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Linux Format - LXFCD34b

Contents of Desktop

Screenshot Allin1 is a little dock applet for FluxBox and similar window managers which monitors CPU load with a moving graph, memory and swap usage with histograms, battery and power status with histogram and icons, and ethernet/PPP interfaces with icons and histograms (linear or logaritmic).
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Bitflux Editor is a browser-based WYSIWYG XML editor which is written in JavaScript and uses XML, XSLT, and CSS for rendering. It is usable with any XML document and features tables, lists, images, special chars, clipboard, undo/redo, and easy customization.
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Cardfile is a simple flatfile UNIX database with a curses interface, that emulates a library's card catalog. It's useful for cataloging your library, downloaded software, or your Pokemon collection.
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CTS is a set of scripts and configuration files that add basic themes capability to the ctwm window manager. It allows you to change the ctwm theme and your desktop wallpaper from an automatically generated menu.
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Screenshot The ego file manager is a GTK+2 file manager that uses libferris for its VFS and provides evas2 and GTK tree views.
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evil finder uses some neat database of significant numbers and some brute force to explain why any person, object, or other term is truly evil. For example, it can explain why "Bill Gates" reduces to "666" and what this means.
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Screenshot GKrellMLaunch is a plugin for GKrellM which allows one-click access to frequently used applications. It offers customizable buttons and allows you to quickly launch applications with a simple click.
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Screenshot Gnome Clipboard Manager is an application made for managing your selections (clipboards). It will (if this option is set) automatically fetch new selections, and will push all the targets of that selection to a shelf. Once collected, it is possible to go back to a previously collected selection (which is a collection of targets) by selecting it, edit the targets of your chosen selection, merge them into a new selection on the shelf from multiple marked selections, and save to and load selected selections to XML files.
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Screenshot GNOME File Manager is a file manager for GNOME 2 based on gnome-vfs.
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Screenshot GtkDiskFree is a small GUI application written with the Gtk+ library which shows how much free space is available on your filesystems, as well as some other information related to the filesystem.
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iRPM is a tool to simplify RPM installation. It automatically adds all required dependencies, and can use a local RPM repositery. It also handles queries on RPMs that are not yet installed.
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Screenshot konserve is a small backup application for KDE 3. It lives in the system tray and is able to create backups of several directories or files periodically. Konserve uses standard KDE network transparency to upload your backups to wherever you want. Also it is possible to restore a incidentally-deleted file or directory from a backup file with just one mouse click. A nice wizard helps you with the first steps in using Konserve.
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Screenshot Multi Gnome Terminal is an enhanced version of gnome-terminal, with many powerful new features and extensions. The most notable enhancement is the ability to run multiple terminals within the same window. Each terminal may be accessed by its "tab", through keyboard shortcuts, or menu selections. Inactive terminals provide an alert when the buffer changes by changing the color of the tab labels. Other enhancements include a toolbar, a buttonbar, flexible command options to launch new terminals, tabs, and shells from either the GUI or command line, customizable key bindings for MGT functions and other uses, font shadowing, the ability to "split" terminals so that each window can simultaneously multiple terminals, the ability to "view" or "bond" terminals with other terminals, and various other improvements.
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Screenshot Quanta is a web editor for KDE supporting HTML and more. It has dynamic preview, project management, context tag editing and context tag reference docs, auto-completion, DTD management, templates, loadable toolbars, document structure tree, and much more.
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Screenshot RPM Wizard is an installation program for RPM packages. Using a wizard interface, it makes installing easy even for beginners. With features such as automatic dependency handling, it aims to become the most easy-to-use RPM installation program.
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Rute (Rute Users Tutorial and Exposition) is a book on GNU/Linux that aims to be the definitive guide for new users as well as sufficing as training course material, covering both the RHCE and LPI requirements. It covers essential theory to UNIX as well as giving practical tutorials on all fundamental aspects of Unix administration, from basic commands, the theory of TCP/IP, the Linux filesystem, through to configuration of mail, DNS, and other servers, through hardware configuration and package management. It is not Unix-specific but tends to give examples suited to Debian and RedHat-like systems. Rute comes in HTML, PostScript, and PDF formats.
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Screenshot SqlGui is a graphical database frontend for KDE. Currently MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported. It lists all databases, tables, columns, column types, and their contents. It can create/delete databases or tables and has a small editor for entering SQL queries.
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Syscriptor is a little program that displays information about your hardware.
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Screenshot Tksql allows you to edit the tables of PostgreSQL databases. You can use it from the shell prompt, specifying the name of a table, or an SQL satement, or just the name of a database. It has filter capabilities which are very easy to use. Two views are possible (tables and form) and both views can coexist. Tksql can edit a join of two tables (limited to the first of such tables). Totals and subtotals can be done quickly, and displayed inline with the data or in a separate window. It uses the sdsql package for Tcl/Tk.
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Screenshot Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on.
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XMLTV is a set of programs to process TV (tvguide) listings and manage your TV viewing. It stores the listings in an XML-based format and most of the programs are filters which read and/or write XML. There are backends to download TV listings for Canada, the USA, Britain, Austria, and Germany. It also includes some filter tools to sort, grep, print, and munge listings, and two end-user programs to plan a week's TV viewing.
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xslay is an X11 utility that destroys all windows not known to the window manager. It can be used to get rid of retained popup windows created by buggy programs.
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