version 0.92.0 -------------- -refactored PDF converter -removed old multivalent PDF extractor -updated PDF Box to 0.7.3 -changed the Lucene date to new format (DateTools) -refactored internal filetype handling version 3.91.0 -------------- -no changes version 3.91.0 rc1 ------------------ -refactor DocType handling -refactor index creating and don't store the body content -search in body and title together is possible again -replace old setting file "docSearch_prefs.txt" with "" -remove tinylaf layout -first try to solve some problem with servlet extension -remove check if last searchtext was the same, because the options can be changed -remove option for search in title and body, because it does not run -fix escaping problem in meta data report -fix problem with filenames contains whitespaces -update POI to 3.2 final -fix some problems in Word and Excel converter -add commons-io version 3.90.0 -------------- -fix some problems with search field -fix problem with home button -add first junit test -add findbugs -add checkstyle -ant - move some directories to build -remove back and forward buttons, because they are not useful in this context -update Lucene to 2.0.0 -add some JAVA 5 features -add new resources -fix problem with command line version 3.89 ------------ -little fix in meta data report for OpenDocument -fix reindex problem with to many filetype variables version 3.89 pre3 ----------------- -fix some problems during OpenDocument indexing -update Jakarta POI library to actual alpha version 2006-05-15 -rewrite Word converter -rewrite Excel converter -remove some unused temporary files version 3.89 pre2 ----------------- -add important debug for cd creating mechanism -update log4j to 1.2.13 version 3.89 pre1 ----------------- -add filetype constants -add OpenDocument text format -fix some different title formats during indexing (filename with path, first content of document) -document title normaly from document or filename -fix double k(k K bytes) in summary line -improve filetype handling -change filetype icons version 3.88 ------------ -no changes since 3.88 pre1 version 3.88 pre1 ----------------- -fix date convert problem -many code cleanups -add license (GPL) -source code formated (java code convention) -add Log4J -little fix in website spider -add help page -add Environment and FileEnvironment class start version 3.87 ------------------