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Contents of Sound

Screenshot Album Grabber is a bot that grabs album covers from www.allmusic.com. In order for it to work, it expects your music collection to be in a certain format. Your root music directory should contain artist directories, and underneath each artist directory should be album directories. Album Grabber will attempt to locate the correct album cover and present it to you in a window along with 'yes' and 'no' options. 'yes' means to save the album JPG inside the album directory, 'no' means do nothing and proceed. The program is multi threaded, so you can let it run for awhile and then come back and make your decisions.
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Screenshot Audacity is a cross-platform multitrack audio editor. It allows you to record sounds directly or to import Ogg, WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, or MP3 files. It features a few simple effects, all of the editing features you should need, and unlimited undo. The GUI was built with wxWindows and the audio I/O currently uses OSS under Linux. Audacity runs on Linux/*BSD, MacOS, and Windows.
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c3dse is a console tool to enable the 3D Stereo Enhancement of your SoundBlaster.
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Divine Intervention consists of two programs. The first is a very accurate BPM measurement tool. The second is a player which can change the tempo of music. The player allows nudging, forward and backward movement by measures, and other nice things.
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EasyTAG is an utility for viewing and editing tags for MP3, MP2, FLAC and Ogg files. It features a simple and attractive GTK+ interface.
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Screenshot Emptytree Seedy is a distributed digital music system. It is designed to operate in a multi-host, automatic, and batch manner to simplify the encoding of an entire CD collection into MP3 format.
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Screenshot gmp3 is a GUI tool to rename and tag MP3 files. It has features including mass tagging and renaming of MP3s, the ability to generate a tag out of the filename, filter definitions for renaming, recursive actions, and a lot more. It supports ID3V1 and ID3V2 tags.
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Screenshot The General Sound Manipulation Program (GSMP) aims to become for sound what The GIMP is for graphics. It features non-destructive editing, mutliple tracks, and real-time FX prehearing. It is very interactive (all the big work is done in background-threads), and files are not converted or copyed during importing. It is STL-style C++.
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KMusicChoice fetches information about the currently playing songs on the MusicChoice channels, and displays this information in a friendly KDE-based GUI.
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LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder) is a research project for learning about and improving MP3 encoding technoligy. LAME includes an mp3 encoding library, simple front end application, a much-improved psycho-acoustic model (GPSYCHO), and a graphical frame analyzer (MP3x). Please note that any commercial use (including distributing the LAME encoding engine in a free encoder) may require a patent license from Thomson Multimedia.
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Screenshot MyMP3s controls the playing of MP3s on your server, however, it is not a streaming server. It can be controlled using a Web browser over your network or the Internet. It is easy to use and customize to your own needs. Features include CSS for themes, play, pause, skip, stop, view queue, add to queue, random play, clear queue, search, status of what is playing, remote status window with refresh, volume control, two and four column display to easily find the songs you want to play, directory bar for navigation, and the ability to remove songs from the queue by selections.
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Screenshot SoundTracker is a pattern-oriented music editor (similar to the DOS program 'FastTracker'). Samples are lined up on tracks and patterns which are then arranged to a song. Supported module formats are XM and MOD; the player code is the one from OpenCP. A basic sample recorder and editor is also included.
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Screenshot SQMixer is an audio mixer for OSS-compatible drivers that uses QT. Features include automatically updating volume, two sliders for a stereo channel which can be locked together, and checkboxes for muting and recording. Each channel can be hidden.
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Trackbox is a pure music server. A trackbox client can connect to the server, and issue commands to it. The server maintains a single playlist, volume setting, etc. that can be modified remotely by connected clients. Any file format for which there is a command-line player for is supported - it has a very simple config file. One possible application could be a LAN party in which everybody would like to influence the music selections.
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Umix is an advanced program for adjusting soundcard volumes and other features in soundcard mixers. You can control your volumes, balances and recording sources flexibly from the command line or with a fullscreen interactive user interface. Settings can be saved and loaded from a file. Umix supports multiple mixer devices and all mixer drivers and UIs are dynamically loaded at runtime.
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ZoltanPlayer is a music playing daemon. It accepts remote commands via its own mini HTTP server and can seamlessly use Audio or Data CDs. Audio CDs are played internally (optionally querying CDDB info servers) and digital songs in audio CDs are played via external players. It's not limited to CDs, as a hard disk directory can also be used.
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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