akiradem.gx 2524 02-25-97 Nice graphic demo with bouncing ball amigadem.zip 5260 09-06-93 Bouncing ball demo, big one ani.dir 12027 02-25-97 02-25-97 anim 3331 02-25-97 Opening eye. Use "3 ANIMATE" with the grobs on | stk animate.zip 8384 08-20-93 Boy, Man, Horse & Eye. impressive! animator.zip 20661 09-03-93 Animation Utility. This program began as an | attempt to combine the continuous movie | program and the single-step movie program | found in Charles Patton's Suite3D package. backflip.zip 4318 08-04-93 Backflip bounce.zip 1201 08-20-93 Bouncing ball animation. cheval 2910 02-25-97 Running horse cool 27480 02-25-97 Saddle animation danseuse.gx 44321 02-25-97 Dancer demo3d.gx 1999 02-25-97 A fast 3D Vector Demo. dessin 15083 02-25-97 Aldo demo about viewing and scrolling picts fantasma.zip 1192 10-19-93 Halloween animation! (funny!) fstdemo.zip 32730 05-17-96 02-25-97 glbr.zip 10223 08-20-93 Globe Rotator by John Peterson. This program | will amaze you!. It shows the real power of | GROBs and the speed of the HP-48SX. It's an | animation of a spinning earth. guts.zip 1281 09-17-93 Guts is a User-RPL program that fills the screen | with a random tunneling that bears some | resemblance to it's namesake. It's not very | fast, but it's fun to watch! hpmorph1.dir 23694 02-25-97 02-25-97 hula.dir 11749 02-25-97 A dancing hula girl hula.zip 10653 09-12-93 This is a bit of video converted from an MPEG. | The animation is of a girl using a hula hoop. | The quality is not great, but it looks pretty | good if you hold it at arms length. index 1402 02-24-97 02-25-97 jellyf.grb 8884 02-25-97 Animation of 3-d plot lll.zip 1554 08-20-93 Plots and Animate a series of lissajous by Rob | Steele. This code plots a series of lissajous | and animates them. It is possible to see the | resulting figure in about eleventy-two | different ways: cylindrical or flat, rotating | or oscillating about a horizontal or vertical | axis, moving toward you or away, moving to the | left or to the right, or just wobbling. ripple2.zip 8565 08-20-93 Debugged RIPPLE from Goodies Disk #3. sea.zip 3486 08-20-93 Sea Scene Animation. snow 395 02-25-97 Snow falling tank.zip 1821 08-20-93 Two tanks animated in the status area. tilt.zip 602 08-20-93 Bouncing Line "Screen Saver". topmodel.txt 496 02-25-97 02-25-97 topmodel.zip 29865 01-14-96 02-25-97 train.zip 942 08-20-93 Train riding in status area. walkin10 2322 02-25-97 Walking lemming