Welcome to the Slackware Linux 10.2 CD, disc 4! ----------------------------------------------- Here's what you'll find on this disc: The "pasture" directory containing things that have been removed from Slackware but may still be useful to some people. The second part of the Slackware source code archives. And, ZipSlack. ZipSlack is a small Linux installation designed to run in a directory on a Windows FAT or FAT32 partition. If you're looking to run Linux in a DOS directory and avoid repartitioning, this is your starting point. A ZipSlack installation may be expanded using installpkg and Slackware packages to be as complete as you need it to be. ================================================================================ Here's a map of some of the important files and directories on this disc: . |-- README.TXT This file. | |-- pasture/ These are packages that have been removed | from Slackware, but are useful enough to | keep around. Might not be secure. | | Packages currently found here include apsfilter-7.2.5 | (not usually used with CUPS), LPRng-3.8.28, | ifhp-3.5.18, the old XFree86 3.3.6 servers, db1-1.85, | db2-2.4.14, db4-4.1.25, devfsd-1.3.25, | fvwm95-2.0.43ba, gnu-pop3d-0.9.8, ipchains-1.3.10, | links-0.98, modutils-2.4.25, pop3d-1.020i, | pcnfsd-93.02.16, and wu-ftpd-2.6.2. | |-- source This is the second part of the Slackware sources. | | | |-- ap Source for the AP (applications) series. | |-- l Source for the L (libraries) series. | |-- n Source for the N (networking) series. | |-- rootdisks Source code used on the installation disks. | |-- t Source for the T (TeX and related) series. | |-- x Source for the X (X Window System) series. | |-- xap Source for the XAP (X Applications) series. | `-- y BSD games source code. | `-- zipslack This directory contains ZipSlack, a version of | Slackware designed for easy installation in a DOS | directory (any FAT or FAT32 volume). | |-- ChangeLog.txt This tracks changes to ZipSlack. | |-- FAQ.TXT Frequently Asked Questions about ZipSlack. | |-- RAWRITE.EXE More copies of RAWRITE. |-- RAWRITE12.DOC |-- RAWRITE12.EXE |-- RAWRITENT.DOC |-- RAWRITENT.EXE |-- RAWRITEXP.EXE | |-- README.1st ZipSlack README: How to install. |-- README.ppa Information about parallel port Zip drives. | |-- bootdisk.img A bootdisk image in case you can't use Loadlin. | (or, use any other Slackware bootdisk) | |-- fourmeg.txt README for fourmeg.zip. |-- fourmeg.zip An add-on for ZipSlack that adds an 8MB swap file. | This allows ZipSlack to boot on many machines with | low RAM. | |-- split ZipSlack split into floppy-sized chunks. Handy for | getting Linux into computers via the floppy drive. | `-- zipslack.zip The ZipSlack version of Slackware Linux. This consists of a ready-to-run Linux system in the form of a 48MB Zip file ready to unpack on a FAT partition. See the README file for details. ================================================================================ For more information, visit our web site at http://www.slackware.com To shop for fine Slackware products, please visit http://store.slackware.com Email: info@slackware.com (Information or general inquiries) FTP: ftp://ftp.slackware.com (Updates) WWW: http://www.slackware.com (News) Slackware is a registered trademark of Slackware Linux, Inc. ================================= README.TXT ===================================