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Contents of Sound

Screenshot AGRanger is an open source client for AudioGalaxy's file sharing network. It fully supports AudioGalaxy's 0.608w protocol.
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bonk-xmms is an XMMS input plugin to play bonk files.
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Screenshot Bristol is a synthesizer emulation package. It includes a Moog Mini, Moog Voyager, Hammond B3, Prophet 5, Juno 6, DX 7, and others.
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Screenshot Cheese Tracker is a program to create module music that aims to have an interface and feature set similar to that of Impulse Tracker. It also has some advantages such as oscilloscopes over each pattern track, more detailed sample info, a more detailed envelope editor, improved filters, and effect buffers (chorus/reverb) with individual send levels per channel. So far it only works in UNIX (since it uses GTK--), but all the interface/audio code is fully modular and abstracted in individual classes, which should make the porting of this program to other platforms extremely easy.
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Screenshot clxmms is a client of xmms, working in command- line or batch mode. It lets users play/stop/skip songs, and generally manage a playlist.
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Screenshot EasyTAG is an utility for viewing and editing tags for MP3, MP2, FLAC and OGG files. It features a simple and attractive GTK+ interface.
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Screenshot ermixer is a very sophisticated OSS mixer with a lot of useful features like handling of multiple profile files. It offers a complete interface to the mixer capabilities. You can use it with a nice curses interface or with a command-line interface (for use in scripts).
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EsounD mixes multiple digitized audio streams and samples together for playback by a single audio device. It also allows monitoring of mixed output, and recording. Network connections to the daemon are supported as well.
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Screenshot Fische aims to provide standalone sound visualisation under Linux.
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Screenshot FAGS is an AudioGalaxy client for Linux and BSD (and possibly other UNIXes). It supports downloading and uploading of files (including resume), sharing of multiple directories, sharing of MP3 and OGG files, protocol version 0.608W, and asynchronous socket I/O.
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Screenshot GNUsound is a sound editor for Linux/x86. It supports multiple tracks and 8, 16, or 24/32 bit samples. It can read a number of audio formats through libaudiofile and saves them as WAV.
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juked is a daemon that turns a server into an MP3 jukebox. Clients communicate with the server via TCP/IP using an XML protocol. It features playlist support, user authentication (optionally with PAM), and random track selection. MP3 decoding can be done done using libmad or mpglib from mpg123. Track (song) information can be stored in an internal XML database or on a MySQL server.
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Screenshot Mp3Kult is an application for KDE 3. It organizes your MP3/Ogg collection in a MySQL database. It can read MP3/Ogg tags and song information (length, bit rate, sample rate, etc.), make playlists, play songs with an external player (xmms, gqmpeg), find a song in database (base and advanced search), and make a copy of a playlist on your hard disk (to play the playlist without inserting CDROMs). Mp3Kult can recursivly scan directories to find MP3/Ogg files, and it can automatically mount, umount, and eject a CDROM before/after a job.
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Screenshot OPENdj is Internet radio station software that supports multiple, geographically dispersed DJs, thus implementing public-access Internet radio. OPENdj is not playlist software nor is it a streamer. Rather, it is a a timeslot scheduling engine and a stream-access coordinator. Its features include automatic archival of all broadcasts, searching of archived broadcasts, and automatic rerun scheduling with a pluggable rerun selection algorithm. The broadcasting software used by DJs to relay their signal to OPENdj features listener monitoring and real-time, text-based chatting with listeners.
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playbonk is a spartan ncurses-based bonk player.
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Screenshot rip-utils is a comprehensive commandline toolkit for ripping, encoding, tagging, organizing, compiling, and otherwise managing audio archives. Each utility participates in a common framework that allows commodity tools (including file browsers, multimedia players and streaming servers) to access your digital catalog simply and effectively. A single command `ru rip` (tuned for optimal quality using cdparanoia and LAME) drives the ripping, encoding, and tagging process from end to end. rip-utils also provides powerful support for retrieving, modifying, comparing, and submitting album information using freedb servers.
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Sound Monitor is a GNOME panel applet that displays a vu meter, oscilliscope, or spectrum analyzer of the output of the esound daemon. The esound server information can be displayed, and the volume can be adjusted for active application streams and samples. An extra program, esdpvd, is included that will allow saving of stream volumes between sessions. Newer versions include a theme editor.
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Screenshot TAON (The Art Of Noise) is a small but fancy sound editor with plugin support. It reads WAV (RAW and PCM) files, includes some built-in effects, and features a plugin API. A SID reader/generator plugin is included.
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xmms-mad is an XMMS input plugin that uses libmad to decode MPEG layer 1/2/3 files and streams. It also reads/writes ID3v1/1.1/2 tags using libid3tag.
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Screenshot XVolume is a simple Xlib volume control that mimics the traditional OSD (on screen display) controls found in various appliances. It is intended to be launched by a shortcut key (eg. one of the "Internet" buttons on your keyboard) and one can then directly adjust the volume by user-defined keys. It was inspired by a similar feature in the Windows driver for a Logitech keyboard. Xvolume is highly configurable and can be tailored for a perfect fit with your window manager.
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Screenshot Yellow Star is a Communist skin for XMMS.
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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