In giving an explanation of opertaions, in addition to the notations and simbols above, the following symbols are also used. Table 9.2. Symbols and Meaning of Operation Explanation Symbol Meaging --------------------------------------- N Negative flag V Overflow flag P Direct page flag B Break flag H Half carry flag I Indirect master enable flag Z Zero flag C Carry flag + Addition - Subtraction : Comparison AND Logic product OR Logic sun EOR Exclusive logic sun * Multiplication / Division Q Division quotient R Division remainer (d) Destination (S) Source --- Direction of data transmision - - Data decrement + + Data increment < < 1 bit shift left > > 1 bit shift right ------------------------------ Note : The number of cycles of conditional branching commands are appreorite to cases when there is no branching to the left side and when theree is branching tothe right side. Table 9.3. Explanation of Symbols in the Status Flag Column ----------------------------------------------- Symbol Meaning ----------------------------------------------- . No change 0 Cleared to 0 1 Set to 1 Flag name Set or cleared depending on result -----------------------------------------------