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A+ is a powerful and efficient programming language. It embodies a rich set of functions and operators, a modern GUI with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features. Execution is by a rather efficient interpreter.
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ActiveTcl is a free binary distribution of Tcl and several popular extensions available for Linux, Solaris, and Windows.
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The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide is both a reference and a tutorial on shell scripting. This comprehensive book (the equivalent of almost 400 print pages) covers almost every aspect of shell scripting. It contains over 200 profusely-commented illustrative examples, and a number of tables.
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AikSaurus is a thesaurus library intended for word processors, email composers, and so forth. It is based on Project Guttenberg's Moby thesaurus, but is highly compressed and pruned to bring datafile disk space requirements down. Features include part-of-speech information, and alphabetically-similar known words lists.
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BUSH, the PegaSoft Business Shell, is a powerful Linux/Unix shell for designing secure, reliable shell scripts that can be later compiled as a fast executable programs. It can also be used an an interactive login shell, generate Java Virtual Machine applications, and open network sockets. BUSH is a robust and readable alternative to BASH, CSH, and (to a certain extent) Python and Perl.
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cvs-get is a Perl script that allows you to automate the downloading of current CVS snapshots from a variety of sources. It supports features such as listing and downloading of cvs modules from a sources file, updating of the sources file rom multiple remote locations, and building of Debian packages automatically from Debian-enabled CVS sources. It also include unsupported install/upgrade/remove features which can be used as a rudimentary LFS package manager.
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CarbonKernel is a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) simulator based on event-driven simulation techniques. It mimics real-time operating systems behaviour on a workstation using ad hoc simulation models. CarbonKernel simulates the execution of embedded software at source code level, with concurrent target debugging capabilities and much more.
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Cryptix 3 is a cleanroom implementation of Sun's Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) version 1.1. In addition to that it contains the Cryptix Provider which delivers a wide range of algorithms and support for PGP 2.x. Cryptix 3 runs on both JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.2 (Java 2).
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Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a cross-platform image library utilizing a simple syntax to load, save, convert, manipulate, filter, and display a variety of images with ease. It is highly portable and has been ported to several platforms, including the Pocket PC.
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Grok is a library of Java components for performing various natural language tasks. These include several preprocessing tasks, chart parsing, a large categorial grammar for English (induced from the Penn treebank), and some knowledge representation components (basic coreference, salience tracking, etc.). The library also has a companion kit which provides a GUI interface to the components, several of which are implementations of interfaces in the Quipu OpenNLP API.
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OpenCL is a C++ cryptographic class library which aims for high portability and ease of use. It currently includes a wide selection of block and stream ciphers, hash functions, MACs, various utility functions and classes, and a high level filter interface.
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OpenGUI (formerly FastGL) is a high-level C/C++ graphics & windowing library built upon a fast, low-level x86 ASM graphics kernel. It provides 2D drawing primitives and an event-driven windowing API for easy application development, and it supports the BMP image file format. You can write apps in the old Borland BGI style or in a windowed style like QT. OpenGUI supports the keyboard and mouse as event sources, the Linux framebuffer, SVGAlib, and XFree86-DGA2 (HW accelerated) as drawing backends, Mesa3D under Linux, and 8, 15, 16, and 32-bpp color modes.
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OpenMCL is an Open Source version of Digitool's excellent Macintosh Common Lisp (MCL) implementation, which runs on LinuxPPC. It features a native code compiler, multithreading support, and good ANSI CL compliance.
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PyChecker is a tool for finding common bugs in Python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. Common errors that can be found include forgetting to import a module, misspelling a variable, passing the wrong number of parameters to a function/method, and not using a module/variable.
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PyGTK is a set of bindings for the GTK widget set. It provides an object oriented interface that is slightly higher level than the C one. It automatically does all the type casting and reference counting that you would have to do normally with the C API.
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PycURL is a Python module interface to the cURL library. It can be used to fetch documents identified by a URL from within a Python program.
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Version 2.2 of this flexible object-oriented scripting language
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SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides secure conferencing services in the Internet over insecure channels. SILC superficially resembles IRC, although they are very different internally. The purpose of SILC is to provide secure conferencing services. Strong cryptographic methods are used to secure all traffic. The SILC is delivered as SILC Client for end users, SILC Server for system administrators, and SILC Toolkit for application developers.
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Setedit is a text editor specially designed for programmers. It has a nice interface with mouse support, menus and windows (text mode). The editor is a very good choice for people with DOS background, especially people accustomed to Worstar and Borland editors. The editor has overlapped windows so you can see more than one file at the same time, configurable syntax highlighting, macros, rectangular selection, block indentation, as well as customizable keyboard shortcuts and menus.
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Source Auditor is a software engineering tool designed to make it possible for teams of engineers to ensure that their code base has been reviewed periodically to meet their code standards and other criteria. The metrics that are collected are completely user definable to fit a given project. The system is implemented using J2EE as a hybrid of servlets and jsps, persisting as XML. The system operates without making any modifications to the source code being audited.
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Tiny COBOL is an effort to bring a free COBOL compiler to Linux. It generates GNU assembler for the i386 Linux platform. A executable binary is then created using the GNU assembler and linker. The project is approaching the first beta release with many statements already implemented.
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Xclasses is a C layout library for the X Window System. All objects (called gadgets) are font sensitive, i.e. their size changes with the size of the used screen font and the size of the window. All this is done by Xclasses itself. The user may choose any kind of font style and size.
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ccaudio is a simple, highly portable, stand-alone, C++-based framework for manipulation of audio data. Its goal is to be a C++ framework that is as useful as 'audiofile' or 'sndfile' is for C programming, and to cover various generic and useful manipulations of audio data as well as audio file access. ccaudio compiles both under Unix and Win32 systems.
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LibESMTP is a library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) such as Exim. It may be used as part of a Mail User Agent (MUA) or another program that must be able to post electronic mail but where mail functionality is not the program's primary purpose. LibESMTP is not intended to be used as part of a program that implements a Mail Transport Agent.
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