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Linux Format Articles


81 (July)
80 (June)
79 (May)
78 (Apr)
77 (Mar)
76 (Feb)
75 (Jan)


74 (Xmas)
73 (Dec)
72 (Nov)
71 (Oct)
70 (Sept)
69 (Aug)
68 (July)
67 (June)
65 (Apr)
64 (Mar)
63 (Feb)
62 (Jan)


61 (Xmas)
60 (Dec)
59 (Nov)
58 (Oct)
57 (Sept)
56 (Aug)
55 (July)
54 (June)
53 (May)
52 (Apr)
51 (Mar)
50 (Feb)
49 (Jan)


48 (Xmas)
47 (Dec)
46 (Nov)
45 (Oct)
44 (Sept)
43 (Aug)
42 (July)
41 (June)
40 (May)
39 (Apr)
38 (Mar)
37 (Feb)
36 (Jan)


35 (Xmas)
34 (Dec)
33 (Nov)
32 (Oct)
31 (Sept)
30 (Aug)
29 (July)
27 (May)


13 (Apr)
12 (Mar)
11 (Feb)
10 (Jan)


9 (Xmas)
8 (Dec)
7 (Nov)
6 (Oct)
5 (Sept)
4 (Aug)
3 (July)
2 (June)
1 (May)


LA (Oct)

Searching for an article in a previous LXF issue? This page contains info on the content of LXF mags. If you spot a typo or think something should be changed, email mike.saunders@futurenet.co.uk. If there's an article you really want to read, but don't have the issue, contact the lovely Back Issues folks on 0870 837 4722 (overseas +44 1858 438794) -- or try eBay for ones they don't have.

Writer key: (AC) Andy Channelle; (AD) Alan Dexter; (AH) Andy Hudson; (AmC) Amias Channer; (AS) Alan Smithee; (BL) Biagio Lucini; (BLo) Brian Long; (CB) Chris Brown; (CBi) Chris Bidmead; (CD) Chris Denton; (CH) Chris Howells; (CJ) Chris Jones; (CS) Charlie Stross; (DCa) David Cartwright; (DC) David Coulson; (DCr) Dave Cross; (DH) David Harris; (FC) Frank Charlton; (GM) Graham Morrison; (HD) Hoyt Duff; (JB) Jono Bacon; (JK) Jon Kent; (JR) Joel Rowbottom; (MAB) Mark Alexander Bain; (MF) Marco Fioretti; (MNa) Matt Nailon; (MN) Mark Newby; (MK) Maurice Kelly; (MJH) Michael J Hammel; (MS) Mike Saunders; (NB) Neil Bothwick; (NL) Neil Lucock; (NH) Nick Heron; (NV) Nick Veitch; (PC) Paul Cavanagh; (PO) Patrick O'Brien; (PH) Paul Hudson; (PT) Paul Talacko; (RC) Richard Cobbett; (RD) Richard Drummond; (RF) Rob Fenwick; (RS) Richard Smedley; (RoS) Robert Smith; (RBW) Roger Burton West; (SG) Simon Goodwin; (SH) Steve Heaven; (TW) Tom Wilkinson; (VV) Vince Veselosky; (WB) Warren Brown

Maintained by Mike Saunders (thanks to Dick Bain, Nick Veitch, Paul Hudson, Eric Buckley, Jack R Hughes and Nigel Collins for additions).


Issue 81 (July 2006) - Hardcore Linux

News: Red Hat's JBoss acquisition, Linux and the NHS, LSB 3.1, ThinkFree Online, Freespire
Reviews: Ubuntu 6.06 (AH), GnuCash 2.0 (GM), Second Life (GM), Ogre 3D 1.2 (PH), Oracle 10g Express (PH)
Books: Beginning Perl Web Development (MS), The Career Programmer (MS)
Distrowatch: Turbolinux 11, Ubuntu 6.10, DesktopBSD 1.0
Roundup: Blog engines - Pivot, Movable Type, Bloxsom, B2evolution, Nucleus CMS, WordPress (ACo)
Hot Picks: Gnubiff, Qxmp, GTK Photo Gallery, Zim, Xye, Powermanga, KeyJnote, Leafpad, Pan, Gourmet (MS)
Features: Lessons in Linux - education feature (RS), Creative Commons (Jon Phillips)
Interviews: Greg Kroah-Hartman
What on Earth: Elektra (GM)
Tutorials: Firefox safe browsing (AC), Inkscape artistic drawing (DK), WordPress in 10 minutes (MS), OOo BASIC macros in Calc (MAB), PHP and SSH (GM), DansGuardian filtering (MF), Setting up Open-Xchange (GM)
Cover DVD: Dual-booting PCLinuxOS 0.92 and CentOS 4.3. Plus 150 pages of Gimp tutorials (PDFs) from the mag, KOffice 1.5, GCompris, LinCity-NG


Issue 80 (June 2006) - Libre graphics

News: Mandriva dumps Duval, Parallels virtualisation, KDE Akademy 2006, Ippi email, Second Life, Amanda, Novell SLED announcement analysis
Reviews: AmaroK 1.4 (GM), KOffice 1.5 (AC), Damn Small Linux 2.3 (MS), Seapine Surround SCM 4.1 (PH), Gaim 2.0 (PH), Moneydance 2006 (GM)
Books: Producing Open Source Software (MS), Learning SQL (PH)
Distrowatch: Knoppix 5.0, new 2006 releases, Berry Linux 0.68
Roundup: Live distros - Damn Small Linux, Games Knoppix, Knoppix, LG3D Live CD, Morphix, SUSE Live, Ubuntu Live (RC)
Hot Picks: BlinkenSisters, Gnash, GtkShots, LnBlog, Protoeditor, ReactOS, Smb4K, VirgoFTP, VoR, Workrave (MS)
Features: Libre Graphics Meeting (NV), GPL v3 (GM)
Interviews: Brian Behlendorf, Greg Mancusi-Ungaro
What on Earth: Xgl (PH)
Tutorials: Video soundtracks (AC), OOo BASIC macros (MAB), Hardcore: regular expressions (CB), PHP Gettext translation (PH), Encryption (GM), Faster booting (MS), iFolder in 10 minutes (PH)
Cover DVD (double-sided): Fedora Core 5, six Live distros (Damn Small Linux, Games Knoppix, LG3D, Morphix, SUSE, Ubuntu), Lightning, Wine, Sussen, Highmoon


Issue 79 (May 2006) - Move to Mepis!

News: Novell SLED 10, Google and Picasa, Dell Linux systems, CrossOver and Linspire, VMware challenge, LXF Awards 2006
Reviews: Fedora Core 5 (AH), Devolo MicroLink dLAN Highspeed (NV), Gnome 2.14 (AH), MythTV 0.19 (GM)
Books: Definitive Guide to ImageMagick (PH)
Distrowatch: New releases, Gentoo revival, Kororaa, RPath Linux
Roundup: Vector graphics editors - Dia, Draw, Glips Graffiti, Inkscape, Karbon14, Sketsa, Skencil, Xfig (NV)
Hot Picks: Bftpd, Enemy Lines 3, Fish, GnomeBaker, InitNG, Krusader, No Gravity, Opale, OpenLDev, PCManFM (MS)
Features: Move to Mepis (NV, PH, MS), Software licences (DH), OpenSolaris (MS), Build a Linux Kiosk (GM)
Interview: Bruce Perens
What on Earth: KDE Solid (JB)
Tutorials: Audacity sound recording (AC), Inkscape effects (DK), Cleaning up audio (GM), DCOP KDE control (NB), Hardcore: Bash secrets (PH), PHP 6 (PH)
Cover DVD: SimplyMepis 3.4, Gentoo 2006.0, OpenSolaris BeleniX, window managers, Alien Arena 2006


Issue 78 (April 2006) - Capture, edit, print and share!

News: GPL 3 debate, Andrew Tridgell wins award, Instalinux, ReactOS worries, Xandros in education
Reviews: SUSE 10.1 (MS), Arkeia Smart Backup 5.4.9 (GM), Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 (AH), Airline Tycoon Deluxe (PH), Gentoo Linux 2006.0 (NB), Sophos Anti-Virus 5 (GM), Nessus 3.0 (PH)
Books: Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 Linux All In One (MS), Web Site Measurement Hacks (MS)
Distrowatch: Fedora 5 in testing, VectorLinux 5.1, Engarde Secure Linux
Roundup: DVD players - GXine, Kaffeine, KMPlayer, MPlayer, Totem, VLC, Xine (GM)
Hot Picks: Angry Drunken Dwarves, GLibrary, Haiku, Keep, Kiso, KTechlab, Peekko, PouetChess, Revelation, Zoinks (MS)
Features: Web 2.0 (RS), Photography with Linux (PH, NV), Syllable (MS)
Interviews: Edd Dumbill and Niel Bornstein
What on Earth: Jingle (AC)
Tutorials: Evolution email (AC), Realsoft 3D (NV), GIMP reflections in glass (MJH), Inkscape working with text (DK), PHP and SQL views (PH), Hardcore: command line power tools (PH)
Cover DVD: OpenSUSE SLICK, Realsoft 3D, VMware Player, digital camera toolkit, SeaMonkey, Nmap, Wormux


Issue 77 (March 2006) - @ Your Service

News: IBM partners with Red Hat and Novell, Gimp 10 years old, Novell bags NHS contract, Torvalds recommends KDE, OSDL Desktop Linux working group
Reviews: X2: The Threat (PH), KDevelop 3.3 (GM), Apache 2.2 (DC), Audacity 1.3 (GM), NetBSD 3.0 (MS)
Books: Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment (PH)
Distrowatch: Mandriva acquisition hints, Gentoo-based distros, Fox Desktop Linux 1
Roundup: Astronomy software - Celestia, KStars, Maestro, Nightfall, Nova, StarPlot, Xephem (GM)
Hot Picks: Aros, Bygfoot, EyeOS, Geany, Krecipes, Ksitecopy, SDLjump, Synfig, TreeLine, Wrong Way (MS)
Feature: Running servers - BitTorrent, Icecast, Apache + WebDAV, Samba, MySQL, Jabber, IRCD-Hybrid (PH, GM, MS, NV)
Feature: Discover FreeBSD (MS)
Feature: Setting up Xen (PH)
Interview: Chris DiBona
What on Earth: Boo (NV)
Tutorials: Web 2.0 tools (AC), GIMP lighting effects (MJH), Realsoft 3D (NV), Inkscape shapes (DK), Emacs complex editing (BL), PHP stored procedures (PH), Hardcore: Making autopackages (GM)
Cover DVD: FreeBSD 6.0, NetBSD 3.0, OpenBSD 3.8, Realsoft 3D 4.5


Issue 76 (Feb 2006) - Make your hardware work harder

News: Software patents, Mozilla.com, Discreet Flame, KDE 3.5, Mandriva GlobeTrotter
Reviews: Quake 4 (PH), Blender 2.4 (GM), Cedega 5.0.1 (NV), Eternal Lands (Jo Harris), KDE 3.5 (GM)
Books: JBoss 4.0 Official Guide (SD), Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming (AG), Samba 3 By Example (NV), PostgreSQL (PH)
Distrowatch: SimplyMEPIS 3.4, PCLinuxOS 0.92, Damn Small Linux 2.0, Nexenta
Roundup: Spreadsheets - Gnumeric, KSpread, OpenOffice.org Calc, PlanMaker, ThinkFree Office Calc (PH)
Hot Picks: Qalculate, GtkOrphan, LinHDD, KreetingKard, Crimson Fields, Dragon Hunt, Gt5, BoomBox, GWhere, Qemu (MS)
Features: Hardware Hacks (GM), Modifying Dynebolic (Tom Russel)
Interviews: Jeremy Allison
What on Earth: GPL 3 (PH)
Tutorials: OpenOffice.org Impress (AC), FUSE virtual filesystems (NV), Updating Ubuntu (SD), GIMP 3D package design (MJH), Inkscape paths (DK), Emacs code editing (BL), PHP transactions and triggers (PH), Hardcore: Making man pages (PH)
Cover DVD: Slackware 10.2, Dynebolic, spreadsheets, KDE 3.5, Eternal Lands


Issue 75 (Jan 2006) - Take on the tech of 2006

News: Major desktop distros on the year ahead, Firefox market share, Novell job losses, Linspire's cheap PC, VMware Player, Xara
Reviews: Firefox 1.5 (ACo), Parallels Workstation 2.0 (GM), VMware Workstation 5.5 (GM), JBuilder 2006 Enterprise (GM), AbiWord 2.4 (PH)
Books: Java After Hours (SD)
Distrowatch: Clogged download servers, distro update systems, Elive 0.3
Roundup: Virus checkers - AVG Anti-Virus, BitDefender, ClamAV, F-Prot Anti-Virus, F-Secure Anti-Virus, Interscan VirusWall, Kaspersky Workstation (GM)
Hot Picks: Antispyd, Gestures, Gnumeric, Klik, Little Wizard, Oolite, Volleyball, Xarchiver, XPN, Yawk (MS)
Features: LXF Awards 2006, Future Linux software (MS, NV, PH), Women in open source (Rebecca Smalley), MythTV (GM)
Interviews: Larry Wall
What on Earth: OpenDocument (MF)
Tutorials: OpenOffice.org Writer (AC), GIMP selection tools (MJH), Inkscape cloning and tiling (DK), Emacs extensions (BL), Hardcore: Squid (PH), PHP multibyte strings (PH)
Cover DVD: Mandriva 2006, Ubuntu 5.10, Looking Glass 3D Live, office software, Danger from the Deep


Issue 74 (Christmas 2005) - Build your own distro

News: Debian Common Core Alliance, Linux in Jiangsu (China), Massachusetts and OpenDocument, Matalan, Linspire Click-N-Run in businesses
News extra: Conference reports: KDE Community World Summit, Brainshare Europe, LinuxWorld
Reviews: Ubuntu 5.10 (AH), Slackware 10.2 (TW), Cairo 1.0 (GM), Maya 7 (NV), SSH Tectia Server (GM), ThinkFree Office 3 (ACo)
Books: Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger (AG), Perl Best Practices (GM)
Distrowatch: History of distros, Slack 10.2, Tao Live
Roundup: RSS readers - Akregator, Blam, BottomFeeder, Liferea, RSSOwl, Snownews, Thunderbird (PH)
Hot Picks: Conkeror, Eric3, KleanSweep, KTorrent, LMMS, Serpentine, Singularity, Sysprof, Ultimate Stunts, Xplanet (MS)
Features: Build your own distro (MS), Linux in education (George Wight)
Interviews: Andrew Morton, Jim Jagielski
What on Earth: Hibernate (SD)
Tutorials: Oranise your filesystem (AC), Inkscape gradients (DK), Emacs extensions (BL), Gambas tips and tricks (MAB), PHP and the Google API (PH)
Cover DVD: SUSE 10.0 OSS, educational software, KDE 3.5 beta, Freecycle, OpenOffice.org, PlanetPenguin


Issue 73 (Dec 2005) - Leaner, stronger, faster!

News: GPL 3, new distro releases, Parallels Workstation, Asianux, Studio To Go, OSDL on MS study, LPI, Xandros founder dies. News extra: Australian Linux trademark soap opera
Reviews: Mandriva Linux 2006 (GM), SUSE Linux 10.0 (PH), Gnome 2.12 (AH), Sugar Suite 3.5 (GM), CrossOver Office 5.0 (GM), BrightStor ARCserve Backup (GM)
Books: Learning Perl 4th Edition (PH), Advanced Perl Programming (PH), Astronomy Hacks (NV)
Roundup: Photo managers - DigiKam, F-Spot, GThumb, Kalbum, KimDaBa, KPhotoBook (AC)
Hot Picks: Amaya, CSSED, EyeOS, FreeSpeak, Gillo, KScope, Luma, Mailtc, Snowball, TryuBlog (MS)
Features: Cracking the kernel (Greg Kroah-Hartman), Free Software vs Open Source (PH)
Interviews: Richard Hipp, Eben Moglen
What on Earth: Parrot (AmC)
Tutorials: Online chat with Skype, IRC and GAIM (AC), GIMP animated fractals (MJH), USB auto mounting (NB), Gambas application building (MAB), Data objects in PHP 5.1 (PH)
Coverdisc: Knoppix 4.0, Gnome 2.12, WINE, Argonium, Arkeia, Classpath


Issue 72 (Nov 2005) - 72 Speedups

News: OpenSUSE, Free Software in schools, Klax Live CD, Turbolite, ThinkFree Office. News extra: OSCon, LinuxWorld and UKUUG show reports
Reviews: Qt 4 (GM), MainActor 5.5 (AC), BlueGlue Starter Edition (GM), Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (PH), Inkscape 0.42 (AC), Knoppix 4.0 (JK)
Books: Performance Tuning for Linux Servers (GM), Red Hat Fedora 4 Unleashed (MS), Pro Hibernate 3 (GM)
Roundup: PDF readers - Acrobat Reader, Evince, GGv, GPdf, KGhostview, KPDF, Xpdf (MF)
Hot Picks: Fish Fillets, FOX Desktop, InitNG, Lunapaint, ngIRCd, Pong2, Ratpoison, SquashFS, tovid, vile (MS)
Features: 72 Speedups (MS, GM, MAB), The rise and fall of an open source project (GM)
Interview: Michael Meeks
What on Earth: Podcasting (AC)
Tutorials: First steps with printing (AC), GIMP blending and embossing (MJH), Emacs and LISP (BL), Gambas modules and classes (MAB), PHP path finding (PH)
Coverdisc: Gentoo 2005.1, Zenwalk 1.2, speedup software, Open Clip art, Syllable, Haiku, ReactOS


Issue 71 (Oct 2005) - Lock out hackers!

News: SCO case spun again, Pre-installed Linspire PCs, Financial freedom for Ubuntu, Sun defends Linux commitment, Gaim wins big in Summer of Code
Reviews: KOffice 1.4 (AC), SmoothWall Corporate Firewall 4 (DC), Amarok 1.3 (AC), Dolce Music Flash Cards (PH), Master Math Word Problems (PH), VariCAD 2005 (NV)
Books: Database In Depth (GM), MySQL Database Design And Tuning (MS), SSH: The Secure Shell, 2nd Edition (PH), Killer Game Programming in Java (PH), Teach Yourself Perl In 24 Hours (NV)
Roundup: File managers - Endeavour Mark 2, FSViewer, gentoo, Konqueror, Midnight Commander, Nautilus, ROX-Filer, Xfe (RS)
Hot Picks: Afick, Datakiosk, FunBlobReturn, GNOME Power Manager, GNU Wget, Kazehakase, Kdissert, Newton, OpenPKG, The Sheep Killer (MS)
Features: Lock out hackers (GM), The problem with desktop Linux (PH), Unisys opens up (GM), The Linux diaries (PH)
Interview: Mark Shuttleworth
What on Earth: Cairo (RD)
Tutorials: Compression with Ark and File Roller (AC), GIMP gel effects (MJH), Custom Emacs appearances (BL), Perl flow, files, and reports (MF), Gambas database access (MAB), PHP SimpleXML and XPath (PH)
Coverdisc: Security toolkit, Trustix, Smoothwall, CentOS 4.1, GNOME 2.10.2, KOffice 1.4


Issue 70 (Sept 2005) - Free at last! Debian 3.1 is here

News: Europe rejects software patents, UK govt launches open source testing lab, Mandriva buys Lycoris, Apple and Intel a threat to desktop Linux, Gentoo founder moves to Microsoft, RealBASIC for Linux
Reviews: OpenLaszlo 3.0 (PH), Xandros Business Desktop OS 3.0 (AC), Studio to Go! (GM), Soul Ride (GM), Astaro Security Linux (DV), Intel C/C++ Compiler 9.0 (BL)
Books: Classic Shell Scripting (PH), Python Cookbook (NV), Don't Click on the Blue E (PH), Linux Desktop Hacks (GM), MySQL in a nutshell (PH)
Roundup: Text editors - CoolEdit, gedit, GNU Emacs, Kate, nano, NEdit, Minimum Profit, Vim
Hot Picks: Anyterm, Critical Mass, Drivel, Firewall Builder, GRAMPS, KsirK, KXDocker, Lukutoukka, QPaMaT, Vazaar (MS)
Features: Debian at a crossroads (RD), Beagle installation guide (GM), Web developing (AmC),
Interview: Gael Duval
What on Earth: PDTP (PH)
Tutorials: GNOME 2.10 (AC), Fixing smiles in The GIMP (MJH), Emacs custom buffer (BL), Perl sorting (MF), Subversion (GM), Problem solving in PHP (PH)
Coverdisc: Double-sided DVD: Debian 3.1, Fedora Core 4, OpenLaszlo 3.0, GIMP 2.3.1 Beta


Issue 69 (Aug 2005) - Play retro games

News: Nokia opens patents to kernel crew, Cuba's open source revolution, Novell revenues
Reviews: Debian 3.1 (RD), EKOPath 2.1 (BL), Fedora Core 4 (AH), Darwinia (PH), Opera 8 (AC), Oxygen XML Editor 6.0 (NV)
Books: Beginning SUSE Linux, Spring Into Linux, Hardening Linux, Learning GNU Emacs, Spring into PHP 5, The Best of Verity Stob
Roundup: Audio editors - Audacity, Freecycle, FreeWheeling, Glame, ReZound, Sweep, WaveSurfer (GM)
Hot Picks: Autopackage, EduKator, Epylog, Freeciv, Glest, Jackbeat, Kile, OneFinger, PerlPanel, Smb4K (MS)
Feature: Emulators - Amiga, Mac, C64, MAME, Mega Drive, SNES, Spectrum (RD, MS, NV)
Feature: Linux at Wimbledon (NV)
Interview: Alan Cox
What on Earth: Open Carpet (RS)
Tutorials: KDE 3.4 (AC), GIMP transparency (MJH), Subversion (GM), Compiling Emacs (BL), Perl variables and operators (MF), PHP and ncurses (PH)
Coverdisc: Kanotix, Arch Linux, Ark Linux, KDE 3.4, emulators galore


Issue 68 (July 2005) - The X factor

News: BitKeeper controversy brings new projects, Debian Sarge release problems, Munich snubs IBM for Linux rollout, Kernel amends cause concern
Reviews: MySQL 5 vs PostgreSQL 8 (DC), Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional (NV), Robin Hood: The Legend Of Sherwood (GM), Ubuntu 5.04 (AH), VMware Workstation 5 (GM), CentOS 4 (AH)
Books: Sams Teach Yourself PHP In 10 Minutes (PH), Linux Device Drivers (GM), Linux Network Administrator's Guide (GM), Linux Quick Fix Notebook (NV)
Roundup: Mini distros - Damn Small Linux, Feather Linux, INSERT, muLinux, Puppy Linux, ZipSlack (MS)
Hot Picks: Akregator, Album Shaper, Blackbox, Dstat, GNUnet, Hot Potato, Kat, Knoda, Meld, Monsterz, xpad (MS)
Features: Future of X (RD), Open source evangelism (Zak Greant, Jennifer Zickerman), Extreme Programming and ICONIX (Matt Stephens, Doug Rosenberg), Infosec Europe 2005 show report (NV)
Interview: Michael Robertson
What on Earth: XDMCP (AmC)
Tutorials: First steps: apt and RPM (AC), GIMP revitalising old photos (MJH), Subversion (GM), ICC optimisation (BL), Shell exit codes and flow control (MF), Dual-head X11 (George Wright), PHP and curl (PH)
Coverdisc: Gentoo Linux 2005.0, Ubuntu 5.04, mini distros


Issue 67 (June 2005) - Xen

News: New direction for Novell, HP sinks $2m into Asia Pacific Linux project, Mandrake reveals merger roadmap, Ark Linux released, Brazil's free software usage
Reviews: SlickEdit 10 (NV), NeroLinux (DC), SUSE 9.3 Professional (PH), Mandriva Limited Edition 2005 (GM), Ready2Surf Zulu k7 (PH)
Books: Exploring The JDS Linux Desktop (GM), Hardening Apache (NV), Network Security Using Linux (PH)
Roundup: Email clients - Balsa, Evolution, KMail, Mahogany, Mutt, Pine, Sylpheed, Thunderbird (MF)
Hot Picks: Tulip, Open Clip Art, Courier, TaskJuggler, GOK, Yzis, Tong, Cognito, AntiRight, BZFlag (MS)
Features: Xen: virtualisation breakthrough (PH), Flame wars: command line vs GUI (NV, Rebecca Smalley), Linux on the Mac Mini (AC), Smart cards (Tim Phipps)
Interview: Matthias Ettrich
What on Earth: Groovy (GM)
Tutorials: Kino DVD video burning (AC), GIMP shadows and reflections (MJH), Emacs advanced features (BL), SuperCollider (GM), GCC compiler options (BL), Shell arrays, dialogs and images (MF), PHP spell-checking (PH)
Coverdisc: Mandriva 2005, Xen, OpenOffice.org 2.0 Beta


Issue 66 (May 2005) - Take back the Web with Firefox

News: Mandrakesoft merges with Conectiva, Rosegarden reaches 1.0, IBM puts 52 million pounds into Linux, Microsoft blocks Wine from updates, German trains to run on Linux
Reviews: Gentoo Linux 2005.0 (NB), Gnome 2.10 (AH), OvisLink Multimedia VPN Router and Server (GM), Slackware 10.1 (TW), Devolo MicroLink dLAN (NV), Linspire 5.0 (CD), Win4Lin Home (GM)
Books: The Exim SMTP Mail Server (PH), Knoppix Hacks (NV), Linux Application Development (GM)
Roundup: Mail servers - Courier IMAP, Exim, IEMS, Insight Server SE, Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail (DC)
Hot Picks: DSPAM, Gourmet, vshnu, LiVES, LinkChecker, KlamAV, XBlast, Open Quartz, gPHPEdit, ELinks (MS)
Features: Desktop duel: KDE vs Gnome (PH, GM), Firefox, GCC 4.0 up close (BL), Stephen Tweedie interview
What on Earth: Plone CMS (JB)
Tutorials: Kino video editing (AC), Beginner's Emacs (BL), Warping text in GIMP (MJH), udev (NB), Audio production (GM), Logins with PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: Security and spyware (NV), Tripwire (NV)
Coverdisc: Slackware 10.1, Vega Strike, Rootkit Hunter


Issue 65 (Apr 2005) - OpenOffice.org 2.0

News: IBM and Sun patents, Red Hat evolves Enterprise Linux, Acrobat 7 arrives, Path to KDE 4, Skype 1.0 released
Reviews: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS (AH), Lphoto 2.0 (GM), Rosegarden 4 (GM), Ardour 1.0 (GM), TouchStream LP keyboard (GM), InstallShield 10.5 (JK), KDE 3.4 (CH), Xfce 4.2 (JK), Bugzilla 2.18 (AmC), Bluefish 1.0 (GM)
Books: Definitive Guide to GCC, Cross-Platform .NET Development
Roundup: Minimalist window managers - evilwm, Ratpoison, Blackbox, PWM, Ion2, TrsWM, larswm, lwm, wm2, Window Maker, IceWM, Fluxbox (RS)
Hot Picks: KGeography, Rhapsody, Node Runner, Thunder and Lightning, aMule, Sylpheed, Raggle, WordPress, Telico, Antiword (MS)
Features: Linux Format Awards (NV), OpenOffice 2.0 (RC), Miguel de Icaza interview on Mono
What on Earth: UBL (MF)
Tutorials: Kino video editing(AC), Beginner's Emacs (BL), Shell secrets (MF), Adverts in GIMP (MJH), Audio production (GM), Forms in PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: Porting to Qt/Embedded (George Wright), Reverse engineering and the law (DH)
Coverdisc: Mepis Linux, ATmission, CanIt, PlanetPenguin Racer, ESP Print Pro


Issue 64 (Mar 2005) - Stop paying for software

News: Poland poleaxes US-style patents, RHEL 4 released, DoCoMo buys into MontaVista, CrossOver supports iTunes, Free Software on Windows debate, PlaneShift
Reviews: GIMP 2.2 (GM), Xandros Desktop 3 (AC), Corporate Guardian 3.5 (GM), PCLinux OS vs Knoppix (DC), Gambas (PH)
Books: Find the Bug (PH), Point and Click Linux (GM)
Roundup: Instant messaging clients - BitlBee, Gabber, Gaim, Naim, Kopete, CenterICQ, Simple Instant Messenger (DC)
Hot Picks: NetBSD, Gnomoradio, Konversation, KXML Editor, ackerTodo, Vamos, FloboPuyo, GParted, Firestarter, Gnumeric (MS)
Features: Migrate to Open Source (AC, AmC, HD, PH, GM, NV), Guido van Rossum (Python) interview
What on Earth: NX remote desktop (RS)
Tutorials: KOffice: KWord (AC), GIMP filters (MJH), KDE development (JB), Audio production (GM), Beginner's Emacs (BL), PHP tidying and SimpleXML (PH)
Linux Pro: Automated nightly builds (Adam Kolawa), Trusted software - the military (RS), Malware on Linux (Patrick Runald)
Coverdisc: SUSE Linux 9.2, Cygwin, Mozilla, Opera, WordPress, Varsha


Issue 63 (Feb 2005) - Network Everything

News: PalmOS to be ported to Linux, Xandros 3.0, Red Hat and IBM certification partners, GNOME 2.8 in Debian, Thunderbird 1.0, TCO in successes, Gentoo Live CD
Reviews: Bibble Pro 4.1 (PH), OpenLoad 4.5 (AmC), Cedega 4.2 (TW), CrossOver Office 4.1 (GM), MainActor 5.2 (GM), TestTrack Pro 7 (PH)
Books: SQLite (PH), SELinux (GM), Mind Hacks (PH), PHP 5 Power Programming (PH), Practical Subversion (GM)
Hot Picks: DrPython, Webpack, Lighttpd, SuperKaramba, DOSBox, Passepartout, Transcend, mtPaint, Planet Zephulor, AbiWord (MS)
Feature: Network Everything - Bluetooth, Wireless, services, SSH, remote X, security, remote desktops, distributed compiling, parallel computing (AC, DC, RD, GM, RBW, NV)
Feature: Nat Friedman interview
What on Earth: Theora codec (MF)
Tutorials: KOffice - KWord (AC), GIMP photographic techniques (MJH), Audio with JACK (GM), KDE coding (JB), Voice over IP (DC), PHP and SQL (PH)
Linux Pro: Building a supercomputer (NV), Free Software in business (RS), Reverse engineering legal issues (DH)
Coverdisc: Sun JDS Live CD, Knoppix 3.7, Flash Linux, Horde, OpenLoad demo, TestTrack demo, Webmin, AmaroK, Scribus templates


Issue 62 (Jan 2005) - Ultimate Distros!

News: Linux on UK government desktops, The GIMP 2.2 approaching, Half-Life 2, Lycoris business model, Novell profits, Samba 4
Reviews: Centos (GM), HP NX5000 laptop (GM), PKZip Server (GM), Revolution 2.5 (RD), Xandros Desktop Management System (AC), InterScan VirusWall SMB 5.0 (GM), JBuilder 2005 Enterprise Edition (GM)
Books: OpenGL SuperBible (PH), MySQL Administrator's Guide (NV), UNIX Shells by Example (GM), Oracle Application Server 10g Essentials (PH), How Networks Work (NV), Succeeding with Open Source (PH)
Roundup: Backup programs - KDar, dar, Bacular, Storix, rdiff-backup, Partition Image (NB)
Hot Picks: Conglomerate, WMI, Partition Image, MenuetOS, Gtk+ WebCore, LSAT, Kafka, QBrew (MS)
What on Earth: PearPC (RS)
Feature: Ultimate Distro Roundup - Conectiva, Debian, Red Hat, Gentoo, Knoppix, Linspire, Lycoris, Mandrake, Mepis, Slackware, SUSE, Turbolinux, Ubuntu, Yellow Dog, Yoper
Interview: Damian Conway (Perl 6)
Tutorials: Multimedia keyboards (AC), Gallery design (MJH), KDE coding (JB), SDL game programming (PH), Debugging (Swayam Prakasha), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: Raid on SATA (NV), Securing removable media (Magnus Ahlberg), Automotive Applications (Bill Weinberg)
Coverdisc: Fedora Core 3, Ubuntu 4.10, KOffice, SCOURGE


Issue 61 (Christmas 2004) - 64-bit or Bust

News: Firefox launches with a splash, Novell clarifies patent policy, Visual Basic for Linux, Unisys expands Linux relationships
Reviews: Evolution 2 (JK), Fedora Core 3 (AH), Understand 1.4 (BL), SpamAssassin 3.0 (TW), HP dx2000 (NV), SUSE Linux 9.2 (RC), Cherry CyMotion Master (PH), Seapine Surround SCM 3.0 (JB), Doom 3 (PH, NV)
Books: Foundations of Python Network Programming (NV), Exceptional C++ Style (PH), A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux (AH), Moving to the Linux Business Desktop (RC), PHP and MySQL Web Development 3rd Edition (PH), High-Tech Crimes Revealed (NV)
Roundup: Media players - Amarok, Rhythmbox, JuK, Kaffeine, XMMS (AC)
Hot Picks: AutoScan, AfterStep, QEMU, OneFinger, ClamAV, Bygfoot, Worms of Prey, ReactOS, Thunderbird, Xfce (MS)
Interview: Allison Randal (PH)
What on Earth: Fink (RoS)
Feature: 64-bit or Bust (PH)
Tutorials: Firefox and Thunderbird (AC), Gallery design (MJH), KDE coding (JB), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: The Race for Realtime (NV), Novell interview (PH), Security (Ernst Kelting), The WEEE what? (NV)
Coverdisc: SUSE 9.2 LiveCD, Topologilinux, Kino, Seapine Surround, OpenOffice.org


Issue 60 (Dec 2004) - Mandrake 10.1

News: LSB standard upgraded, Ubuntu Linux unleashed, IBM has the power, Gecko ported to Qt, Mandrake goes for security clearance
News Extra: LinuxWorld Expo 2004
Reviews: KDE 3.3 (AC), Gnome 2.8 (AH), Scribus 1.2 (AC), Ubuntu (JB), Arkeia LDAP (CD)
Books: Advanced PHP Programming (PH), Hacking for Dummies (AH), Version Control with Subversion (MK)
Roundup: Personal Finance Packages - GnuCash, KMyMoney, Moneydance, Kapital (AC)
Hot Picks: Liferea, AWStats, Kdissert, GWhere, Azureus, KDar, Rootkit Hunter, Cube, Galaxy Hack (MS)
Features: PHP interview (PH), Linux on PPC Macs (William Von Hagen), Mandrake 10.1
What on Earth: SPF (MF)
Tutorials: The Linux Filesystem (AC), Building Flash animations (MJH), KDE coding (JB), Game programming (PH), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: Smoke and Mirrors (NV), Charities and Open Source (JB), Novell interview (PH)
Coverdisc: Mandrake 10.1


Issue 59 (Nov 2004) - Future Linux

News: Linux desktops get a makeover, Microsoft told to get Get The Facts straight, Scribus 1.2 unleashed, Lindows kills IPO ambitions
Reviews: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (AC), Turbolinux 10F (MS), SharqServ 326 (PH), Zend Studio 3.5 (PH), Komodo Professional 3.0 (BL), JDeveloper 10g (RD)
Books: Red Hat Fedora Linux 2 Bible (AH), Dive Into Python (RC), Advanced Unix Programming (PH), Just a Geek (PH), Eclipse (NV), Wi-Fi Toys (NV)
Roundup: Web Editors - Quanta, Bluefish, Screem, Nvu, OpenOffice.org Webwriter (AC)
Hot Picks: eGroupWare, Pen, HT Editor, Syllable, Revelation, DokuWiki, Streamtuner, The Life of a Geek (MS)
Feature: Future Linux (JB, CH, PH, JK)
What on Earth: JACK (AC)
Tutorials: Backing up (AC), Building Flash animations (MJH), GRUB (CB), PHP (PH), Game programming (PH), KDE coding (JB)
Linux Pro: The Real Tuxracer (NV), Getting Certified (PH), Astaro AA10 (NV), Novell interview (PH)
Coverdisc: VMware Workstation, KDE 3.3, MEPIS, BitTornado, Scribus 1.2, Catux-USB


Issue 58 (Oct 2004) - 58 Cool Hacks

News: Patent issues, Doom 3, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, Lycoris to revolutionise package management
Reviews: Mono 1.0 (JB), Cedega 4.0 (MS), MandrakeMove 2 (CD), Project Looking Glass (JB), LinuxShield 1.1 (CD), Skype (AC), C++Builder X (MK), Amarok (AC)
Books: Linux Pocket Guide, Perl Template Toolkit, Oracle JDeveloper 10g
Roundup: FTP clients - NcFTP, NFTP, J-FTP, JFTP, gFTP, Junkie (MF)
Hot Picks: MyBudget, FSlint, Knoda, gLabels, Pogo, Trapdoor2, KHTMLScrub, GLtron, Pydance (MS)
Feature: 58 Cool Hacks (JB, BL, RBW, JK, PH, NV, O'Reilly)
What on Earth: Project Utopia (JB)
Tutorials: Security (AC), URPM (NV), LIDS (DC), Colourizing Clip Art (MJH), KDE coding (JB), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: OSCon 2004 (PH), Microsoft and Linux (JB), Novell interview (PH), Speedy Hire (JB), Skype interview (Nicola Smith)
Coverdisc: Gentoo 2004.2, MandrakeMove, Skype, KOffice, Mono 1.0, Inkscape


Issue 57 (Sept 2004) - Faster Filesystems

News: Mono 1.0, MSN and Mozilla, Supercomputing, Dell and Linspire, Skype, WineX 4, Looking Glass
Reviews: Sharp Zaurus SL-C860 (PH), Northland (PH), Slackware 10.0 (TW), Xandros Desktop 2.0 Business (AC), Visual SlickEdit 9.0 (NV), Sun JDS (AC)
Books roundup: Essential Maths for Games and Interactive Apps, Relax NG, Game Programming Gems 4, PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Websites, Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography, PHP and MySQL Manual, Definitive Guide to Samba 3, C and Data Structures, Essential PHP Tools, Data Compression, Definitive Guide to MySQL, Game Programming Golden Rules
Roundup: Illustration software - Inkscape, Karbon14, Sodipodi, OpenOffice.org Draw, Sketch/Skencil (AC)
Hot Picks: Ayttm, Elmo, ASSP, Drivel, Vnc2swf, POPsearch, Usermin, Ghextris, openMSX (MS)
Feature: Faster filesystems (RD)
What on Earth: Intel's EM64T (BL)
Tutorials: Web servers (AC), Beziers (MJH), Scribus (NV), Game programming (PH), PHP (PH), KDE coding (JB)
Linux Pro: 1&1 and Linux (PH), Free Education (RS), Wind River Workbench 2 (NV), Novell interview (PH)
Coverdisc: Slackware 10.0, SUSE Personal 9.1, Firefox, Thunderbird, ClamAV, Scribus


Issue 56 (Aug 2004) - Fedora Uncovered

News: Kernel IP issues, Helix Player, BEA, Sun JDS, Computer Associates, XP partitioning issues
Reviews: Red Hat Desktop 3 (AH), Nvu (AC), VMware WS 4.5 (PH), Postal 2 (PH), Blender 2.33a (JB), Astaro 5.010 (NV), GCC 3.4.0 (BL), CrossOver Office 3.0 (PH)
Books: Amazon Hacks (NV), Beginning ANSI C++ (PH), Moving from Windows to Linux (AH), Malicious Cryptography (PH)
Roundup: IRC clients - X-Chat, Chatzilla, BitchX, KVirc, Irssi, TalkSoup (JB)
Hot Picks: Gramps, PHPX, Porthole, Skippy, Joe, Tclwebtest, WindowLab, Lost Labyrinth, Supertux (MS)
Feature: Fedora Core 2
Feature: Patents (DH)
What on Earth: RSS (JB)
Tutorials: FTP - File Transfer Protocol (AC), Inkspace (MJH), recode (RD), Game programming (PH), Secure PHP coding (PH), KDE coding (JB)
Linux Pro: Red Hat interviews, CodeWeavers (CrossOver) interview (PH), Neoware Capio 500 Thin Client (PH), Security and rootkits (NV)
Coverdisc: Fedora Core 2, Astaro Security Linux, PearPC, WINE, GCC


Issue 55 (July 2004) - Learn to Love Code

News: Red Hat and desktop market, Turbolinux 10F, Ximian Connector under GPL, Lindows IPO, CrossOver, HP Linux PCs
Reviews: Neverwinter Nights (PH), GNOME 2.6 (AH), Leylines (NV), Gigabyte SR-147L (PH), Maya 6 Unlimited (PH), VIA EPIA-TC 10000 (NV), System Backup Administrator (PH)
Books: Official Fedora Companion (AH), Dancing Barefoot (PH), AI Game Programming Wisdom 2 (PH), Sendmail Cookbook (NV)
Roundup: Web Browsers - Mozilla, Firefox, Konqueror, Epiphany, Lynx, Links, Galeon, W3M (JB)
Hot Picks: SCREEM, SlimLinux, XCruiser, SmbWebClient, TkDesk, Sily, Slapt-get, Battle for Wesnoth, Neverball (MS)
Feature: Learn to Love Code
What on Earth: The 0(1) Scheduler (JK)
Tutorials: IM with Kopete (AC), LDAP (NV), hdparm (RD), Writing KDE apps (JB), Game programming - music (PH), PHP POSIX and signals (PH), GIMP Perl Plugins (MJH)
Linux Pro: Software patents (PH), IBM DB2 - Stinger (PH), MySQL interview (PH), PeopleSoft (PH), Infosec 2004 (NV), Secure Backup (PH)
Coverdisc: Dyne:bolic, Cooperative Linux, KDevelop, OpenOffice.org, Xorg, XFree86


Issue 54 (June 2004) - Stop Spam!

News: Sun and Microsoft alliance, Novell Brainshare, SANs, Lindows and MS
Reviews: The GIMP 2.0 (NV), SUSE 9.1 Pro (PH), Fedora Core 2 (AH), Ayrsoft icon Server (PH), Systemax Mission 3607 (PH), Gigabyte SR114E (PH), Java 2 SE 1.5 (PH), VMware GSX 3 (PH), TuxCards 1.1 (AC)
Books: SVG Unleashed (PH), Grid Computing (NV), Core PHP Programming (PH)
Roundup: Live CD Distros - Damn Small Linux, Gnoppix, Knoppix, PCLinuxOS, RPM LiveCD, Slax (MF)
Hot Picks: Audacity, TeePeeDee, BasKet, Worker, Kasablanca, GrubConf, ESR Backup, SolrWolf, TORCS (MS)
Feature: Stop Spam, Viruses and Hackers
What on Earth: The Creative Commons (JB)
Tutorials: Audacity (AC), Writing GIMP Perl Plugins, Game Programming (PH), Command-line PHP Coding (PH), Perl Templates (DCr), Coding in KDevelop (JB)
Linux Pro: Zend (PH), Open Source Java (PH), LinuxWorld (PH), Open Source and Business (NV), Equiinet SentryPilot (PH), Storix Interview (PH), Security Regulations (Jay G Heiser), Oracle EM10g (PH)
Coverdisc: GNOME 2.6, The GIMP 2.0, Knoppix, Damn Small Linux, Slax, PCLinuxOS, Mandrake Move


Issue 53 (May 2004) - Build the Ultimate Linux Box

News: Novell/SUSE, Java, Macromedia, HP, XFree86
Reviews: Mandrake 10.0 (TW), KDE 3.2 (JB), Unreal Tourn 2004 (NV, PH), PlanMaker 2004 (RBW), Subversion 1.0 (MK)
Books: Red Hat Bible - Fedora and Enterprise (AH), Data Compression Methods (PH), Official Samba 3 Reference (NV), Learning Python (NV), Real World SCM (NV)
Roundup: C/C++ IDEs - KDevelop, Motor, Anjuta, MinGW Dev Studio, WideStudio (JB)
Hot Picks: GCompris, SegusoLand, KolourPaint, HotSaNIC, FileGarden, Bookcase, Gnofract 4D, Sanitizer, GCrontab, Senken, Blobwars (MS)
Feature: Build the Ultimate Linux Box (PH)
What on Earth: Mono (BL)
Tutorials: Evolution (AC), The GIMP 2.0 (MJH), Movies - Fading with Kino (BL), PHP Network Admin (PH), SQL Databases (RBW), Perl Template Toolkit (DCr), Networking - SNMP (CB)
Linux Pro: 3ware and SATA (NV), Policy-based Security (Gilles Samoun), Network Management (NV), Tim O'Reilly Interview, Oracle App Server 10G (PH)
Coverdisc: Mandrake 10.0 CE, The GIMP 2.0, Unison, UT 2004 Demo


Issue 52 (Apr 2004) - Making Movies

News: Next-gen distros, OSS Java, MS on TCO, Lindows, Eric Raymond Interview
Reviews: Boston Superserver 6113 (PH), Systemax Mission 3602 (PH), CheepLinux Megapack (PH), Intel C++ 8.0 (BL), Portland C/C++ 5.1 (BL), Arkeia 5.2 (CD), KDevelop 3.0.1 (JB), KOffice 1.3 (MF)
Books: RH Fedora Desktop for Dummies (AH), J2EE Developer's Handbook (AH), Hacking the TiVo (AS), Best of The Joy of Tech (PH)
Roundup: Compression Software - KArchiver, File Roller, TkZip, Bloat, KDE Ark, Gnochive (MS)
Hot Picks: MagicPoint, LiarLiar, Colorize, SquashFS, DOSEmu, Squirrel, Gtkboard (MS)
Features: LXF Awards 2004, Making Movies (BL)
What on Earth: Hardware Description Languages (MF)
Tutorials: KOrganizer (AC), Compiler Writing (PH), Game Programming (PH), PHP and LDAP (NV, PH), 3D with The GIMP (MJH), Perl Template Toolkit (DCr), SNMP (CB)
Linux Pro: OSDL (NV), Copyrights and the EUCD (DH), Montavista interview (NV), Oracle and Grid Computing (PH), VMware (PH)
Coverdisc: KDE 3.2, System Rescue CD, Video tools


Issue 51 (Mar 2004) - Get Hardware Working With Linux

News: IBM and desktop Linux, Lindows and Reiser4, KOffice, DVD-Jon, MyDoom
Reviews: Tadpole Talin 240S laptop (PH), MandrakeMove 1.0 (BL), Xandros Desktop 2 Deluxe (AC), Armari RM-064-4CS (PH), Xinit SharqServ SPS440 (PH), SUSE Wine Rack (CD), NingPo Mah Jong (PH), Hyperspace Delivery Boy (PH)
Books: Mono Kickstart (RC), Focus on SDL (PH), Nanotech and Homeland Security (MNa), Web Testing Companion (PH)
Roundup: Firewalls - Astaro Secure Linux, ClarkConnect, SME Server, IPCop, Smoothwall Corp 3.0, Smoothwall Express 2.0 (DC)
Hot Picks: RUNT, UrlGet, KSambaPlugin, Eric3, Salamander, KnowIt, EncFS, Generator, Circus Linux! (MS)
Feature: Hardware and Linux - Modems (DC), Printers (NV), Graphics cards (RD), USB (NV), Sound cards (RD), Scanners (MF), WiFi (AC), Firewire/RAID (NV), Mass storage and ACPI
Tutorials: PixiePlus (AC), Scanning with The GIMP (MJH), PHP and SQLite (PH), Compiler Writing (PH), TCP/IP Infrastructure (CB),
Linux Pro: SGI Altix 350 and interview, Red Hat enterprise apps (PH), 64-bit migration (PH), Pamela Jones of Groklaw interview (PH), Positive Internet interview (PH)
Coverdisc: MandrakeMove, Mini-distros, MythTV, Knoppix, Sun Java Desktop Live


Issue 50 (Feb 2004) - 50th Issue Special

News: 2004 for mainstream Linux, OSS bounties, Linux in space, MandrakeMove, Xandros 2
Reviews: Evesham Reliance 500CW (PH), Systemax Mission 6507 (PH), JBuilder X Enterprise (PH), CrossOver Office 2.1 (PH), Seapine Surround SCM v2 (JB), Knights and Merchants (NV), Software Tycoon (NV)
Books: Linux Toys (PH), Linux Game Programming (PH), Automating UNIX and Linux Admin (NV), Java 2 Game Programming (AH)
Roundup: Astronomy - Nightfall, Starplot, KStars, Xsky, Xephem, XPLNS, Celestia, Stellarium (MF)
Hot Picks: gPhoto/gtkam, Firebird/Thunderbird, Planner, Scribus, Anjuta, NEdit, Exim, ProFTPD, BZFlag, ZSNES (MS)
Feature: Linux's Biggest Hitters - Torvalds, Stallman, Cox, Women, Szulik, Raymond, Perens, Ettrich, Stallings, Moglen (MS)
Feature: Extreme Programming (JB)
What on Earth: Fortran (BL)
Tutorials: Sound reproduction (AC), Blender (JB), GIMP Filters (MJH), PHP and XML (PH), TCP/IP infrastructure (CB), HTML/CSS (JB),
Linux Pro: Computer Associates and Scalability (PH), SGI interview (PH), Trend Micro interview (NV), Navaho and CATs (PH), Superquote.com (AC), NAS Express (PH)
Coverdisc: CD: 50 Best Hot Picks, DVD: Every Hot Picks app ever covered


Issue 49 (Jan 2004) - Java on the Desktop

News: Novell's SUSE purchase reaction, IBM, SGI, Debian Woody, Sun in China, SUSE Wine
Reviews: HP d530 and wx4100 workstations (PH), Omnis Studio 3.3 (JB), Red Hat Enterprise AS 3.0 (JB), Maya 5 Unlimited (NV), VIA EPIA CL10000 (NV), Corporate Guardian 3.0 (CD)
Books: Masters of Doom (AH), Beyond Fear (PH), OpenGL Game Programming (PH), ()Text Processing in Python (NV)
Roundup: DVD Players - Xine, Kplayer, MPlayer, VLC Media Player, Ogle, Xmovie (TW)
Hot Picks: Kile, CGI:IRC, Meld, AntiRight, Gmodconfig, APT-Fu, NewsBruiser, Enigma, GL-117 (MS)
Features: Java on the Desktop (PH), Corrupt CDs (MK)
What on Earth: The AFFS (RS)
Tutorials: Command Line (AC), HTML/CSS (JB), Blender Meshing (JB), GIMP Filters (MJH), PHP 5 (PH) FTP Servers (NV), TCP/IP infrastructure (CB)
Linux Pro: Blade Servers (PH), Content Management (NV), Disk Virtualisation (DCa), Clustering (PH), Hostway (PH)
Coverdisc: Fedora Core 1, Omnis Studio 3.1, Vega Strike, Kopete, K3B


Issue 48 (Christmas 2003) - Free Your Office

News: Novell buys SUSE, Nvu, Mandrake 9.2 and LG drives, Crossover, Red Hat Enterprise, Novell on security
Reviews: Slackware 9.1 (MS), HP Integrity rx2600 (PH), Gigabyte SR125ED (PH), Majesty (NV)
Books: Secure Programming Cookbook for C++ (PH), Practical Programming with Tcl/Tk (RC), Intrusion Detection with Snort (PH), RHL9 Unleashed vs RHL9 Professional Secrets (AmC)
Roundup: MIDI Sequencers - Brahms, MusE, Rosegarden, Jazz++, Anthem (RD)
Hot Picks: DOSBox, Firestarter, GAIM, CUTE, Tutka, AmaroK, Netwox, LTris, Atomic Tanks (MS)
Feature: Free Your Office - OpenOffice.org, StarOffice 7.0 (RC)
Feature: KDE 3.2 Preview (CH)
What on Earth: BitTorrent (NB)
Tutorials: Migration (AC), HTML/CSS (JB), Scribus 1.0 (AC), Blender lighting and shading (JB), GIMP shadows (MJH), PHP and PEAR (PH), Remote Access (DC)
Linux Pro: Security: ISS Interview (PH), SCO Lawsuit (DH), JBoss (NV), Novell interview (PH), Host Europe (PH)
Coverdisc: SUSE 9.0 Live, Slackware 9.1, BitTorrent, Gentoo FM, KDE 3.2 alpha 2


Issue 47 (Dec 2003) - Mandrake 9.2

News: OpenOffice.org overhaul, Linux in F1, SUSE 9, SGI, Novell Brainshare, Linux Expo UK 2003
Reviews: Xinit SharqStation (PH), MT Studio (RD), Lazarus (Warren Brown), SUSE 9.0 Pro (PH), Joystick mini-roundup (PH)
Books: Extreme Programming with Ant (PH), Practical Guide to Curl (PH), Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (AH), Mastering Red Hat Linux 9 (RC), Essential CVS (NV)
Roundup: Newsreaders - Slrn, Pan, Thunderbird, KNode, Gnus, Sylpheed, Tin, Knews, MyNewsGroups, Mahogany (MS)
Hot Picks: Epiphany, Gnumeric, LSH, Apollon, Peacock, Yawk, Flwriter, BomberClone, Briquolo (MS)
Feature: Mandrake 9.1 (NB)
What on Earth: CVS (JB)
Tutorials: Beginners' Networking (AC), Compiler Writing (PH), Blender (JB), GIMP Brushes (MJH), PHP Sockets (PH), Basic Firewalls (JB), Easy Scanning (NV)
Linux Pro: Web Worries Sorted (PH), IBM interview, Thin Clients, Sharq, SATA, NAS (PH), Nessus (NV), Rackspace (PH)
Coverdisc: Mandrake 9.2


Issue 46 (Nov 2003) - Kernel 2.6 is Born!

News: Samba 3.0, Patents, SUSE and SGI, XFree86, Sun, Desktop Linux
Reviews: Armari Pro3D Workstation (PH), Fujitsu Primergy TX300 (PH), OpenOffice.org 1.1 (PH), Aethera 1.0 (AC), Keyboard mini-roundup (PH)
Books: Algorithms for Compiler Design (PH), Linux in a Nutshell (RC), Managing Linux Systems with Webmin (NV), OS Fundamentals (PH), Firewalls for Dummies (RC)
Roundup: Java IDEs - Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder (RD)
Hot Picks: Kroupware, Danpei, gPHPEdit, MozPlayerXP, Straw, ScummVM, Cherokee, Atlantik, GRhino (MS)
Features: Kernel 2.6 (RD), ZoneMinder interview (NV)
Features: The New-Look SUSE (PH), PHP 5 (Zeev Suraski)
What on Earth: The Grid (AC)
Tutorials: Beginners' Browsing (AC), Regular Expressions (CB), Compiler Writing (PH), Blender Particles (JB), GIMP Photo Restoration (MJH), PHP Buffering (PH), Apache 2 (JB)
Linux Pro: Red Hat Training and Certification (Hans Huberland), Hacking Prevention (PH), Xinit interview (PH), Linux Expo Guide
Coverdisc: Gentoo Linux 1.4, Seapine Surround SCM, RUNT


Issue 45 (Oct 2003) - Speed Up Linux!

News: Novell buys Ximian, Supercomputers, Kroupware, GnuCash, Savage, Mozilla
Reviews: Armari RM-064-1AE 1U Opteron Server (PH), Yellow Dog 3.0 (RD), SNAP Graphics 2.0 beta (RD), Revolution 2.0 (RD), Scribus 1.0 (AC), Infomap Navigator Europe (Andy Chanelle), OpenGroupware.org (PH), Zend Studio 3 (PH)
Books: Practical Cryptography (PH), The Complete FreeBSD (PH), Java Extreme Programming Cookbook (RC), Building Embedded Linux Systems (NV), Programming Java for Dummies (RC)
Roundup: Web servers - Apache, Boa, Caudium, Roxen, thhpd, Tux/kHTTPd, Zeus (DC)
Hot Picks: AbiWord, XFce, IlohaMail, KScope, NaturalDocs, IBMonitor, Stoned, FooBillard (MS)
Features: Speed Up Linux!
What on Earth: BSD (MS)
Tutorials: Beginners' GNOME, Alternate RH Package Management (HD), Compiler Writing (PH), Blender (JB), GIMP Skins (MJH), PHP and MySQL Optimisation (PH), Basic Server School (NV)
Linux Pro: Linux Expo UK 2003 Preview, Storage Solutions (Robert Jaques), Western Digital Raptor review (NV), Spam (DH), 1&1 Internet (PH)
Coverdisc: FreeBSD 4.8, Beneath A Steel Sky, Scribus, Topogilinux


Issue 44 (Sept 2003) - Do More! 40 Pages of Tutorials

News: Kernel 2.6 soon, Dreamworks, IBM and PPC, HP enterprise line, REALBasic, Linare
Reviews: Neoware Eon Preferred 4000 (PH), Seapine Surround SCM (JB), JBuilder 9 Enterprise (PH), SuSE Enterprise Desktop 1 (AC), Ximian Desktop 2 (RC), Navaho TeamCAT (PH)
Books: Programming C# (PH), FreeBSD Unleashed (PH), More Java Pitfalls (RC), Python in a Nutshell (RC)
Roundup: Text Editors - Kate, Joe, Vim, jEdit, Emacs, Nano (PH)
Hot Picks: ReZound, Gestalter, Software Suspend, Madman, GNOME Commander, AIDE, Kahakai, Pathological, TuxPuck (MS)
Features: Better Sound (RD)
What on Earth: Rsync (NV)
Tutorials: MP3 Jukebox (MK), Alternative RH Package Management (HD), Samba Authentication (CB), Realsoft 3D (NV), Blender Animation (JB), GIMP Text (MJH), PHP Optimisation (PH), Beginners' KDE
Linux Pro: Zend interview (PH), Domain Names (DH), Compiler Writing Q&A (PH), Web Hosting Roundup (PH)
Coverdisc: Multimedia suite, Mozilla 1.4, Opera 7.11, Realsoft 3D 4.5, JAMD Linux


Issue 43 (Aug 2003) - Become a Network Guru

News: SCO vs the world, Penguin buys Scyld, Neverwinter Nights, Linus at OSDL, HP, Neuros
Reviews: VMware Workstation 4.0 (RD), Evesham Micros Quest LM (PH), MoneyDance (AC), Win4Lin 5.0 Workstation (AC), NetVault 7 Enterprise (PH), TextMaker 2002 (PH)
Books: MySQL Enterprise Solutions (NV), Teach Yourself C++ (NV), The Linux Process Manager (PH), Red Hat 9 For Dummies (RC), Apache Tomcat Bible (PH)
Roundup: CD-burning apps - X-CD-Roast, Arson, CD Bake Oven, K3b, SimpleCDR-X, webCDwriter (RD)
Hot Picks: Mozilla Firebird, WeirdX, ManEdit, 4est's Weblog, ELinks, Middleman, Gallery, Tux Typing, Frozen Bubble (MS)
Feature: Become a Network Guru! (DC)
Feature: The Opterons Have Landed (PH)
What on Earth: /proc (PH)
Tutorials: Hardware Compatibility, Linux for Windows Users (FC), GnuCash (AC), Samba First Steps (CB), Blender Textures (JB), GIMP Selections (MJH), PHP File Manipulation (PH)
Linux Pro: Training camp (PH), LPI (NV), Flex and Bison (PH), Storage SATA, Ethernet bridging (DC), Snort (NV)
Coverdisc: Networking toolkit, America's Army, Slackware Live CD


Issue 42 (July 2003) - All About X

News: SCO's next target, Peoplesoft, Athene, Opera, Laptops, Win4Lin
Reviews: Red Hat Enterprise AS (NV), GCC 3.3 (PH), Java 2 SE 1.4.2 (PH), Seapine TestTrack Pro 5.1.1 (JB), Visual SlickEdit 8.0 (NV), MySQL 4 (PH), Xinit Sharq SPS234 (PH), Neoteris Instant Virtual Extranet Access 3000 (PH)
Books: Maximum Security (PH), Red Hat Linux 8 Unleashed (PH), Practical Unix & Internet Security (PH), Webmaster in a Nutshell (AmC), Web Server Programming (AmC)
Hot Picks: MPlayer, Twin, KMyFirewall, Quick Spam Filter, Pan, Nessus, Dillo, Freelords, Barrage (MS)
Feature: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About X (RD)
Feature: WINE (NV, AC, PH)
Feature: Steganography (PH)
What on Earth: Distributed Computing (JB)
Tutorials: Beginners' Linux (AC), DHCP Servers (RD, NV), GIMP Photos (MJH), PHP (PH), Python Packages(PO), Blender Lighting (JB), Runtime Revolution (RD)
Linux Pro: Novell Growth (AC), Compiler Writing (PH), Oracle interview (NV), Licensing (PH), Using NFS (NV), Nagios (NV)
Coverdisc: Morphix, GuardDog, Torcs, WINE


Issue 41 (June 2003) - Hammer Time!

News: Novell embraces Linux, AMD and SuSE, Crossover Office, KOffice, Microsoft EULA, Software AG
Reviews: Mandrake 9.1 (BL), Red Hat 9 (AC), SuSE 8.2 Pro (AC), AC3D (NV), Astaro Security Linux V4 (RD), JCodeBox (PH), OpenAuth (PH), NEC Express 5800 (PH)
Books: MySQL, 2nd Edition (PH), LDAP Directories Explained (NV), Unix Power Tools (NV), PHP And MySQL Web Development (PH), PostgreSQL (PH)
Roundup: Laptops Megatest (PH)
Hot Picks: Thunderbird, Ratpoison, Monkey HTTPD, JuK, LNX-BBC, Jay's Iptables Firewall, Endeavour II, Search and Rescue, Emilia Pinball (MS)
Feature: Hammer Time - AMD Opteron (PH)
What on Earth: The Hurd (RD)
Tutorials: Building RPMs (WB), Cable Modems (MK), GIMP Blends (MJH), PHP (PH), Python (PO), Modelling with Blender (JB), Runtime Revolution (RD)
Linux Pro: e-Voting (AC), .NET and Linux (PH), Qtopia (Elspeth Wales), Compiler Writing (PH), NAS and SAN (NV), Thin Clients (NV)
Coverdisc: Mandrake 9.1, The GIMP, Slackware 9.0, video players, OpenOffice.org


Issue 40 (May 2003) - SCO's $1,000,000,000 Lawsuit

News: New distro releases, XFree86 future, TextMaker, HP and Red Hat, Linux and viruses, marketshare, SCO, Infosec 2003
Reviews: VariCAD 9.0 (NV), Gigabyte Server SR113 (PH), SuSE Enterprise Server 8 (PH), IP*Works! C++ v5.0 (MK), Zend Studio 2.6 (PH), Internet Exchange Messaging Server (DC)
Books: Implementing Intrusion Detection Systems (PH), Linux For Windows Administrators (AmC), DNS For Dummies (PH)
Hot Picks: Rhythmbox, Qixite, YAALA, Junkie, Avidemux, Darkstat, Zoinks, QtVision, GPL Arcade Volleyball (MS)
Feature: Linux for Mac Users (Paul Sellars)
Feature: LXF Awards 2002 Winners
What on Earth: EFI - Extensible Firmware Interface (PH)
Tutorials: Mozilla (AC), GIMP Layer Masks (MJH), GUIs in PHP (PH), Python Containers (PO), Blender Intro (JB)
Linux Pro: Desktop Linux Consortium (Barbara Gengler), Liability (DH), Storage and LVM (PH), VIPER and the police (NV), Cross-platform GUI development (PH), Security (Peter Mackley, Rie Dodsworth)
Coverdisc: Runtime Revolution, Vector Linux 3.2 SOHO, Mini-distros, Mozilla, MySQL


Issue 39 (Apr 2003) - Customize it!

News: Lindows and Desktop Linux Summit, MandrakeSoft, new browsers, Motorola, Adobe
Reviews: Evesham e-scape Li (AC), Acronis Partition Expert 2003 (HD), GnuCash (AC), SME Server 5.6 (RD)
Books: Red Hat Linux Firewalls (JK), Embedding Perl In HTML With Mason (DCr), Linux System Administration (JK), HTTP The Definitive Guide (MK), Building Secure Servers With Linux (CH)
Roundup: File managers - Midnight Commander, UnixTree, sfm, Kc, DFM, FileRunner, Emelfm, TkDesk, Gentoo, ROX, Konqueror, Nautilus (MF)
Hot Picks: Kopete, Linphone, NetMap, LSHW, Evolvotron, CGI-Shell, Transcode, Starfighter Demo (MS)
Feature: Customising Linux (Various)
Feature: Cheap and easy networking with SLIP and PLIP (MS)
What on Earth: Wiki (AC)
Tutorials: Mozilla toolbars (AC), GIMP textures (MJH), PHP shell scripts (PH), Python (PO), PDAs and PIMs (AC)
Linux Pro: SGI Altix (NV), Network Security (David Taylor), Maxtor 5000XT (NV), Apache URL Rewriting (DC), Tomcat (CB), Iptables (DC)
Coverdisc: SME Server, GNOME 2.2, Qt 3.1, Blender, UT2003 Demo


Issue 38 (Mar 2003) - You, Copyright and the Law

News: KDE 3.1, Red Hat shelf life, SCO and patents, IBM, Aqua Data Studio, Lindows Media Centre, Free Treeware, GnomeMeeting, SGI Big Iron
Reviews: SuSE Office Desktop (NV), VIA M9000 (NV), Dantz Retrospect (NV), Lycoris Prod Pack (AC)
Books: DNS & BIND (CD), Red Hat 8 for Dummies (TW), Red Hat 8 Bible (MF), FSF Essays of RMS (RS)
Roundup: Audio editors - Audacity, Ecawave, GNoise, GLAME, Sweep, mhWaveEdit (RB)
Hot Picks: DNSMasq, Trackballs, distcc, Kvocabulary, Seahorse, Pixie Plus
Features: The Fink Project (BvH), LinuxHelp (AC)
What on Earth: SVG (DC)
Tutorials: Mozilla (AC), The GIMP (MJH), PHP (PH), Python (PO), Partition Imaging (NV)
Linux Pro: Embedded Linux (NV), Grid computing (AF), Storage (NV), Apache (DC), Tomcat (CB), Iptables (DC)
Coverdisc: KDE 3.1, Yellow Dog, Lycoris, Knoppix 3.1, TopologiLinux


Issue 37 (Feb 2003) - Is Linux ready for the Desktop?

News: MandrakeSoft finances, Foobillard, Embedded Linux, Copyrights, Elcomsoft, IBM in India, FOSDEM 2003
Reviews: Arkeia 5.0.8 (NV), LindowsOS 3 (AC), NetServe Kwartz (RD), Unreal Tournament 2003 (NV)
Books: Official Red Hat Linux User's Guide (BL), Official Red Hat Linux Administration Guide (JK), Mastering PHP 4.1 (PH)
Roundup: Window Managers - XFce, GNOME, KDE, Window Maker, FVWM, AfterStep, Fluxbox, Enlightenment, IceWM, QVWM, Sawfish (MS)
Hot Picks: Bluefish, Bochs, Gambas, KBudget, Phoenix, Epiar (RD)
Feature: Is Linux Ready for the Desktop? (AC, NV)
Feature: Font Management (MF)
Feature: Build your own Linux PC Backup Server (Les Hatton)
What on Earth: Serial ATA (RD)
Tutorials: Perl (CS), Squid 2.5 (CD), Skinning Mozilla (AC), Java and GCJ (RD), OpenOffice.org graphics (NL), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: Linux in Accountancy (NV), Recycling (JB), Business Continuity (Martin Turner), Accessibility in GNOME 2.2 (RS), OpenMP (BL)
Coverdisc: Yoper Linux, KOffice, IPCop, NVidia drivers, Flightgear


Issue 36 (Jan 2003) - Optimise Your Linux Box

News: Governments turning to OSS, DMCA, HP servers, Mandrake clusters, Kernel 2.6, FOSDEM 2003
Reviews: Xandros Desktop 1.0 (JB), Realsoft3D v4.5 (NV), Netbox Cubit (RD), Kohan Ahriman's Gift (NV), Webmin 1.0 (MF), PHP Encoders (PH)
Books: The Art of Deception (NV), Linux In The Workplace (NL), Just for Fun (Jon Wright)
Roundup: Instant Messengers - AOL Instant Messenger, Amsn, Gabber, Yahoo! Messenger, GAIM, Kinkatta, Everybuddy, IMCom, Licq (MS)
Hot Picks: GStreamer, Anjuta, libtrash, Disk ARchive, Synaptic, Scribus (RD)
Features: Optimisation (RD), Desktop Dreams - alternative free OSes (NH)
What on Earth: Helix (RoS)
Tutorials: Socket Programming (CB), Perl file manipulation (CS), CORBA (WB), Java Beans (RD), OpenOffice.org presentations (NL), PHP multimedia (PH),
Linux Pro: Parallel Computing (BL), Open Source Agenda (NV), Accessibility (RS)
Coverdisc: Linux From Scratch, Freeduc, Racer, TuxPaint


Issue 35 (Christmas 2002) - Build Better Code

News: Bitkeeper Controversy, Desktop the new battle ground, FOSDEM 2003, IBM GPFS
Reviews: Mandrake 9 (NV), NetOp (DC), VirtualPC 5 (AC), VueScan (HD), Libranet (RD)
Books: Practical Python (NV), Perl module for CPAN (DC), Perl in a Nutshell (DC)
Roundup: C++ IDES - Anjunta, Code Forge, KDE Studio Gold, KDevelop, Kylix Open Edition, Code Crusader, QIDE (MK)
Hot Picks: Gringotts, glHack, Childsplay, flPhoto, GraphThing, FIAIF, ReZound, GTK-Lsof (RD)
Features: Gadgets Galore! (Various), LFX Awards (NV)
What on Earth: User-mode Linux (DC)
Tutorials: System Programming (CB), Perl (CS), Java (RD), OpenOffice.org (NL), PHP (PH), Process Accounting (Keith Gilbertson), Compiling (NV)
Linux Pro: High Performance Computing (BL), Access Rights (RS), Free Blender, Interview with Ton Roosendaal (NV)
Coverdisc: Mandrake 9, KDE 3.0.4, Mozilla 1.2


Issue 34 (Dec 2002) - Distro Wars!

News: Grand Distro Rollout, SuSE SAP certification, Apache worm, PHP acceleration, Small and fast Mozilla, Linux Expo 2002
Reviews: Red Hat Linux 8.0 (HD), Win4Lin Terminal Server 2.0 (CD), Snap Gear PRO+ (RD), Smoothwall Corporate Server 2.0 (RD), Lycoris Update 2 (RD), SuSE 8.1 Pro (RF)
Books: Linux Kernel Programming (RD), XML in a Nutshell (DC), MySQL Reference Manual (NV)
Roundup: Mini Distros - Demolinux, BasicLinux, LNX-BBC, Tomsrtbt, FloppyFW, LOAF, Trinux, Freesco (JK)
Hot Picks: Swatch, Contest, lftp, GKrellM, Crack Attack, Bastille Linux (JK)
Features: Light Speed PHP (PH), Scanning with Linux (RD)
What on Earth: Man pages (MF)
Tutorials: System Programming (CB), OpenOffice.org (NL), Doxygen (JB), Perl (CS), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: SOAP (WB), Remote Admin (NV), Flash and uClinux (Greg Ungerer)
Coverdisc: UT 2003, Demolinux, Smoothwall, Webmin 1, OO.org 1.0.1


Issue 33 (Nov 2002) - Here comes the Sun

News: MP3 not free, BT hyperlink loss, Latin Linux, Gnome accessibility, SuSE for Xbox, Linux beer hike, Linux UT 2K3
Reviews: Kylix 3 (BL), OEone Homebase (AC), ELX 1.0 (CH), Kohan (PC)
Books: J2EE Professional Projects (RD), Network security with OpenSSL (DC), Linux in a Small Business (DC)
Roundup: Mail servers - Qmail, Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, Courier IMAP, SuSE Email Server 3.1, Communigate Pro, GLMail, Insight Server SE, Volution Messaging Server, IEMS (DC)
Hot Picks: Ethereal, bzip2, Missile Command, tcpdump, Netsaint, Dillo (JK)
Features: SunOne (AC), Sun LX50 (RD)
What on Earth: The Liberty Alliance (Tim Parker), Emulators (SG)
Tutorials: Low Resource Linux (MF), System Programming (CB), OpenOffice.org (NL), Perl (DH), Java (RD), Kylix (BL), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: A Lesson in Linux, Apache 2, Embedded Linux & Java
Coverdisc: Debian 3.0, Kylix 3, BX Pro, Civil


Issue 32 (Oct 2002) - Building Better Databases

News: Sun Legitimises Linux, Lindows, Boost for OS projects, Cinerella, O'Reilly Open Source Conference
Reviews: Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (RD), DHCPTurbo 2.1 (NV), BX Pro 6 (RD), Gentoo Linux 1.2 (JK)
Books: JSP Examples and Best Practices (RD), TCP/IP Network Admin (JK), Web DB Apps with PHP & MySQL (NV)
Roundup: Firewall Distros - Astaro, SuSE Firewall on CD, XSentry, Smoothwall Securepoint (Mark Newby, RD)
Hot Picks: ElectricSheep, Fluxbox, Nano, ntop, Grub (JK)
Features: Building better Databases (Jeremy Cole), USB 2.0 (RD), Amiga Emulators (SG)
What on Earth: Palladium (Ross Anderson)
Tutorials: Low Resource Linux (MF), Perl 5.8 (CS), Java (RD), Kylix (BL), CD Writing (RS), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: United Linux (AC), Wireless security (NV), BIND (CD), Hill House Hammond runs Linux (Jon Kaye)
Coverdisc: Flightgear, Clam AV, OGG Vorbis 1, Transcode


Issue 31 (Sept 2002) - Linux goes to Hollywood

News: Liberty Alliance specs, Linux super cluster, Mandrake and United Linux, Open PGP, Walmart Mandrake PCs, Linux on Xbox, JPEG patent, Closed GL, UKUUG Linux Developers Conference 2002
Reviews: Zend Studio 2.5 (PH), MainActor 3.65 (NV), Quasar 1.2 (HD), Slackware 8.1 (TW), SOT Desktop 2002 (RD)
Books: Building Java Enterprise Applications (RD), The Book of SAX (RD), Inside Yahoo! (NL)
Roundup: HTML Editors - Amaya, Quanta+, Bluefish, Quanta Gold, Mozilla/Netscape Editor, CoffeeCup, August (JB)
Hot Picks: FreeCraft, Led, L-system Explorer, Awstats, WhiteDune, Giram, Atlantik, EndeavourII (NV)
Features: Linux Goes to Hollywood (AC), Internet Security (MN), Zilog Emulators (SG)
What on Earth: Ruby (Jonathan Lim)
Tutorials: Unix Text (BR), Intel Fortran (BL), Gnumeric (NL), Perl (CS), Java (RD), Kylix (BL), CD writing (RS), PHP (PH)
Linux Pro: Spam Blocking (CS), Package Delivery (Nick Mailer), Security (MN)
Coverdisc: Slackware 8.1, Ogle, Xine, Cinelerra, GNOME 2, TORCS, Fluxbox


Issue 30 (Aug 2002) - Ultimate Office

News: United Linux, Red Hat and Oracle, Freecraft copylefted, Neverwinter Nights released, IBM gaming grid, nVIDIA gaming language, Mechanical Cad, Enterprise IDE, Walmart's Linux PCs, OSS patents
Reviews: Red Hat 7.3 Personal (RD), Win4Lin 4.0 (HD), Mandrake 8.2 ProSuite Edition (DC), Epia Eden 5000 (NV), Superscout Webfilter (NB), Connectiva Linux 8.0 (RD)
Books: Using SANs and NAS (DC), Programming PHP (NV), Programming with Qt (2nd Ed) (MK), Web Services Essentials (DC)
Hot Picks: Look at the Stars, Firewall Builder, PFAEdit, LGeneral, Parted, Generic Mapping Tools (NV, RD)
Feature: Ultimate Office - KOffice, GNOME Office, Star Office 6, OpenOffice.org, Anyware Office, HanComOffice (NV)
What on Earth: Quantum Computing (AC)
Emulators: Console Cavalcade; Playstation, Intellivision, Lynx, GameBoy Advance (SG)
Tutorials: Intel C++, Gnumeric (NL), Perl (CS), Java (RD), Kylix (BL), PHP (PH)
Coverdisc: (on the CD's) GNOME 2, Qcad, Transcode, Album Cover Grabber, Everybuddy, 123tkShop, Portman, Office Suites; (on the DVD) CPAN, Gentoo Linux, Boson, Mozilla, Normalize


Issue 29 (July 2002) - Patching the Kernel

News: OpenOffice.org officially released, KDE gets Guarddog, QPOSE for Zaurus, Red Hat win Greenpeace and Kermit contracts
Reviews: Morphon XML (RD), Creatures (PC), SOT Linux Server (RD), SUSE Linux 8 Pro (MS), Absoft Pro FORTRAN (BL), LinkScan 10 (NB)
Books: Herding Cats (RD), Physics for Game Developers (RD), Rebel Code (RD), Java in a Nutshell (RD)
Roundup: Astronomy Software - Xephem, Stellarium, Xplns, Celestia, KStars (NV)
Hot Picks: Jmol, XBindKeys, Epiphany, jEdit, XCDRoast, Ksensors, XDirectFB (RD)
Features: Patching the Kernel (DC), TransGaming WineX (NV), Emulators - 6502 (SG)
What on Earth: IPv6 (Steve Heaven)
Tutorials: File Permissions (MK), Apache (CB), Perl and MP3 players (CS), Java XML (RD), Kylix (BLo), CGI with Perl (DCr)
Linux Pro: GPL in court (NV), Eclipse (RD), Tripwire (NV)
Coverdisc: OpenOffice.org 1.0, Mister House, Omnis Studio, RoseGarden, Usermin, FlightGear, SpamAssassin, Valhalla (RH 7.3)


Issue 27 (May 2002) - Welcome to Cooltown

News: Mandrake, Red Hat and SuSE all busy - so is the GNU project. New office suites are imminent; new rational database. AOL gets the Linux message
Reviews: Heavy Metal: FAKK 2 (PC), Icepack Linux 2.0 (RD), Moneydance 3.2 (CH), SuSE Firewall VPN (TW), Crisp 8.0.3 (RD), ProVSD 2.8 (DC)
Books: Designing with JavaScript (JB), Python and XML (NV), Web Security, Privacy & Commerce (2nd Ed) (SH), XSL Essentials (RD)
Roundup: Security Tools - The Saint, Tripwire, Port Sentry, Ssh, Bastille (CS)
Hot Picks: Abiword, Bomber Instinct, Acidlaunch, Gtablature, Gentoo, PhpMyAdmin, Sylpheed (MK)
Features: Welcome to Cooltown (AC), LXF Awards 2001 Winners, Nintendo Emulators - SNEmul, ZSNEZ custom WIMP, Nintendo 64s, MuPen64, Snes9x, Reality Boy (SG)
What on Earth: LSB (NV)
Tutorials: Apache webserver (CB), Perl and Network Clients (CS), Java (RD), Kylix (BLo), FlashGo and USB storage (CBi), CGI with Perl (DCr)
Coverdisc: (on the CDs) Mandrake 8.2; (on the DVD) Knoda, WINE, Gspy, Morphon CSS-Editor/, Robocop, Web Calendar


Issue XX

Hot Picks:
What on Earth:


Issue 13 (Apr 2001) - Run all your software under Linux

The first DVD issue!

News: Monkey Business, IBM launch "Life Love and Linux" ad offensive, The future of Linux gaming?, TurboLinux swallows Linuxcare, Caldera and SCO, PC in your pocket
Interviews: Compaq jumps on Linux bandwagon (BT), Kool desktop developments (SG)
Reviews: IBM Small Business Suite for Linux v1.6 (RD), MailStudio@Message (Evan Eveland), Websphere Homepage Builder 4.0 (Kelli Sheppard), Kylix (Mike James), VXA1 (NV), Mason 1.0 (NB)
Books: Teach yourself C for Linux Programming in 21 days, Beginning PHP, Database Nation: the death of privacy in the 21st Century, Creating Effective JavaHelp
Roundup: Spreadsheets - StarCalc, Gnumeric, Kspread, Siag, Abs, GNU Oleo, Sc/Slc, Xspread,Abacus, Xxl 2.1.2
Hot Picks: GPS3d, Apache Toolbox, Sunclock, Krusader, Komba2, Txt2regexp$, PHP-Nuke, Normalize, Chromium BSU
Features: Linux emulators (SG)
What on Earth: Python (MS)
Tutorials: Get Oriented (CS), Speaking Java (RD), KDevelop (JB), Noffle (CS), Get Mounted up
Coverdisc: SuSE 7.1 LIVE, DVD: Red Hat 7.0, Firestarter, KDE 2.1, Flightgear


Issue 12 (Mar 2001) - Working with Linux

News: KDE 2.1 looking good, Red Hat jumps on the Eazel bandwagon, Battle of the *pedias, SuSE trumpets 2.4, Cipher Engine, Motoring with Linux and Java
News feature: LinuxWorld Expo New York (NV)
Interview: Guido van Rossum
Reviews: SuSE Linux 7.0 PPC (RF), Caldera Volution (NV), Definite Linux Advanced Bookshelf (BL), TeamWare Office 5.3 (DC), Wing IDE 1.0 (RD), XFree86 4.0.2 (CJ)
Books: GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool, Understanding the Linux Kernel, World War 3 Microsoft and its enemies
Roundup: xBill, BOB: Space Guy, GNUChess, Koules, TuxKart, XFreecell, Imoria, ClanBomber, ITetris, XTamango (MS)
Hot Picks: Plex86, DigiPencil, UmixWebalizer, YabasicGnomp3, Cronos II (MS)
Features: Linux at work - case studies
What on Earth: Jabber
Tutorials: WindowMaker (CH), Being Objective (CS), Speaking Java (RD), Kustomising Konqueror (JB)
Coverdisc: WorPerfect 8, StarOffice 5.2, CBB, KOffice, Gnumeric, Linux Documentation Project


Issue 11 (Feb 2001) - Expand your Horizons

News: Patent Madness, Rune to the hills, Looks Familiar (Everybuddy), DirectX for X?, Wine nearing maturity, Linux goes to Hollywood, Teamware Office 5.3 for Linux edition 3
Linux in Action: Robots - Rise of the LinuxBot (Alan FT Winfield)
Reviews: JBuilder 4 (RD), CheepLinux Megapack (TW), Cobalt Raq4 (NV), Agenda VR3 (JW), Win4Lin (CH), Chil!soft ASP 3.5.2L (DC)
Books: MySQL, PC hardware in a Nutshell, Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Rebel Code
Roundup: Graphics - The GIMP, PhotoPaint, ImageMagick, Sketch, XPaint, GQView, XMorph, KIllustrator (MS)
Hot Picks: Quanta Plus, Bluefish, Kfontinstall, webCDwriter, Downloader for X, HTTrack
Features: Making 3D graphics
What on Earth: LDAP
Tutorials: Customising Sawfish (BL), Perls of Wisdom (CS), Speaking Java (RD), Linux Variations (SG)
Coverdisc: TurboLinux 6


Issue 10 (Jan 2001) - Inside the new Kernel

News: Anything GNU can do, No software patents for Europe yet, Get a penguin on your cube, Juke of URL, PDA for the masses, RIP FrameMaker
Interview: Craig Hunt (NV)
Reviews: Mandrake 7.2 (NV), Omnis Stuio 3.0 (RD), Time Navigator 3.5 (RD), Opera 4.0 Beta3 (RD), Shog Mobile Armor Division (PC), Heavy Gear II (PC)
Books: Managing IMAP, Using the Internet, Internet Shopping, Web App Dev with PHP, Linux DNS Server Administration
Roundup: IRC - BitchX, Bezerk, xIrc, X-Chat, Irssi, Zipper, EPIC4, KVirc (MS)
Hot Picks: Nautilus, Amaya, Wwwoffle, Ethereal, Gnome-apt
Features: Under the skin of 2.4 kernel (CH), Roxen (DC)
What on Earth: CUPS
Tutorials: Perls of wisdom (CS), Speaking Java (RD), Link Linux with PalmOS devices (MS), Network File Systems (JK)
Coverdisc: Omnis Studio 3 Lite, OpenOffice, Heavy Gear II demo


Issue 9 (Christmas 2000) - Lift-off with Linux

News: Get Canvas for nothing, PS2 to go open source?, Turbolinux on Itanium, For the man who has everything (256MB thumb drive), Gateway launches Linux Webpad, Netscape 6 ships
Linux in Action: Braille - A different view of Linux
Reviews: Corel Draw 9 (NV), Caldera Linux CBT (AC), Newtech Workstation (RD), Soldier of Fortune (PC), Quake II Arena (PC)
Books: Gimp pocket reference, CVS ditto, Perl CGI and JavaScript Complete, Java and XML, Open Source - The Unauthorized White Papers
Roundup: Word Processors - Pathetic Writer, Emacs, Mazwell, StarWriter, Abiword, WordPerfect, QE, Kword (MS)
Hot Picks: Snort, Abcde, TripwireWebmin, ReiserFS, August
Features: Mozilla - King of Browsers (PT), KDE 2 now! (NV)
What on Earth: Linux
Tutorials: MultiLinux (SG), Speaking Java (RD), LeafNode (DC), Making use of older hardware (CH)
Coverdisc: Mandrake Linux 7.2


Issue 8 (Dec 2000) - 27 reasons to dump Windows!

News: MS Linux may not be so far fetched, Open the phones, Galeon release, Friday 13th Sun get burned, Samba fork, Caldera Open Cosmos, show reports
Interview: The Dog and the salesman - John 'maddog' Hall
Reviews: Powerplant (NV), Photogenics 5.0 (RD), Redhat linux 7.0 (TW), SuSE Linux 7.0 (MS), Descent 3 (PC), Sim City 3000 (PC)
Books: Linux in a Nutshell (MS), 5000 Brilliant Web Sites (MS), HTML and XHTML
Roundup: FTP Clients - Dead FTP, AxY FTP, ncftp, gftp, FTP, kftp, nftp, Igloo, Tkftp
Hot Picks: TradeClient, Dia, nmap, Eterm, wget, gnotepad+
Feature: 27 reasons to dump Windows
What on Earth: CVS
Tutorials: Speaking Java (RD), Viruses and You (Byron Alley), Making MP3s (CH)
Coverdisc: OpenOffice 6.05, Smoothwall, Corel PhotoPaint 9


Issue 7 (Nov 2000) - Go faster than Windows...

News: Lucky 7.0 for Red Hat?, Star rising at Sun (OpenOffice), Special report from IBC 2000, Acer to bundle, Sun acquires Cobalt
Interview: SuSE - Chatting with the Geeko
Reviews: SIN (RD), MaxOS Genesis version (RD), Eyetech Dev Box (RD)
Books: Building Internet Firewalls, Perl for System Administration, Building Linux Clusters
Roundup: Newsreaders - Netscape, Tin, KRN, Pan, GRN, NewsFlex, Slrn, Knode, NewsPeruser (MS)
Hot Picks: GNU Parted, J, Easytag, Gsx 0.9c, Flwm
Features: Turbocharging Linux (CS)
What on Earth: Perl
Tutorials: Gimp layers/masks etc, Apache and PHP, Speaking Java, Emacs, Debian package management
Coverdisc: Corel Linux Second Edition


Issue 6 (Oct 2000) - New Improved Linux

News: New CEO at Corel, Hothouse created for multiprocessor Linux, AMD woo Linux support, CorelDraw and more, Transmeta floats
Special Feature: Linux in the Future - Linux helps the BBC (MK)
Reviews: Debian 2.2 (RD), Linux Megapack (MK), Corel Photopaint (TW), Hemming's Graphics Sound and Multimedia for X Windows (MS), Hemming's Office for X Windows (MS)
Books: GIMP - the Official Handbook, Learning Java, Programming Perl
Roundup: Text Editors - GNU Emacs, Pico, KWriteJed, gEdit, ViM, XEMacs, Nedit, Joe, E93
Hot Picks: XMPS, UAE, Sylpheed, YAFC
Features: SuSE 7.0, Installing Linux (RF), 3rd World Linux (PT)
What on Earth: Grep (RVS)
Tutorials: Quickstart guide to the Desktop, Apache mod_perl, Setting up software RAID, Getting to grips with Samba, Why make a Backup
Coverdisc: SuSE 7.0


Issue 5 (Sept 2000) - A penguin's guide to the Internet

News: Amiga SDK for Linux, SuSE reaches 7.0, Redmond Linux, No place like Gnome, Corel Giveaway
Interview: John Gildred - Indrema Entertainment System
Reviews: Omnis Studio 2.4 (RD), JBuilder 3.5 Enterprise Edition (Robin V Stacey), Linux Mandrake 7.1 (MS)
Books: Linux in Easy Steps, Beginning Perl
Roundup: Browsers - Opera, Konqueror, Lynx, Netscape, Grail, Express, Galeon, Mozilla, Links, W3M, Debris, Amaya, StarOffice
Hot Picks: Image Magick Studio, Krusader, Angband, GTelnet, Environ, XPlanet
Features: A Penguin's guide to the Internet, Developing your own Open Source Project (JB)
What on Earth: Vi (CJ)
Tutorials: Scheming with GIMP (NV), Introduction to Vi (MK), Apache MySQL (JR), Speaking Java (RD)
Coverdisc: Omnis Studio Live, Gnome 1.21, Railroad Tycoon demo


Issue 4 (Aug 2000) - Linux on the go!

News: First Crusoe Servers, MYSQL goes GPL, KDE Studio 2.0, Mindrover comes to Linux, Inprise/Borland, Say no to Software Patents, Ariel's open Source Initiative, Laptop 3D support from Xi
Reviews: Expresso Linux 2000 (MS), Heretic II (NV), Hemming's Network + Hemming's Science (NV), SuSE 6.4 PPC (RF), Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4 (NV)
Books: Professional PHP Programming, Wireless Web Development
Roundup: File Managers - GNU MC, KFM, MC, Kruiser, ROX-Filer, Akkord, Gentoo, EFM, XFM (MS)
Hot Picks: GnuCash, XMMS, w3m, FreeCiv, Gnome-find
Features: Linux Databases (PT), Linux on the go - Portables (DC)
What on Earth: WINE
Tutorials: Apache MySQL (JR), Alsa (RD), Runlevels (MK)
Coverdisc: GNOME 1.2, Freeciv, Heretic II, Myth II


Issue 3 (July 2000) - Maximum security

News: VMware gets Dell boost, Europe invests, US sheds jobs, No Place like GNOME, Descent 3 for Linux, Corel play host to WINE, SCO Linux, Linux Expo 2000
Reviews: XFree86 (DC), Turbolinux 6.0 (MS), Trustix Secure Linux 1.0 (MS), AlphaNet Linux 2000 (MS), Myth II Soulblighter (NV)
Books: Learning Debian GNU/Linux, Beginning GTK+ and GNOME programming
Roundup: Email Clients - Balsa, Eucalyptus, CscMail, GTKMail, Mutt, Netscape Messenger, Pine, Kmail, Mahogany (DC)
Hot Picks: WebDownloader for X, Smart Boot Manager, KArchiver, LineControl, GToaster, Sawfish (RD)
Feature: Maximum Security
What on Earth: Emacs (RD)
Tutorials: Apache: CGI scripting (JR), Using CRON (MK), Kernel tutorial (MS)
Coverdisc: KDE 1.90, XFree86 4.0


Issue 2 (June 2000) - Meddling with sound!

News: Kernel 2.4 delays, Corel-Inprise merger off, KDE 2 one step closer, Motif now Open Source, new TurboLinux release
Reviews: Programming Development Kit (RD), WordPerfect Office 2000 Deluxe (MK), Mandrake 7 Deluxe (NV), Heroes of Might and Magic (NV), Railroad Tycoon 2 (NV)
Books: Under the Radar (MS)
Roundup: Window Managers - KDE, AfterStep, Enlightenment, Window Maker, FVWM, TWM, Blackbox, IceWM (MS)
Hot Picks: Eyepupdate, AbiWord, SoundTracker, Code Commander, Pan (RD)
Feature: Meddling with Sound (CJ)
What on Earth: Ghostscript (RD)
Tutorials: Bashing the Shell (DC), Apache virtual hosting (JR), File permissions (MK), Make and mMakefiles (RD)
Coverdisc: Storm Linux


Issue 1 (May 2000) - Join the revolution!

News: Netscape 6, SUSE for PPC, Corel and Linux, GIMP Online, SourceForge Trove categories
Reviews: System Commander 2000 (RD), FrameMaker 5.5.6B
Books: Programming with Qt, Linux: The Complete Reference
Roundup: Distros - Corel Linux, Definite, WinLinux, Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake, Caldera OpenLinux, SUSE (MS)
Hot Picks: Wmtheme, Grip, Mahogany, Gaby, FreeAMP, Terraform, Moonshine (RD)
Features: Open Source Licenses (PT), Linux in Action - AI, Amigas, Tech Exhibition (Trevor Johnston)
What on Earth: TeX (Jon Palmer)
Tutorials: Newcomer Guide, Bashing the Shell (DC), Apple Mac connectivity (Anders Brownworth), Running Apache (JR)
Coverdisc: Definite Linux 7.0


Linux Answers - Premiere Issue (Oct 1999)

Where it all began. This was the 'pilot' issue, a one-off, that lead to LXF's creation.

News: Sun buys StarOffice 5.1, GnuPG released, Xpresso, Phat, Xess Spreadsheet, KDE sponsorship
Reviews: Corel Linux (CJ), PC World Advent 8707 (AD), ApplixWare 4.42 (CJ), Definite Linux 7 (FC), Quake Mission Pack (FC)
Books: Linux Device Drivers (CJ)
Roundup: Distros - Mandrake 6.0, Debian 2.1, Red Hat 6.0, SUSE 6.2, OpenLinux 2.3, Xpresso 2000 (Steve Patient)
Hot List: Bluefish, XRN, DiskDrake, 3dom, Dotfile Generator, NICQ, MP3 Studio (FC)
Features: Installing Linux (VV), Open Source Revolution (Cotton Ward)
Tutorials: The GIMP (MJH), 20 KDE Tips (Matt Kynaston), Bash command line (VV), Managing RPMs (VV), Building the Kernel (RF), Optimising Linux (MS)
Coverdisc: Red Hat 6.0, WordPerfect 8, WINE, Licq
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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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