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Linux Format - LXFCD29b

Contents of Desktop

Screenshot 3d Destkop is an OpenGL program for switching virtual desktops in a seamless 3-dimensional manner. The current desktop is mapped into a 3D space where you may choose other screens. Several different visualization modes are available.
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AstroCam is an stepengine control system for BSD and Linux. It controls Webcams via stepmotor, has a Web interface/server for remote-control through your browser, and has some scripting features.
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Screenshot Biblos is a powerful indexing tool that can manage your CD/mp3 collection as well as local directories. It records full information about each file on the specified media and has a searching tool that can help you find specific files. It will eventually be able to compare database-stored directories with on- disk directories and pin-point the differences, thus helping you to better manage your mp3 collection or see what changes have been made in your system.
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Screenshot The Bubbling Load Monitor (or "Bubblemon" for short) is a system CPU and memory load monitor for the GNOME panel. It looks like a vial containing water. The water level indicates how much (electronic) memory is in use. The color of the liquid indicates how much swap space is used. The amount of bubbles reflects the system CPU load.
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Screenshot Clok is a new way to view time. Unfortunately, we are much better at evaluating spatial or graphic relationships than we are at numeric ones. Thus Clok tries to represent the time graphically without reference to a specific time.
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Screenshot Cloxten is a digital alarm clock and counter. It is able to execute a variety of events and actions at set times, such as send messages, play sounds or music, show a reminder window, open a file, or execute a program.
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DOSEmu (DOS Emulator) is a Linux application that enables the Linux OS to run many DOS programs including some DPMI apps.
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Dox is an extensible browser for manpages and HTML documentation. It allows you to access documentation via tables of contents, keyword indices, and full text searches. Interfaces to pydoc and perldoc are provided. Doxygen-generated documentation can easily be integrated in the toc and index sections.
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Screenshot Linux support for Easy Access and Internet Keyboards features X11 support, window manager independence, ability to configure all keys (via GUI & .conf file), volume control, and sound controls.
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EasyTar is a program which is devoted to simplifying the use of the tar command. It is aimed at newbies to Unix systems. It uses a GUI to ask a series of questions to define the user's requirements, and then decides on the proper tar command to execute.
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Fast CD is a tiny utility that attempts to expand each "step" of the path entered as a wildcard. It will try to resolve paths relative to the current directory, and if that fails, it will try to resolve paths relative to directories specified in an environment variable. For example, if you have a directory called "my_folder1/very_long_folder name" Fast CD allows you to type "fcd my/ve" to change to that directory. This has certain advantages over tab completion. Fast CD has been tested under Solaris, Mac OS X, and Cygwin. Scripts for bash and tcsh are included.
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fbmodes is a display mode generator. Give it your desired screen resolution and refresh rate, and the program gives you a working display mode. Optionally you can tell the wanted horizontal and vertical sync lengths and invisible area sizes to finetune the mode. The package contains actually two programs. One of them just does the math, and another actually testes the mode showing some graphics to measure how much the mode needs to be corrected.
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Fsort is a very fast sort program. It accepts only fixed-length records (binary). Depending on CPU speed, disk speed, and record length it can sort several millions records per second. The type of the keys is fully configurable (to the bit). The memory usage can be specified.
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Screenshot GCompris is a complete educational suite for children 3 to 10 years old. It is activity-based, and currently includes more than 30 activities. It offers activities dedicated to little kids which teach them how to use a mouse and keybord. It teaches letters, numbers, and words, basic algebra training, reading time on an analog clock, and much more.
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Screenshot gnochive is a GNOME frontend for all common archivers under Linux.
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The awk utility interprets a special-purpose programming language that makes it possible to handle simple data-reformatting jobs with just a few lines of code.
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GSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript, an interpreter for the PostScript page description language used by laser printers. For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring Conventions, it allows selected pages to be viewed or printed. GSview requires Ghostscript 7 or later.
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Screenshot Gtk-Agenda is a small program to save your phone and e-mail listings and share them with your friends. It stores your contacts in a PostgreSQL database. Currently, Gtk-Agenda is available only in Spanish.
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IceDock gives dockapp support to IceWM (and a few other WMs).
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Screenshot IceWM is a window manager designed for speed, usability, and consistency. It is able to emulate the looks of Motif, OS/2, and Windows, and allows you to have a customizable look using pixmaps.
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Screenshot jDictionary is a powerful multi-platform dictionary application. It features a nice GUI and an easy-to-use plugin management system, which is able to download and install plugins automagically from the Web. Apart from dictionary-related plugins, these can include speech synthesizer plugins which can be invoked by other plugins to pronounce words.
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Screenshot Mac-on-Linux (MOL) is an Open Source virtual machine which runs MacOS on top of Linux/ppc. There is no CPU emulation involved since MOL runs natively on the PowerPC processor. All MacOS versions (from 7.5.2 to 9.2.2) are compatible with MOL.
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Screenshot Qt is a toolkit for software developers. Qt simplifies the task of writing and maintaining GUI (graphical user interface) applications. Qt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented. Qt is a multi-platform toolkit. When you implement a program with Qt, you can run it on the X Window System (Unix/X11) or Microsoft Windows NT/95/98/2000. Simply compile the source code for the platform you want.
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A selection of desktop themes and wallpapers
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Screenshot ThreeDFM is a 3D file manager that uses OpenGL. Currently, only file system browsing is implemented. The main reason for this project is that using a 2D file manager is slow. More information about files can be conveyed in 3 dimensions. Not only will you be able to see the file's properties, but you will quickly be able to see a particular file's relationship to the others in the surrounding directories. A simple example of this is the file's size, as this can be shown by the size or colour of its representation. It will also be possible to view the contents of multiple directories simultaneously as they stretch off into the distance.
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Screenshot Voxpak is a GUI for playing, editing, renaming, etc. voice and fax messages. It includes scripts for popping up sticky-notes or requesters with caller ID info, renaming voice messages to date+callerid, using Python and pyGTK. A small Kaptain script is also available as an alternative.
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Screenshot Wine Is Not an Emulator. It is an alternative implementation of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs. Wine provides both a development toolkit (Winelib) for porting legacy Windows sources to Unix and a program loader, allowing unmodified Windows 3.1/95/NT binaries to run under Intel Unixes. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely alternative implementation consisting of 100% Microsoft-Free code, but it can optionally use native system DLLs if they are available.
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Screenshot XCounter is an X11-based traffic monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic on a selected interface. It returns such information as byte counts, time of current connection, and speed for the last 'n' seconds. It works on Ethernet, FDDI, ISDN, PLIP, and SLIP/PPP interfaces.
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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