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This program searches the whole collection of PDF files from 2000 to 2010. Simply
enter your search string and press [Enter]. If you prefix the search string
with a "-
" sign, the tool will find only documents that do not
contain the string. If only know part of the string, use the "*
wildcard to leave out the remainder of the string.
The search results are returned as a list, sorted by month. You can click on the files
(just like in a browser). This will launch "acroread
" to display the PDF file
by default. You can change the default by selecting "Tools | Settings | Document Settings
then the "Document Handler
" for "pdf
", and using
" to change the setting.
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Email: info@linux-magazine.com
Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Linux New Media AG. All rights reserved.
DocSearcher can do more:
It is a search machine that allows you to search your own files. It uses the Open Source
Lucene and POI Apache libraries, as well as PDF box. DocSearcher searches
MS Word,
MS Excel,
Open Office (and Star Office),
Text documents.
For more information on Lucene visit the homepage at jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/. DocSearcher's author is John Brown (email johnbrown1024 AT netscape.net).