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ASPSeek is an Internet search engine, written in C++ using the STL library. It consists of an indexing robot, a search daemon, and a CGI search frontend. It can index as many as a few million URLs and search for words and phrases, use wildcards, and do a Boolean search. Search results can be limited to time period given, site or Web space (set of sites) and sorted by relevance (PageRanks are used) or date. ASPSeek is optimized for multiple sites (threaded index, async DNS lookups, grouping results by site, Web spaces), but can be used for searching one site as well. ASPSeek can work with multiple languages/encodings at once (including multibyte encodings such as Chinese) due to optional Unicode storage mode. Other features include stopwords and ispell support, a charset and language guesser, HTML templates for search results, excerpts, and query words highlighting.
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Apache is the world's most popular HTTP server, being quite possibly the best around in terms of functionality, efficiency, security and speed.
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Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web Server with Perl as the host scripting language. Apache::ASP allows a developer to create dynamic Web applications with session management and embedded Perl code. There are also many powerful extensions, including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering, and new events not originally part of the ASP API.
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AUC (Authenticated User Community) is an intranet system designed for use in an educational organization but is also useful in many other settings. It offers the ability for users to have a uniform web-based interface to discussion forums, e-mail (similar to hotmail, etc.), file management, and a searchable user database. Also, "Interactive Classrooms" provide a means for students and teachers to have a web-based extension to their in-class interaction. The system runs from a C-based monolithic CGI script. MySQL is used for database storage. Also, the web-based mail client supports MIME parts/attachments, IMAP, mbox, and multiple mail folders.
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CodeBlue is an attempt to increase the awareness of hosts that are infected with malicious worms by scanning Apache log files and emailing the infected hosts with details of their infection and how to obtain help removing the worm. Currently, CodeBlue scans Apache logs for Code Red, Code Red 2, and Nimda.
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DEA is an online order, invoice, and credit management system written in PHP, and using a MySQL or Sybase database as backend. It can be used in mid-size to large corporations with a lot of different project-groups. DEA creates PDFs on the fly, has an extensive database-browser, online currency-conversions, and some more advanced tools.
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FutureSQL is a Rapid Application Development web database administration tool written in Perl. FutureSQL allows one to easily setup config files to view, edit, delete and otherwise process records from a MySQL database. It uses a data dictionary, configuration files and html templates, and allows "pre-processing" and "post-processing" on both fields, records and operations. It allows multiple views and operations on a data set, including the use of joined tables for queries and reports. A demo application with most of the features is included.
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JEnable gives an easy way of controlling different build options within Java source code. It allows you to maintain and distribute a single set of source files which can support multiple configurations. The program can be executed from various types of build scripts (including Ant scripts) to automatically change the source configuration on demand. To accomplish this it uses control information embedded in Java code as comment lines with a special format.
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JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. It features flexible programmatic actions which can be written in Java or any Bean Scripting Framework-supported scripting language (such as Python or JavaScript), Velocity templates for layout, a repository abstraction layer, optional Velocity-parsed content, search engine friendly URLs, and more.
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JobTracker is a Web application that helps manage the work done and articles sold by you or one of your employees. It is designed to give small, service-based organizations accountability for their operations. It can track customer names and addresses, job information, invoices (outgoing), jobs, items, and requisitions.
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MailScanner is an Email virus scanner and spam tagger. It supports sendmail and Exim MTAs, and Sophos and McAfee anti-virus scanners. It is specifically designed to handle Denial Of Service attacks. It is very easy to install, and requires no changes at all to your sendmail.cf file. It is designed to be lightweight, and so won't grind your mail system to a halt with its load.
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Microbrew MicroSieve is designed to be a high speed spam filter for USENET news. Given the large amount of spam riding around in major USENET news systems, a spam filter has to be very fast and remain effective. It checks for large articles, spambots, and binaries in non-binary groups.
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ModLogAn is a modular logfile analyzer that combines speed with flexibility. It parses the logfiles generated by Apache and friends (common/combined), MSIIS 5.0, Wu-FTP/ProFTP, Squid, and RealServer, and provides all the well-known statistics and some very specialized statistics like pages that were indexed by a robot, bookmarked pages, cache hit ratio, and many more. Stats for non-web logfiles (hicom116, elmeg, isdnlog) can also be created.
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MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries.

This is an alpha release of MySQL 4.0.
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phpftp is a simple Web-based FTP client written in PHP which offers directory navigation, file transfers, directory creation, etc.
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PHPost is an Open Source Web-based POP e-mail client written in PHP4. It is designed to work with any standard POP server (not IMAP). Its features include a simple and clean interface, full MIME support (including sending/decoding both base64 and uuencoded attachments), multiple languages, a wide variety of message sorting options, per user preferences, doesn't use cookies, and requires no third party libraries or modules.
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Postfix is an attempt to provide an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and hopefully secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset your users.
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Tapestry is a rich, component-based object model for developing dynamic, highly interactive Web applications. It simplifies Web application development by organizing an application into pages of components. Tapestry takes care of all the "plumbing" of a Web application, including generating URLs and responding to links and form submissions. Developers simply create short "listener" methods to handle application-specific logic. Tapestry includes complete source code, extensive documentation, and tutorial/demonstration source code.
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TUX is a kernel-based, threaded, extremely high-performance HTTP server. It is able to efficiently and safely serve both static and dynamic data. TUX moves the HTTP protocol stack to the kernel, and can handle requests for data with both kernel-space and user-space modules.
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VisualRoute is a graphical Traceroute program that automatically analyzes Internet connectivity, and identifies the geographical location of IP addresses/routers, showing them on a global map. It includes an email tracking tool for troubleshooting email problems, and pop-up Whois information. The VisualRoute Server package allows access via a Web browser, so users may access Traceroute information from behind a firewall and from remote locations.
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Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on.
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jspShop is a JSP-based eCommerce platform. It allows you to build online stores with shopping carts, product categories, and secure ordering. It relies on a Java backend and some sort of transactional database. jspShop aims to be cross- platform and to provide a user-friendly interface for administration and maintenance. The backend is designed to be as reusable as possible.
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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