project tree. No preparations are required on the CVS server side.
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FOX is a popular C++-based toolkit for GUI development. It includes a rich set of widgets and has powerful yet simple layout managers, MDI widgets, and mega-widgets. FOX incorporates support for XDND for drag and drop, X clipboard and X Selection, watching other I/O channels and sockets, timers and idle processing, object serialization and deserialization, a registry to save persistent settings, and 3D widgets using Mesa or OpenGL. FOX works on Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP/UX, AIX, Tru64 Unix, Windows 9x,NT,2K (VC++, GNUWIN32, Borland, VisualAge C++), FreeBSD, and Sequent.
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Flawfinder searches through source code looking for potential security flaws. It will provide a list of potential security flaws, sorted by risk, with the most potentially dangerous flaws shown first. This risk level depends not only on the function, but on the values of the parameters of the function. Flawfinder ignores text inside comments and strings.
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GUISearch provides a Web interface for browsing and searching KDE application source code. Unlike other similar tools, GUISearch actually tries to understand the application GUI to provide better browsing/search facilities. For example, it understands the menu structure and corresponding callbacks of menu items.
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GiNaC (GiNaC is Not a CAS (Computer Algebra System)) is a C++ library for symbolic calculations. It is designed to allow the creation of integrated systems that embed symbolic manipulations together with more established areas of computer science (like computation-intense numeric applications, graphical interfaces, etc.). Contrary to other CASes it does not try to provide extensive algebraic capabilities and a simple programming language but instead accepts a given language (C++) and extends it by a set of algebraic capabilities.
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Glimmer is an all-purpose programmer's editor for Linux. Features include revert, find/replace, goto line, syntax highlighting, multiple-level undo/redo, tear-away windows, quick access popup menu, auto-indenting, Python scripting support, and many other standard editor features.
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Gtk-- (gtkmm) is a C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK. It provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to create graphical user interfaces with GTK's flexible OO framework. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets which are extensible by inheritance, and over 110 classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces.
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IzPack is a powerfull Java installer builder. It is able to create lightweight and modular installers. You have the choice of the installer panels you want to use (some can do the same job, so that you can select the one you prefer), and you even have the choice of the kind of installer that you want to use. IzPack doesn't use any portion of native code, it is designed to be fully independant from the operating system that runs it. It is very easy for the end- user to use an installer made with IzPack, with a well installed JVM, a single "java -jar installer.jar" will launch it.
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Libxml is the XML C library developed for the Gnome project. The library code is portable (to Linux, Unix, Windows, embedded systems, etc.) and modular; most of the extensions can be compiled out. Libxml implements a number of existing standards related to markup languages, including the XML standard, Namespaces in XML, XML Base, RFC 2396, XPath, XPointer, HTML4, XInclude, SGML Catalogs, and XML Catalogs. In most cases, libxml tries to implement the specifications in a relatively strict way. To some extent, it provides support for the following specifications, but doesn't claim to implement them: DOM, FTP client, HTTP client, SAX, and DocBook SGML.
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The ManEdit UNIX Manual Page Editor is an editor specifically tailored for UNIX manual pages. It has a preview viewer, uses the manual page XML format for easy editing, and comes with a tutorial and reference guide. It uses the GTK+ widget set and features syntax highlighting, a complete drag and drop system for easy viewing and editing, a crash recovery system, and sample manual page templates.
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The Pandora Engine SDK is an object-oriented development environment that is specially designed for multi-platform use. It allows you to create truly object-oriented programs without being restricted to object-oriented languages like C++. The environment is fully self-contained, which allows for easier porting. It can be used for creating both applications and games. The SDK is also required to write programs for Athene, a multi-platform operating system that is based on the engine.
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PyQt is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for the Qt GUI toolkit.
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Wizard is a Python module designed to make it easy to write GUI wizards.
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GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language.
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SYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off of MS-DOS floppies. It is intended to simplify first-time installation of Linux, rescue disks, and other uses for boot floppies. A SYSLINUX floppy can be manipulated using standard MS-DOS (or any other OS that can access an MS-DOS filesystem) tools once it has been created, and requires only a ~ 8K DOS program or ~ 16K Linux program to create it in the first place. It also includes PXELINUX, a program to boot off a network server using a boot PROM compatible with the Intel PXE (Pre-Execution Environment) specification, and ISOLINUX, a program to boot off ISO 9660 CD-ROMs in native mode.
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Buildpkg is a package build system. It gives you the opportunity to create package system (rpm, dpkg, etc.) independent descriptions (.def) which can be used to create binary packages on every system. It can be also used to track installations and create packages of the installed files. If you want more safety, you can use the 'jail' feature. In this mode a chroot-ed environment will be created from the (configurable) list of programs and the installation will be done here.
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