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Linux Format - LXFCD30b

Contents of Development

Ccl is a general purpose Java library. It contains a basic GUI/Swing application framework, utility classes for string, vector, and file handling, command line parameter parsing, a test framework, etc.
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NekoDTD is a configuration that parses Document Type Definition (DTD) files and converts the information into an XML document. This representation can then be processed using standard XML processors and applications to perform grammar analysis, convert the DTD into other grammar formats, etc. The current version of NekoDTD can expose DTD information using DOM or SAX, has the ability to "flatten" DTD files, and can convert existing DTD grammars to XML Schema.
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NekoHTML is a simple HTML scanner and tag balancer that enables Java application programmers to parse HTML documents and access the information using standard XML interfaces. The parser can scan HTML files and "fix up" many common mistakes that human (and computer) authors make in writing HTML documents. NekoHTML is written using the Xerces Native Interface (XNI) that is the foundation of the Xerces2 implementation. This enables application programmers to use the NekoHTML parser with existing XNI tools without modification or rewriting code.
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dev/con php base is a library that contains useful authentication, date, file, string, and network functions, an event driven application server with safe link generation, and subsession support that allows you to combine many modules seamlessly. SQL abstraction layers can generate simple SQL queries and manipulate nodes in doubly-linked lists and tree structures. A widget set frees you from writing HTML code, and can be mixed with your own templates. All of these features are integrated into an easy-to-use interface, with toolkits for automatic form generation, SQL search, and more.
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diffxml is a collection of XML diff and patch utilities which operate on the hierarchical structure of XML documents.
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fastdep is a preprocessor which generates dependency information suitable for Makefile inclusion from C or C++ source files. Meant to run on slower hardware, it is several orders of magnitude faster than gcc.
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GENDIST (the Linux Distribution Generator) allows you to easily create your own special distribution. It creates a makefile-based build system for your distribution, and helps you to automate the following three tasks: maintaining your root filesystem, maintaining your "CD filesystem" (in case you create a bootable CD), and packaging everything on media.
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gnocl is a GTK / Gnome extension for the programming language Tcl. It provides easy to use commands to quickly build Gnome compliant user interfaces including the Gnome canvas widget and drag and drop support. It is loosely modeled after the Tk package.
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Gnosis Utils includes several Python modules focused on XML processing: xml.pickle (serializes objects to/from XML, API compatible with the standard pickle module), xml.objectify (turns arbitrary XML documents into Python objects), xml.validity (enforces XML validity constraints via DTD or Schema), xml.indexer (full text indexing/searching), and many more.
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Screenshot InstantJ is a library you can use to compile and execute Java code or evaluate expressions written in Java. This is done on the fly; there is no pre- compiling step necessary. This is ideal in cases where expressions are either assembled programmatically at runtime, read from descriptors, or received from user-input.
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Screenshot IsForth is a direct threaded Linux-only x86 Forth implementation coded in pure assembly using NASM macros to create forth high-level definitions. All I/O is done with syscalls. It is almost a complete replacement for both libc and libncurses.
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Janino is a compiler that reads a Java expression, block, or source file, and generates Java bytecode that is loaded and executed directly. It is not intended to be a development tool, but an embedded compiler for run-time compilation purposes, such as expression evaluators or "server pages" engines like JSP.
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Jcrontab provides a scheduler system written in Java. The classes are designed to be fully embeddable and can be used in any project. It provides a servlet to be integrated with app-servers (Tomcat, resin, Jetty, etc.) with a load-on-startup servlet. It reads and stores the crontab table from a file but is designed to include EJB and any other DataSource. It includes a minimal Web interface, and is written to get maximum efficience and performance.
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Screenshot libpng (PNG library) is a collection of routines used to create and manipulate PNG format graphics files. The PNG format was designed as a replacement for GIF and, to a lesser extent, TIFF, with many improvements and extensions.
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The Tecla library provides programs with interactive command line editing facilities, similar to those of the Unix tcsh shell. It supports recall and editing of previously entered command lines, TAB completion of file names and application specific tokens, and in-line wild-card expansion of filenames. The optionally reentrant modules which perform TAB completion and wild-card expansion are also available separately for general use. The library is smaller, more modular, makes more efficient use of the heap, and has a less restrictive license than GNU readline.
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NodeNet is a library of Python code for dealing with networks of connected nodes in GUI applications. It provides a set of classes for representing networks of connected nodes, GUI controls for editing a node network, and a simple event system for monitoring changes in networks of nodes.
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OpenCL is a library of cryptographic algorithms, written in C++. It currently includes a wide selection of block and stream ciphers, public key algorithms, hash functions, and message authentication codes, plus a high level filter-based interface.
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PyChecker is a tool for finding common bugs in Python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler (or lint) for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. Common errors that can be found include forgetting to import a module, misspelling a variable, passing the wrong number of parameters to a function/method, and not using a module/variable.
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PycURL is a Python module interface to the cURL library. It can be used to fetch documents identified by a URL from within a Python program.
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Screenshot PyOSD enables you to display 'On Screen Display' messages through Python. It can be used by anything that needs your attention, such as showing the song currently playing in a Python-based MP3 player.
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rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on RPM packages. It's designed to check Mandrake Linux packages, but it works with all RPM packages.
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Sixlegs PNG Library is a Java 1.1-compatible PNG decoder which features full compliance with the latest PNG specification. It supports all valid bit depths (grayscale/color), interlacing, palette-indexed images, alpha/transparency, gamma correction, access to all standard chunk data, private chunk handling, progressive display, and more.
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Screenshot Zoinks is a programmer's editor and development environment for Unix/X11 systems. The editor has features similar to Mac text editors like MPW and CodeWarrior. It also has some features for HTML authoring. It supports inputting and editing multi-byte text (e.g. Japanese and other Asian languages).
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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