16_color.lha Dtiberio's 16 color icons 16colric.lha 16 Color Icon Collection bubbles.lha Bubbles in your workbench defdrawe.lha Replace drawer icons, leave position intact dkicon.lha Some nice Floppy, Hard Disk & Ram Disk icons for OS 2.0 dockbrus.lha Icons for 8 color hires-lace screen dragit20.lha Move and size a window from anywhere. dragit3.lha Move and size a window from anywhere. easystar.lha Program to easily launch other programs f_finder.lha File/Dir finder with intuition interface. greatico.lzh great icon - only 17K groupinf.lha Information for many files at once huntwin1.lha Scrolls Screen on ActiveWindow huntwin2.lha Scrolls Screen on ActiveWindow icons_ab.lzh More 16 col icons by David Tiberio lockup1_.lzh un-/lock hd from workbench mbm.lzh Another utility for switching screens/windows quickly menulaun.lzh To start any application from a popup menu. myicons.lha Some icons... popupmen.lha V5.0 of the program that pops up your menues. rdmicon2.lzh rdmicon3.lha rdmicons.lzh switcher.lzh Little utility for switching screens/windows quickly wb_brush.lha Brushes for 640*256 4 color Workbench