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Screenshot Alvaro's Messenger is a Tcl client for MSN Messenger. It has many features, including multi-language support (Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Turkish, and Swedish), smileys, email notification, sound, and support for 'ñ', tildes, accents, dieresis, and other special characters.
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Animail is a multiserver POP3/APOP/IMAP4Rev1 (with or without SSL) mail retrieval utility. It features an advanced filtering system based on blacklisting, whitelisting, or a combination of both. It is possible to send an autoresponse which prompts people to reply and add themselves to the 'autoaccept' file. It also allows filters based on a regular expression which matches against the email headers. (If a message is filtered, only the header is downloaded, not the entire body.) Animail also features download ordering options. For example, you can configure it to download the smaller messages first. Different delivery options are available, including mailbox, maildir, local SMTP, and pipe to command.
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BKFTP was written to overcome shortcomings in existing GTK+ FTP clients. It is written for people who need easy access to the FTP command line and a minimalistic graphic UI. It presents as few options as possible to the user while trying to maintain flawless operation. Advanced functions are still available to users that are familiar with the FTP protocol. It also supports FXP and TLS encryption.
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Screenshot The Circle is a peer-to-peer application that provides file sharing, instant messaging, and news services. Its novel feature is that while it is fully decentralized, the method it uses to search for files and people theoretically scales to millions or billions of users. Advanced features include the ability to download a file from multiple sources simulataneously, the ability to send messages to people who are not currently online, and the ability to generate a customized news service by specifying trusted sources of news.
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cloudish is designed to make your Web surfing anonymous. It can be used either in a standalone configuration or in a distributed configuration. The distributed configuration is more anonymous.
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DConnect Daemon for Linux is a daemon which acts as a Direct Connect hub. It is written in pure C and utilizes threads. It aims to be very fast, with a very good protocol implementation.
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Screenshot DC-GUI is a QT GUI Direct Connect filesharing client.
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Everybuddy is designed to become a Universal Instant Messaging client which will seamlessly integrate all existing IM clients and provide a single consistent user interface. Currently, Everybuddy supports sending and receiving messages in AIM, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, and Jabber.
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Screenshot Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It is fast, has a light interface, and is fully standards-compliant.
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InitScripts VPN Extensions consists of two packages that will allow you to easily implement VPNs using PPP over SSH or PPTP. They are both integrated into the initscripts style of interface control, so a simple 'ifup vpn0' will bring up a VPN connection, and no additional SUID root applications are required. The SSH package implements both client and server functions. The PPTP package provides only the client functions.
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Screenshot JFtp is a graphical FTP client written in Java. It supports all the basic FTP operations, and has some improved features such as recursive directory upload, a nice swing UI, the ability to automatically resume both downloads, and the ability to recognize broken directory names.
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lftp is a sophisticated command line based FTP client. It has a multithreaded design allowing you to issue and execute multiple commands simultaneosly or in the background. It also features mirroring capabilities and will reconnect and continue transfers in the event of a disconnection. Also, if you quit the program while transfers are still in progress, it will switch to nohup mode and finish the transfers in the background. HTTP protocol and FTP over HTTP proxy are supported. Version 2.3.0 includes HTTPS and FTP over SSL support.
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Screenshot Mozilla is a Web browser that is being developed by the Free Software Community with the cooperation and support of Netscape. The current Mozilla is a completely new software based on the "NGLayout" layout engine and runs on almost all current operating systems. Mozilla's user interface is written on top of NGLayout using XUL and JavaScript. The Mozilla project only develops and tests the source code for other projects / companies to use. Netscape 6 (the Web browser from Netscape) and Beonex Communicator (an open-source project to make a Mozilla for end-users) are directly based on Mozilla. Many other projects use/embed Mozilla's rendering engine (e.g., Galeon).
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Screenshot Onlinecalc summarizes your online time, transfer volume, and number of connections made to your ISP. It allows you to print out statistics concerning different date and time ranges. A CGI version of onlinecalc is also available.
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OpenVPN is a robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) daemon which can be used to securely link two or more private networks using an encrypted tunnel over the Internet. You can tunnel any IP subnetwork or virtual ethernet adapter over a single UDP port, use all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library to protect your private network traffic, use any cipher, key size, or HMAC digest (for packet authentication) supported by the OpenSSL library, choose between static-key based conventional encryption or certificate-based public key encryption, use static or TLS-based dynamic key exchange, and tunnel networks whose public endpoints are dynamic such as DHCP clients or dial-in users.
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psyBNC is an easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many features. Some of its features include symmetric ciphering of talk and connections (Blowfish and IDEA), the possibility of linking multiple bouncers to an internal network including a shared partyline, vhost- and relay support to connected bouncers and an extensive online help system. Many other helpful functions are included. It compiles on Linux, FreeBSD, SunOs and Solaris.
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Screenshot Secure FTP is a client package that allows for a secure connection to be made to an FTP daemon via SSL.
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Sigit is a customisable signature creator that can be run either as a daemon or as a normal foreground process. It allows you to have a changing signature. If it's configured correctly, it will also change the information displayed when someone fingers you.
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spamscan filters email based on content using keywords set by the user it is filtering mail for, and determines (or attempts to anyway) whether the email is spam or not. If it is, it optionally labels the mail (in the Subject: line, it would simply add SPAM: in the front of the subject), or just removes it immediately.
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Screenshot wmget lets you run multiple downloads and monitor or control them from within a dockapp. This makes it easy to see their progress without keeping extra windows open. wmget uses the libcurl library to support HTTP and FTP downloads.
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Screenshot WMpop is a Window Maker dock app that monitors a local (mbox format) or POP3/APOP mailbox to inform you when mail arrives. It displays the amount of mail in the mailbox (or unread mail if checked in the preference screen), a scrolling text with the email address of the senders (only for local mailbox at the moment) and a status led, indicating mail checking progression and errors. It can be configured and personalized (icons and sound) via a GTK+ GUI.
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Yahoo Mail Sucker allows you to download Yahoo Mail messages to your local inbox (after the free POP3 service has been suspended).
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Yeemp (formerly YeempEMP) is a decentralized instant messaging system. It uses GPG over SSL for encryption, and includes a console client, an X client, a server, and a simple Web-based client. The clients run on Linux; the server runs on Linux and FreeBSD. It should also work on other POSIX OSes with a minimum of modification.
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Zebedee is a simple program to establish an encrypted, compressed tunnel for TCP/IP or UDP data transfer between two systems. This allows traffic such as telnet, FTP, and X to be protected from snooping as well as potentially gaining performance over low-bandwidth networks from compression.
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