========================================================================= Directory aminet/util/pack ================================================== cdisk16.lha Sta*ker-like compressing device. compres4_0.lzh Packer for .Z files (UNIX), w/ src CompressDisk.lha Creates a compressed virtual-partition on HD comprs16.lha Data compression program using modified LZW method DrDobbsCompress.lha DrDobbs issue on data compression epu10.lha Stacker or XPK like epu14.lha Stacker like - Doubles disks capacity Extractor.lzh UUEncode, UUDecode, XXEncode, XXDecode gzip107p.lha Patch for GNU GZip 1.0.7 & SAS/C 6.2 gzip_1_0_7.lha Compress files (no nonsense version) imploder_4_0.lzh Executable file packer npd240.lha NoisePackerDecruncher for NP 2.xx ppackerpatch.lzh Allows use of PowerPacked files ppcompress095.lha CLI utilities for powerpacker PPData_1_0.lha PowerPacker data compression PPDecrunch10.lzh Pipeable PowerPacker Decruncher ppnew.lha New version of powerpacker lib plus tools Turtle141.lha Good cruncher (address type) twpacker.lha Data packer for proogrammers xdata11.lha Lets programs read xpk-compressed files. xData_11a.lha lets progs read xpk-compressed files (bug-fix). xdrop2_21.lha Version 2.21 of xdrop. Requires xpk package! xfh132.lzh (De-)compressing handler, uses Xpk. XFH134.lha (De-)compressing handler, uses Xpk. xPack_14.lha OS 2.x Shell Interface for XPK xPack_15.lha OS 2.x Shell Interface for XPK xpk25dev.lha Compression package, developer's additions xpk25usr.lha Compression package, user's edition xpkrdcn.lha Fast de/compressor for XPK xpkRDCN21.lha Fast XPK compressor with low CF