b_sol.zip 2069 09-08-95 02-25-97 b_sol11.zip 2079 09-08-95 02-25-97 b_sol110.zip 2079 09-08-95 02-25-97 cmos.zip 2526 08-20-93 CMOS FET EQUATIONS by Preston Brown The | following is a set of equations for CMOS field | effect transistors. The constants included | give a good approximation to common 1.6u | processes. The models should be adjusted for | your process This file may be downloaded | directly into your HP-48GX. The equations | contain process information: each equation | uses its own Vt and K'. In addition the | effective W and the effective L are | calculated. For example in WNEQ 1.52 is | subtracted from the width and 0.4 is | subtracted from the length. The L effective | and W effective terms assume the L and W are | entered in microns. csim261.zip 17896 08-20-93 Circuit Simulator v2.61 by Per Stenius A simple | circuit simulator called Csim for the HP48. It | makes DC, AC and transient simulations and | supplies the user with all matrices used. The | method used is modified nodal analysis, and | thus elements such as an inductor or ideal | voltage source require that a current branch | is also specified together with the nodes. digsimul.zip 6533 08-20-93 Digital Logic Simulator by Tony Duell Here's a | digital circuit simulator for the HP 48. It | has 8 internal primitives: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, | BUF (buffer), HI (node tied to logic 1), LO | (node tied to logic 0) and CLK (clock | generator of definable high and low times). It | also supports nested macros defined from these | elements. fftgx.zip 1919 10-27-93 FFT utilities by John Paul Morrison Some support | programs that will help analysis of signals | etc. SAMPLE This returns n samples in a | vector. PLOT Useful for time domain plots. | PLOTF Useful for frequency domain plots. CLR | Clears the pict, and statistics information | etc. SINC \ RECT defines some familiar | communications signals TRI / LIN useful | for defining discontinuous functions oldres.zip 4769 08-20-93 Resistor Value Program by David J Sprenkle This | program will give the color code for | resistors, or compute the value of a resistor | given the color code. paral.zip 4137 08-20-93 Large Version by Larry Hoppis. The following | HP48 program contains general 1% resistor | utilities for electronics technicians and | hobbyists. The main program 'RPAR' will find | all combinations of parallel 1% resistors to | obtain the desired value within a given | accuracy. This is useful in case you don't | have the value you need on hand, but also | because the exact value you want may not be a | standard off-the-shelf value. parreq.zip 2239 08-30-93 Parallel Resistor Calculator v1.2 by Larry | McElhiney. The following HP48 program which | finds parallel resistance elements will be | useful for both electronics technicians and | hobbyests. pres.zip 2375 08-20-93 Accurate parallel resistance calculations res.zip 1007 08-20-93 Resistor code color convertor by John Paul | Morrison. resistor.zip 4071 10-03-93 RCC uses a graphical interface with very fast | cursor selecting to let you choose the stripe | colors of a resistor and will then display its | value. It will also let you enter the numeric | value of a resistor and will display the | stripes the resistor should have. rlc12.zip 9091 01-20-94 RLC calculations ston.zip 7758 10-15-93 This routine S\->N converts a SPICE-scaled | number (in string form) into a real number, | following most SPICE2G.6 conventions. twoport.zip 3171 08-20-93 Two Port Library by Romain Desplats. This | library handles any manipulations with | two-ports. It works with filters (and real | values), but also with algebraic two-ports.