附錄 A. Managing your lenny system before the upgrade


A.1. 更新您的 lenny 系統
A.2. 檢查您的來源列表
A.3. Upgrade legacy locales to UTF-8

這個附錄包含了在您升級至 squeeze 之前,如何讓您能夠順利地安裝或更新 lenny 套件的相關說明。這只有在某些特殊狀況之下才會有這個需求。

A.1. 更新您的 lenny 系統

基本上,這和您所進行過的 lenny 的升級並沒有什麼不同。唯一的不同是您必須先確認您的套件列表是否還是指向 lenny,請參考在 節 A.2, “檢查您的來源列表” 裡的說明。

如果您是使用 Debian 鏡像站來更新您的系統的話,它會自動得被更新至 lenny 的最新釋出版。

A.2. 檢查您的來源列表

If any of the lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list refer to 'stable', you are effectively already “using” squeeze. This might not be what you want if you are not ready yet for the upgrade. If you have already run apt-get update, you can still get back without problems following the procedure below.

如果您已經安裝了來自 squeeze 的套件,那麼再安裝來自 lenny 的套件就已經沒有太多意義了。在此狀況之下,您應該要自行決定是否要繼續進行。進行套件的降級並不是不可能的事,但是在此並沒有針對這個加以說明。

使用您慣用的編輯器,以 root 的身份開啟 /etc/apt/sources.list 這個檔案,然後檢查所有以 deb http:deb ftp: 開頭的項目,看看是否有參照至 “stable”。如果有的話,將其中的 stable 改為 lenny

如果您有任何項目是以 deb file: 開頭的,您必須自行檢查這些項目所提供的是 lenny 還是 squeeze 的檔案庫。


不要修改任何以 deb cdrom: 開頭的項目。否則,這些項目將會因而無法使用,使得您只能再執行一次 apt-cdrom。如果您發現某個 'cdrom' 的來源項目是指向 “unstable” 時請不要覺得太訝異。雖然有點奇怪,但這卻是很正常的。


# apt-get update


A.3. Upgrade legacy locales to UTF-8

If your system is localised and is using a locale that is not based on UTF-8 you should strongly consider switching your system over to using UTF-8 locales. In the past, there have been bugs identified that manifest itself only when using a non-UTF-8 locale. On the desktop, such legacy locales are supported through ugly hacks in the libraries internals, and we cannot decently provide support for users who still use them.

To configure your system's locale you can run dpkg-reconfigure locales. Ensure you select an UTF-8 locale when you are presented with the question asking which locale to use as a default in the system. In addition, you should review the locale settings of your users and ensure that they do not have legacy locales definitions in their configuration environment.