Archive-name: amiga/science-faq Last-modified: 1993/04/12 Version: 3.00 Compiled-by: (Richard Akerman) Now under RCS revision control: $Id: AmigaSci,v 3.0 1993/04/12 13:00:09 akerman Rel $ String for AmigaDOS "version" command: $VER: Amiga_Science/School/UNIX_FAQ 3.00 (12.4.93) This document supersedes AmigaSciSchool version 2.6.6 and version 2.23. I will be losing net access, so this will be my last posting of the FAQ. If you would like to take over the posting duties (all you have to do is post this once a month) please contact me immediately. This FAQ is cross-posted around the middle of each month to comp.sys.amiga.applications, comp.unix.amiga, comp.answers and news.answers v3.00 available by anonymous FTP from wuarchive: /systems/amiga/incoming/text/AmigaSciSchool-3.00.txt also available on AmiNet sites: text/doc/AmigaSciSchool-3.00.txt The news.answers automatic archiving software will store a copy of this posting, available by anonymous FTP on []: /pub/usenet/news.answers/amiga/science-faq.Z The pit-manager site also provides an automated FAQ mailserver, send email to with "help" in the body of your message. This document is a summary of info I have on hand about Science/School/UNIX software. It is designed to answer the questions I have seen most frequently about such software on USENET. It's a combination of things I have found out myself (I use most of these programs), information posted on USENET newsgroups (sometimes uncredited, sorry), and responses I got to questions I send to commercial product representatives. I have tried to make the information herein as detailed and accurate as possible; please email me with any corrections or comments. Programs covered: 1. GNU emacs 18.58 A1.26 1a. fifo.library 2. UNIX commands for the Amiga [every one you ever wanted] 2a. MRMan 2b. diff & patch 2c. compress, uncompress, zcat 2d. tar 2e. tarsplit 2f. ispell 3.3LJR 2g. nroff 2h. ixemul.library 2i. groff 2j. du 2k. makeinfo Shell stuff 3a. UNIX dirs (. and ..) 3b. Automatic filename/directory completion 3c. Shell scrollbar 3d. UNIX-like pipe (|) Programming 4a. AWK 4b. Flex ("fast lex") 4c. YACC (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) 4d. BISON (GNU version of YACC) 4e. Perl 4f. GCC (GNU C & C++ compiler) 4g. RCS (Revision Control System) Plotting 5a. GNU plot 3.2 5b. Multiplot Math 6a. MAPLE V 6b. Schoonschip 7. X-windows TeX 8a. AmigaTeX 8b. PasTeX 1.3 8c. DVIprint 8d. dvi2lj 8e. fig 8f. ARexx macros for TeX 9. FTP sites 9a. FTPmail Appendix A. Programs on grind Appendix B. Programs on wuarchive NOTE: some of these files/archives are very large. Often they contain source or other files you may not need. If you are sending the files to yourself over the phone lines, or other slow medium for which you may have to pay, use the appropriate archiver on your UNIX system beforehand to delete all unneeded files in the archive. The most common archiving format is .lzh and .lha, use the lha program for these. See Appendix A for UNIX versions of archiving programs (lha, zoo, unzip). See note in Appendix B about Amiga archiving programs. There is a nice review of science software in the March 1992 (#48) _.info_, a magazine whose demise is much lamented. 1. GNU emacs 18.58 A1.26 =================================================== The author of the Amiga GNU emacs port and various GNU UNIX command ports (ls, mv, grep, ...) is David Gay. You'll need a couple MB of hard disk and RAM to use emacs. They are available from amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors (always try the mirrors first). Also, wuarchive /systems/amiga/incoming/utils/ a1.26-emacs-18.58-bin.LHA (full emacs, also ls, grep, sort) (See Appendix A&B) Contact David Gay: 1a. fifo.library =========================================================== Along with GNU emacs you'll probably want the fifo.library from Fish 588. ftp.cso (ux1): /amiga/fish/f5/ff588/FifoLib.lzh 40222 bytes 2. UNIX commands =========================================================== Most UNIX commands are available. Many of them can be found on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors in util/gnu. Here are some of the ones I use: GNUEMACS:c etags grep ls rmdir sort MRMan200 MRMan UNIX:fileutils-3.3/c chmod d = udir - does some dir thing, no man dd - convert a file while copying it ln (rmdir) mkdir mv rm touch udir = d v = vdir - does a list thing, no man vdir = v (ls) UNIX:textutils-1.3/c cat cmp - compare two files comm - compare two sorted files line by line csplit - split a file into sections determined by context lines cut - remove sections from each line of files expand - convert tabs to spaces fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width head nl - number lines of files paste - merge lines of files pr - convert text files for printing split sum tac - concatenate and print files in reverse tail tr - translate or delete characters ujoin unexpand uniq wc UNIX:grep-1.6 egrep (grep) UNIX:diff-2.1/c cmp diff diff3 sdiff UNIX:compress-4.0 compress uncompress zcat UNIX:UnixUtils/c gnutar uncompressbatch unshar uudecode uuencode uusplit UNIX:TarSplit tarsplit EDITORS:ispell-3.3LJR ispell See Appendix A and Appendix B for locations 2a. MRMan ==================================================================== A powerful "man" manual reader is MRMan 2.00, available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors (try the mirrors first) util/misc/MRMan200.lzh It supports a MANPATH, and you can set file readers by suffix, so that e.g. .doc files are displayed by MuchMore and .guide files are displayed by AmigaGuide. You can use it to access all of the man pages for the UNIX textutils and fileutils. The ones to put in the MANPATH are the pre-formatted /cat directories (usually). 2b. diff & patch =========================================================== GNU diff 2.1 is available from amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors (try the mirrors first) util/gnu/diff-2.1.lha 460704 bytes GNU patch is also available util/gnu/patch-2.0.12g8.lha 126135 bytes 2c. compress, uncompress, zcat ============================================ compress is available in the compress-4.0 distribution. Note that to get uncompress and zcat you simply copy (or link) compress copy compress uncompress copy compress zcat The program operates according to the name it is invoked with. 2d. tar ==================================================================== A patched version of UNIX tar is available on wuarchive, /systems/amiga/utilities/cli/archive/tar-patched.lzh 124633 bytes [patching by (Alan Bair)] 2e. tarsplit =============================================================== For extracting from .tar archives only you can use tarsplit. (See Appendix A&B) 2f. ispell 3.3LJR ========================================================== ispell 3.3 LJR is available from wuarchive, /systems/amiga/incoming/utils/ispell-3.3LJR.lha 550746 bytes It is also now available on Fish disk #774, ftp.cso (ux1):/amiga/fish/f7/ff774/ISpell.lzh 554307 bytes The hash file is about 500k, HD highly recommended. The distribution now includes GUIspell 1.1, it also has .el files for GNUemacs and ARexx files for many editors. If you already have ispell, the .el files for emacs are also available on wuarchive, /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils/ispell.lha 2g. nroff ================================================================== There is nroff available for the Amiga to process man files. It doesn't handle many attributes. wuarchive: /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils/nroffamiga.lha 56822 bytes 2h. ixemul.library ========================================================= nroff requires v 39+ of ixemul.library, from wuarchive /systems/amiga/incoming/misc/ixemul.lzh 78590 bytes 2i. groff ================================================================== GNU groff has been ported for the Amiga. The archive is quite large though. On amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors util/gnu/groff-1.06-fix1.lha 909044 bytes 2j. du ===================================================================== The du command is used to check disk usage (blocks or bytes used by a directory or entire partition). There are various implementations but one that I like is by Georg Hessmann. On amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors os20/cli/du10.lha 2k. makeinfo =============================================================== The GNU project has come up with a standard documentation format called TeXinfo. MakeInfo can process TeXinfo files into: * GNU Info files, displayable by GNU emacs in Information mode, or by InfoView which comes with the GCC distribution. * DVI (.dvi) files, displayable by AmigaTeX preview or PasTeX ShowDVI * ASCII files * AmigaGuide files, which can be displayed by the newly released AmigaGuide for 1.3 & 2.x, and by MultiView in 3.x MakeInfo 1.49b is on Fish disk #787. 3a. UNIX dirs (. and ..) =================================================== UNIX and AmigaDOS differ somewhat in the way in which one refers to directories UNIX AmigaDOS Root / : Current dir . "" Previous dir .. / If you prefer to use UNIX-style directory references, there is a commodity for OS 2.04+ that will patch AmigaDOS to do so. It's called UnixDirs and is on Fish disk #837. 3b. Automatic filename/directory completion ================================ Various UNIX shells will complete a filename for you, so you just have to type the first letter or two and then hit a key and it will cycle through the possible filenames or directories. There are a number of Amiga shells that will do this, but the easiest way I have found is to use the GMC-Handler, a CON: replacement. GMC version 9.13 is available on Fish #683. A more recent version, 9.18, is available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors: util/shell/GMC_9.18.lha 64k 3c. Shell scrollbar ======================================================== UNIX Xwindows shells like xterm offer the ability to scroll back up through previous shell output. You can do this in an Amiga shell with Console Buffer (CB). Version 1.1 is available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors. Note that CB will not work directly with GMC: above. util/shell/cb1.1.lha 16k 3d. UNIX-like pipe (|) ===================================================== UNIX shells offer a way to "pipe" information from the standard output of one command to the standard input of another, e.g. grep -i foo Barfile | more ShellTools, from Fish #673, offers a PIPE command which understands the same syntax pipe grep -i foo Barfile | more ShellTools also has a FOREACH command and a RECORDER command (to record shell output). 4a. AWK ==================================================================== GNU AWK version 2.10beta is available on Fish disk #406. Version 2.14 is available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors util/gnu/gawk-2.14.lha 149k 4b. Flex =================================================================== An Amiga version of lex ("LEXical analyzer generator") is available. It is called Flex, version 2.3.7, on Fish #704. 4c. YACC =================================================================== There is a port of Berkeley YACC (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) available on Fish #419. 4d. BISON ================================================================== The GNU version of YACC is called BISON. There is a version available on Fish #155. Version 1.16 is available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors: dev/lang/bison-1.16.lha 397k 4e. Perl =================================================================== Perl version 4.035 is available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors: dev/lang/perl4.035.V010.bin.lzh 412k 4f. GCC ==================================================================== GCC is a powerful C and C++ compiler. You will need a lot of memory (at least 3 MB) and hard disk space (9.3 MB). Available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors: dev/gcc/gcc233.lha 3.4 megabytes You will need the fixed versions of some of the libraries: dev/gcc/gcc233libfix.lha 256k GCC comes with InfoView for displaying GNU Info format docs, and various command-line utilities such as man, sed, and make. 4g. RCS ==================================================================== The Revision Control System (RCS) is an invaluable tool for managing programming projects, or for keeping track of any frequently-revised documents. Version 5.6 is available on amiga.physik and AmiNet mirrors: dev/misc/rcs_56.lha 310k 5a. GNU plot 3.2 =========================================================== GNU plot 3.2 is on Fish disk #701 ftp.cso (ux1): /amiga/fish/f7/ff701/GNUPlot.lzh 560824 bytes 5b. Multiplot ============================================================== The shareware program Multiplot is excellent for plotting numerical data. Version XLNe is on Fish disk #572. 6a. MAPLE V ================================================================ MAPLE V, a commercial "Mathematica"-like program is available for the Amiga. There is a review of Maple V in the _.info_ article mentioned near the beginning of the FAQ, pp. 35-36. There is a more recent review of Maple V in the January 1993 (Vol. 8, #1) _Amazing Computing_, pp. 69-71. I received a very detailed response to my questions from Maplesoft (specifically, from Joyce Brennan, Communications Manager). Here it is, with several screens of additional promotional information removed at the end, and some of the other descriptive portions summarized. From: (Joyce Brennan) Subject: Amiga Maple V Posting - correction > 1. Address, phone, fax |\^/| Waterloo Maple Software ._|\| |/|_. 160 Columbia St. West \ MAPLE / Waterloo, Ontario <____ ____> CANADA N2L 3L3 | Tel: (519) 747-2373 Fax: (519) 747-5284 > 2. system requirements Systems Compatibility - Supports the following configurations, with and without coprocessors: Commodore Amiga 1000, 2000, 2500 and 3000 - Requires Amiga DOS, version 2.04 or higher Memory Requirements - 2 MB RAM and 8 MB disk storage > 3. price: regular, site licence, educational discount For Canadian Customers: A single-user copy is now available for only Can $695 for educational and government institutions (if the user can provide proof of their affiliation), and Can $935 for all others. Shipping and handling is added to this price. For additional information call 1-800-877-6583. For U.S. Customers: A single-user copy is now available for only US $595 for educational and government institutions (if the user can provide proof of their affiliation), and US $795 for all others. Shipping and handling is added to this price. For additional information call 1-800-877-6583. For Customers outside North America: Please contact Waterloo Maple Software at the address or phone number [above], or by sending an e-mail message to and we would be happy to put you in touch with your local distributor. For Academic Degree-granting Institutions: Site licenses are required in order to run Maple on a network. For academic institutions, a site license is calculated for each type of machine, and the price for site licenses depends on the number and type of machines running Maple. [calculation of site licences omitted; contact Maplesoft for more info] > and whatever else you would like to provide. Maple V Features - Full implementation of Maple including interactive 3-D graphics with PostScript and IFF format output - Takes advantage of Amiga specific standards for session editing - ARexx port which supports all Maple V functions - Over 2,000 library functions When you purchase Maple, the software package includes detailed installation instructions, a tutorial introduction and two manuals (Language Reference & Library Reference manuals). On-site workshops can also be arranged. ******************************************************************* Free Upgrade to Maple V Release 2 for Amiga Those customers who purchase Maple V for the Amiga from Waterloo Maple Software now will be entitled to a free upgrade to Maple V Release 2 which is expected to be available for this platform by the end of the first quarter of 1993. Those customers who purchased Amiga Maple V from Waterloo Maple Software any time AFTER June 1, 1992, will be entitled to a free upgrade to Maple V Release 2, and will be mailed this automatically as soon as it becomes available for distribution. ******************************************************************* [There was a LOT of information about Maple V Release 2, and Maple in general, here's a very brief summary: MAPLE V Release 2 * adds 700 new functions for total of over 2500 * highly programmable C & Pascal-based language has been further refined * "work with standard math notation and print publication quality results" * "stunning new interactive graphics, including animation for time-variant analysis" * combine text, graphics and math using easy worksheet interface * will produce LaTeX formatted output * will produce FORTRAN and C code] 6b. Schoonschip ============================================================ Fish disk output by KingFisher v1.2: Schoonschip (Disk #568) A pioneering algebraic manipulation program which has been used in particle physics and continuously developed since late 1963. Not as friendly as Mathematica or Maple, with no graphics or intuition interface and not as much built in, but still a general purpose algebraic manipulation language. Written in machine language to run fast and be memory efficient. Capable of handling large problems. Includes large and small workspace versions, tutorial examples, sample programs, and a comprehensive manual. Version 5-Oct-91, binary only. Author: Martinus J. G. Veltman and David N. Williams 7. X-windows =============================================================== A commercial version of X-windows is available from GfxBase. For more information contact Dale Luck: What follows is the response to my emailed questions: From: (Dale Luck) Subject: X11 info > 1. Address, phone, fax GfxBase, Inc. Dale Luck 1881 Ellwell Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 USA Phone: (408) 262-1469 FAX: (408) 262-8276 > 2. system requirements CPU: [Works on all Amigas, including A1200 & A4000] Operating System: AmigaDOS Operating System V1.3 or later Mouse: Amiga 2 button mouse, or optical 3 button mouse, tablet, trackball, or International keyboard Memory: 1 Mbyte for Server and 640x400 2-color display more RAM required for local clients Disk Space: 7-14 Mbytes > 3. price: regular, site licence, educational discount Price: [US] $395.00 ($90.00 yearly maintenance fee), Eduprice: [US] $316. Site licenses available. > and whatever else you would like to provide. Please send a postal address and we can send you our printed literature. Latest Version: 4.1 Graphics: NTSC to 1440x482 (60 Hz), PAL 1440x568 (50 Hz) Overscan, genlock and interlace supported A2024/Viking 1 1024x[800] (60 Hz), 1024x1024 (50 Hz) Super Screens to 2560x2560 scrollable on smaller display Productivity screen - 640x480 60Hz noninterlaced (640x960 interlaced) Two colors out of a palette of 4096 can be selected. Cursor has two separately controlled colors Color server: 2,4,8,16,32 colors from 4096. A2024/Viking 1 - 4 gray scales. Some resolutions restricted A4000 64,128,256 colors from 4096 GDA1 640x480,800x600,1024x800 noninterlaced 256/16M Ameristar 1600GX 1280x1024,1600x1280 noninterlaced 256/16M Ethernet Card: Commodore A2065 Network Software: Commodore TCP/IP or Syndesis DECnet for Ethernet and serial connections, SANA for local Features: contains X11R4 clients, fonts, twm, olwm etc. Amiga Xpr uses the standard Amiga printer device technology which supports more that 50 different types of printers. Black and [White] [or] Color Xamiga R4 monochrome and color server optional programmer's toolkit includes the header files, libraries, and sample programs optional window manager: mwm optional toolkits/widgets Motif, XView, HP. 8a. AmigaTeX ================================================================ AmigaTeX is a commercial program available from Radical Eye. Comes with TeX, LaTeX, MetaFont, Preview, and Post 1.7 (for handling PostScript). 8 program disks + 6 font disks. Hard disk installer program so you can install a minimum or full system. It has a special font loading system so you don't need all of them on your hard disk; it will request the font disks as needed. For more information contact the author: Tomas Rokicki: What follows is the author's response to my emailed questions: From: Tomas G. Rokicki Subject: AmigaTeX > 1. Address, phone, fax Radical Eye Software P.O. Box 2081 Stanford, CA 94309 USA Phone:(415) 322 6442 FAX: (415) 327 3329 BBS: (415) 327 2346 > 2. system requirements At least two floppies or a hard disk, and at least 512K of RAM. Three megabytes of RAM is recommended. > 3. price: regular, site licence, educational discount The main package is [US] $200; printer drivers are [US] $100 per set (organized according to printer resolution). Site licensing and group discounts are available; write for information. There is no special educational pricing. > and whatever else you would like to provide. A free demo disk and product literature is available by sending Radical Eye a FAX or a letter with your name and address. 8b. PasTeX 1.3 ============================================================== There is also a Freely Distributable TeX called PasTeX. Look on wuarchive, /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils/pastex-1.3/ (see Appendix B for file listing) Disk #1 has DVIprint (3c), ShowDVI and SpecialHost in its bin directory. The files are full disks compressed with Zoom, from Fish #682 ftp.cso (ux1): /amiga/fish/f6/ff682/Zoom.lzh 89055 bytes MetaFont and the Previewer fonts are separate from this distribution. 8c. DVIprint ================================================================ If you have AmigaTeX but no printer drivers, you can try using DVIprint from the PasTeX distribution. It works remarkably well, just make a tex:config dir and put DVIprint.printers in it. Host Location: /pcsoft/amiga/tex/pastex FILE -rw-r--r-- 57858 May 26 00:00 dviprint.lha 8d. dvi2lj ================================================================== If you have a LaserJet you may want to use dvi2lj instead of DVIprint, it's on and AmiNet mirrors (always use the mirrors if possible) /amiga/text/tex/dvi2lj.lha 109185 bytes and also on Fish disk #797. [thanks to (Daniel Barrett) for this info] 8e. fig ===================================================================== Also for TeX you may want the "fig" package, for structured drawing. On wuarchive, /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils/fig.zom 319110 bytes Uncompress with Zoom from Fish #682. For pictures will simple straight and angled lines, I recommend the EEPIC macros (LaTeX: epic.sty, eepic.sty). In order to print documents with EEPIC macros and DVIprint (3c) you will need SpecialHost running; in order to preview with ShowDVI you will also need to run SpecialHost in the background. For more complicated pictures, especially with curves, the PiCTeX macros (LaTeX: piclatex.sty; TeX: prepictex.tex, pictex.tex, postpictex.tex) are better but very slow on a 68000. SpecialHost is not required for these. 8f. ARexx macros for TeX =================================================== I have uploaded ARexx macro things for TeXify and ToError for AmigaTeX to wuarchive, in /systems/amiga/incoming/utils Ed-TeX-Rexx.lha - AmigaTeX ARexx for Ed Emacs-TeX-Rexx.lha - AmigaTeX ARexx for GNU emacs There are also TeXify ARexx macro things for CED on wuarchive, /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils/texify-1.12.lzh 9. FTP sites =============================================================== Major US Amiga (+newest Fish) site: [] fish in /systems/amiga/fish Other US Amiga (+all Fish) site: Major US Fish site (disks 50-current): [] formerly called, sometimes referred to as "ux1", IP address may change ux1 Fishes mirrored on: [] Euro Fish site (Finland): [] fish in /pub/amiga/fish Euro Fish site (Germany): [] [some Fish disk sites provided by (Mike Schwager)] Major Euro Amiga site: [] mirrored on wuarchive: /pub/aminet and other "AmiNet" sites: Switzerland pub/aminet/ Switzerland pub/aminet/ Scandinavia pub/aminet/ Germany pub/aminet/ Germany pub/aminet/ Germany pub/aminet/ Germany pub/aminet/ Germany pub/aminet/ USA pub/aminet/ USA pub/aminet/ USA pub/aminet/ Australia pub/aminet/ (*) (*) closed 6:30am to 4pm weekdays NOTE: If at all possible use one of the AmiNet mirrors instead of amiga.physik itself; it is very easily overloaded. 9a. FTPmail ================================================================ You can find a list of FTPmail sites in the "Updated Internet Services List" posted by (Scott A. Yanoff) to USENET group comp.misc. You can also finger him to find out other ways to get this useful list. There is an article about FTP and Mail-FTP in the April 1993 _UnixWorld_, pp. 68-74. For more information on FTPmail send the word "help" via email to For BITNET users, email the world "help" to Appendix A. Programs on grind ============================================= amiga/utils/ total 109 -rwxr-xr-x+ 14418 Oct 27 1992 UU.LHA - uuencode, uudecode -rwxr-xr-x+ 186 Oct 27 1992 UU.readme -rwxr-xr-x+ 1182 Dec 03 1991 UnixUtils.Readme -rwxr-xr-x+ 178639 Nov 24 1991 UnixUtils.lzh -rwxr-xr-x+ 496099 Oct 18 1992 amiga-fileutils-3.3.LHA -rwxr-xr-x+ 143291 Oct 16 1992 amiga-grep-1.6.LHA -rwxr-xr-x+ 584149 Oct 18 1992 amiga-textutils-1.3.LHA -rwxr-xr-x+ 32368 Oct 20 1992 compress-4.0.lzh -rwxr-xr-x+ 550746 Nov 24 1992 ispell-3.3LJR.lha -rwxr-xr-x+ 15444 Nov 03 1992 tarsplit.lha unix/arc-progs/ total 15 -rwxr-xr-x+ 37738 Jan 24 1992 Lharc.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 237535 Jan 24 1992 Zoo210.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 97925 Apr 15 1992 arc-5.21.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 10579 Jan 24 1992 boo.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 7256 Mar 11 1992 dmscheck.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 81707 Apr 08 1992 lha-1.00.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 32763 Dec 01 1992 unarj230.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 299288 Jan 20 1993 unz50p1.tar.Z -rwxr-xr-x+ 244565 Jan 20 1993 zip19p1.tar.Z Appendix B. Programs on wuarchive ========================================= Amiga (de-)archiving programs can be found in /systems/amiga/utilities/cli/archive /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils: total 5155 -rw-rw-r-- 1 root 667542 Dec 18 1990 tex-3.1.lzh -rw-rw-r-- 1 root 20155 Jan 5 1992 texify-1.12.lzh -rw-rw-r-- 1 root 319110 Mar 17 1992 fig.zom -r--rw-r-- 1 root 103403 Jun 29 00:03 dvipsamiga.lha -r--rw-r-- 1 root 56822 Jun 29 00:03 nroffamiga.lha drwxrwxr-x 4 root 512 Jun 25 08:59 pastex-1.3 /systems/amiga/utilities/text/utils/pastex-1.3: total 3190 -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 1074 Oct 5 1991 README -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 456046 Oct 5 1991 disk-1.zom -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 339078 Oct 5 1991 disk-2.zom -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 681546 Oct 5 1991 disk-3.zom -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 458766 Oct 5 1991 disk-4.zom -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 702054 Oct 5 1991 disk-5.zom -rw-rw-r-- 1 root archive 543209 Oct 11 1990 extras.zoo drwxrwxr-x 2 root archive 512 Jun 25 1992 metafont-2.7 drwxrwxr-x 2 root archive 512 Jun 25 1992 previewfonts /systems/amiga/utilities/disks/backup: total 192 -rw-rw-r-- 1 root 191648 Feb 3 1992 gnutar.lzh /systems/amiga/incoming/utils: total 10785 -r--rw-r-- 1 root 2109 Dec 3 20:04 Ed-TeX-Rexx.lha -r--rw-r-- 1 root 1546 Dec 3 20:05 Emacs-TeX-Rexx.lha -r--rw-r-- 1 root 10441 Feb 18 07:58 UnixDirsII.lha -r--rw-r-- 1 root 969340 Oct 15 21:32 a1.26-emacs-18.58-bin.LHA -r--rw-r-- 1 root 496099 Oct 15 21:55 amiga-fileutils-3.3.LHA -r--rw-r-- 1 root 143291 Oct 15 21:55 amiga-grep-1.6.LHA -r--rw-r-- 1 root 584149 Oct 15 21:57 amiga-textutils-1.3.LHA -r--rw-r-- 1 root 282624 Mar 30 14:07 amigaguide34.lzh -r--rw-r-- 1 root 550746 Nov 20 11:20 ispell-3.3LJR.lha