2914 08-20-93 About Fractal images v1.0 by Detlef Mueller. 69202 04-18-95 02-25-97 2325 08-20-93 Draw Dragon Curves by ??????????????? Dragon | curves? Yeah, those things that you make by | folding a strip of paper in half n times & | then unfolding it so all the corners are right | angles. PROGRAMS: DRAGON: generates a dragon | curve of order n (n>=3). SKETCH: draws a | dragon curve. DRAWC: (called by SKETCH). 528 08-20-93 Graphical effect fractale.gx 9415 02-25-97 Various fractal generators 9478 08-20-93 Mandelbrot Sets Generator by Dan Ciarniello. | This program will generate the Mandelbrot Set | on the HP48. It also includes four sample | fractal images (in F1, F2, F3, and F4). When | downloaded, a custom menu containing the | programs that are accessed directly by the | user is created. The main program is called by | |MANDEL| in the custom menu. grobflip.txt 3890 02-25-97 02-25-97 1507 08-20-93 Grob rotate+ print by Robert Craeger and Robert 4470 06-13-95 02-25-97 1809 08-02-94 Grob rotate. senna 4912 02-25-97 02-25-97 senna.txt 1746 02-25-97 02-25-97 14848 08-20-93 SunClk by James Elliott. One of my all-time | favorite UNIX workstation programs is called | "sunclock", and it shows the regions of the | Earth which are in daylight by drawing the | sunlight on a Mercator projection map of the | globe. So here is an HP version of sunclock! truchet 1673 02-25-97 Make pictures from small patterns