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Linux Format - LXFCD29b

Contents of Development

Dialogos lets you automate network communication via a scripting language that makes connecting to a server and sending and receiving data very easy. It also supports simplistic regular expressions to let you parse the downloaded files for simple patterns (like *.jpe?g). By using recursive procedures, conditions and loops, you can also download nested frames and series of images, resume broken downloads, automate queries, and much more.
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The Fast Light Tool Kit ("FLTK", pronounced "fulltick") is a LGPL'd C++ graphical user interface toolkit for X11 (UNIX®), Microsoft® Windows®, MacOS X, and OpenGL®. FLTK also includes FLUID, the Fast Light User Interface Designer, which allows you to graphically design applications, widgets, or classes for your GUI.
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Screenshot FOX is a popular C++-based toolkit for GUI development. It includes a rich set of widgets and has powerful yet simple layout managers, MDI widgets, and mega-widgets. FOX incorporates support for XDND for drag and drop, X clipboard and X Selection, watching other I/O channels and sockets, timers and idle processing, object serialization and deserialization, a registry to save persistent settings, and 3D widgets using Mesa or OpenGL. FOX works on Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP/UX, AIX, Tru64 Unix, Windows 9x,NT,2K (VC++, GNUWIN32, Borland, VisualAge C++), FreeBSD, and Sequent.
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The Free Pascal Compiler is a Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Delphi-compatible 32bit Pascal Compiler. It comes with a fully TP 7.0-compatible run-time library. Some extensions have been added to the language, like function overloading. Shared libraries can be linked. Basic Delphi support is implemented with classes, exceptions, RTTI, and ansistrings. A Free Component Library (FCL) is available with the base classes. Bindings for X11, ncurses, GTK, OpenGL, zlib, mysql, interbase and postgres are available.
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Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to use any other toolkit that a module is written for.
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Screenshot The GtkDatabox widget (for use with the GTK+ widget set) is used to display large amounts of numerical data in graphical representation. Several sets of data may be shown at one time. You may zoom in and out and navigate via scrollbars. The display of data is rather fast, so you can use the widget for quickly changing data (i.e. an oscilloscope for example) as well. The widget has already been adapted to several scientific projects around the world. Wrappers for other languages than C are also available.
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gtkmm (previously known as Gtk--) is a C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+. It provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to create graphical user interfaces with GTK+'s framework. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets which are extensible by inheritance, and many classes that can be easily combined to quickly create complex user interfaces.
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Screenshot IDEStudio is an enhanced version of the standard Python Idle IDE, using the Tix extension widgets to Tkinter. It features an Embedded Idle Editor (including syntax highlighting, command and method syntax tips, an integrated graphical class browser, and an integrated graphical debugger), a visual class and method inspector of editor files, integrated PYDOC on-line help, and integrated productivity tools such as find, grep, and execute scripts.
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The Image::Size module for Perl provides a clean interface for fetching image dimensions (and type, when unknown) from graphics files in a wide variety of common formats. It is a pure Perl extension (no C or XS linking required) that has been tested on a variety of UNIX, Linux and BSD systems, as well as MacPerl and Windows ports of Perl. It was designed around and tuned for use in CGI application development, but is useful in other areas as well.
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Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. Its purpose is to automate the process of checking Java code, and to spare humans of this task.
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jregex is a regular expression library for Java. Its main features include support for (actually a superset of) Perl 5.6 syntax, Unicode, high performance, named groups, incomplete matching, and more. It is compatible with JDK 1.1 and later versions.
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libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in abstract interfaces and general programming. It is the most complete library of its kind with the ability to connect an abstract callback to a class method, function, or function object. It contains adaptor classes for connecting dissimilar callbacks and has an ease of use unmatched by other C++ callback libraries.
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Oberon2 is a simple and safe object-oriented language created by N.Wirth, the author of Pascal and Modula2. It is statically strongly typed and has garbage collection. Most of good ideas incorporated in design of Java were in Oberon2 long before. OOC is an open source project to produce a family of optimizing Oberon2 compilers. The compiler with an ANSI C back-end, oo2c, is quite mature, and provides a complete and convenient Oberon2 development environment. It comes with a rather comprehensive standard library, Code Navigator, and an Emacs mode. It is easy to call C functions and libraries from Oberon2.
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Screenshot Omins studio 3.01 is a complete and FULLY WORKING RAD tool for web application dvelopment.
Welcome to Omnis(R) Studio(tm), one of the most powerful and flexible rapid application development (RAD) tools available today. Omnis Studio allows the independent or team-based developer to create business and mission-critical applications for enterprises or companies of any size. Omnis Studio lets you develop and deploy applications under Windows, Linux, and MacOS for such diverse markets as e-business, multi-media publishing, advertising, human resources, healthcare, education, government, and more. Using Omnis Studio, you can create web-based, multi-tier applications that access all leading server databases, including Oracle, Sybase, DB2, and Informix, as well as all ODBC-compliant databases, such as MS SQL Server and MySQL.
Using Omnis Studio you can create any type of application and deploy it to the internet or your intranet using our unique, patent-pending Omnis Web Client(tm) technology. The Omnis Web Client lets you embed your application into a standard web page, and allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to access your data and information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What makes this even more incredible, is that the forms you build are created entirely using Omnis Studio's own 4GL, web components and wizards, no java and no complex html is required: it really is that simple!
For more details on this, see inside the magazine
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Patchutils contains a collection of tools for manipulating patch files: interdiff, combinediff, filterdiff, fixcvsdiff, rediff, lsdiff, grepdiff, and splitdiff. You can use interdiff to create an incremental patch between two patches that are against a common source tree, and combinediff for creating a cumulative diff from two incremental patches. Filterdiff is for extracting or excluding patches from a patch set based on modified files matching shell wildcards. Lsdiff lists modified files in a patch. Rediff corrects hand-edited patches.
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The Programmer Utilities Distribution is a bunch of programs to save the time of developers. The main toolset is a collection of programs which create a source code "skeleton" for new source code files. This is based on personal templates and styles, and also your config file.
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Screenshot PyChart is a Python library for creating high-quality Postscript or PDF scientific charts ready for publishing. It supports line charts, bar charts, range-fill charts, and pie charts.
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PyKDE is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for KDE 2.x and 3.x.
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PyQt is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for the Qt GUI toolkit.
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Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It combines remarkable power with very clear syntax, and isn't difficult to learn. It has modules, classes, exceptions, very high level data types, and dynamic typing. There are interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems (Tk, Mac, MFC, GTK+, Qt, wxWindows). Newbuilt-in modules are easily written in C or C++. Python is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface.
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Screenshot PyUI is a user interface library written entirely in the high-level language Python. It has a modular implementation that allows the drawing and event input to be performed by pluggable "renderers". This makes PyUI very portable and scalable. It can run in environments from hardware-accelerated 3D surfaces to regular desktop windows. It was originally targeted as a User Interface for games, but it has evolved into a more general UI toolkit with applicability outside of games.
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Regina is an implementation of the 1996 ANSI Standard for the Rexx language. Rexx is designed as an easily readable scripting and embedded macro language. Ports of Regina are available for most popular operating systems.
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Scriptix is a light-weight scripting language, designed solely for embedding and extending applications. It has most common language features, including arrays, classes, ranges, exceptions, functions, loops, and threads. Speed, flexibility, and simplicity are top priorities.
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