dukefix.txt 6878 22-07-96 Workarounds for known problems. editart.txt 5571 20-06-96 Answers for some EDITART questions. EditArt is | an Apogee program provided on the Duke3D | CDROM. editing.txt 272244 18-07-96 v1.2 of Klaus Breuer's UnOfficial Duke Nukem 3D | Editing FAQ. This is an excellent reference | and a 'must-read' if you plan to make your own | levels. mapfaq03.zip 159005 25-07-96 Brett Gmoser's excellent map editing FAQ. | Contains many examples and a thorough | explanation of the level creation process for | Duke 3D. museum.map 67642 26-06-96 This file accompanies Klaus's Editing FAQ. museum.prn 15494 5-07-96 This file accompanies Klaus's Editing FAQ. rtsfaq.txt 16855 22-07-96 Charlie Wiederhold's Official RTS (Remote | Ridicule Sound) FAQ ver 1.0. secrets.txt 10749 21-05-96 Wilson Cheung's Duke Nukem 3D Secret Places | List. whatsrts.txt 2092 20-07-96 RTS files -What are they