Jigsaw Download (jigdo) for Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jigsaw Download homepage: Debian CD images via jigdo: jigdo-lite ~~~~~~~~~~ This program enables you to retrieve big files (for example, CD images) that someone offers for download in the form of ".jigdo" files. First, locate a site which offers such files with a ".jigdo" extension - see for CD and DVD images of Debian Linux in jigdo format. Next, download the image as follows: - Double-click on the "jigdo-lite.bat" file. - The script will ask for the URL of a ".jigdo" file - enter the URL of your choice. - Follow the instructions printed by jigdo-lite - hopefully they will be self-explanatory. Making jigdo-lite use your proxy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To make jigdo-lite use your proxy for its downloads, first double-click on "jigdo-lite.bat" to start the program. As soon as the input prompt has appeared, abort the program again and close the command window. You will find that jigdo-lite has created a file called "jigdo-lite-settings.txt" in the same directory as this README.txt file. Load this into an editor and find the line that starts with "wgetOpts". The following switches can be added to the line: -e ftp_proxy=http://LOCAL-PROXY:PORT/ -e http_proxy=http://LOCAL-PROXY:PORT/ --proxy-user=USER --proxy-passwd=PASSWORD Of course, you only need --proxy-user/password if your proxy requires authentication. The switches need to be added to the end of the wgetOpts line *before* the final ' character. All options must be on one line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2001-2004 | richard@ Richard Atterer | atterer.net This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Please note: The copyright notice in the file COPYING only applies to the text of the GNU General Public License; the copyright of the individual source files is as specified at the top of each file and above. Also note that the code is licensed under GPL _version_2_ and no other version. Special licensing for my (RA's) code is available on request.