1701a_or.lha Picture of the Enterprise orbiting the earth. amy_sq_g.bin amy_squi.gif A picture drawn by me featuring a well-known(?) Amiga-character, ' barrettz.gif Zippy the Pinhead comic with Dan Barrett betacams.lzh 4 pix taken using DCTV from Betacam player brushmap.lha A set of high quality brushmaps. devcon93.lha Scanned fotos from DevCon 93 in Orlando duck_off.lha -Duck off and Fly- Amiga BBS ad pic. 320x200 HAM dwf2_pic.lha HAM images - Roses, SnowyMtn, EarthView dwf_pict.lha Various HAM pix earth.lha Grey and color mercator projection of the earth ent.jpg It's coming, to an Amiga near you! entastrd.lha 24-bit Painting/Rendering by Carmen Rizzolo. geri.lha First place in the art competition at AmeriCon. grogniaa.lha Excellent PAL B&W picture from AARS. hermann1.lha 'Herman the user' comic figure hermann2.lha 'Herman the user' comic figure hermann3.lha 'Herman the user' comic figure hermann4.lha 'Herman the user' comic figure intel.lha "Intel Outside" logo, IFF pic intelcli.lha "intel outside" logo for PDraw 3.0 inteleps.lha "intel outside" logo in epsf and ps format jethrotu.jpg Jethro Tull cover pic joecocke.lha Iff pic of Joe Cocker koalasli.zom GJ's & Joran's Excellent Koala Slideshow lyapunov.lha 256 color pix from a fractal generator marb2_24.lzh IFF 24 Bit Marmor-Brush medical_.lha Medical Computer Tomograph images mplush.lha Very beautiful image in MultiPalette format mpwolf.lha Very beautiful image in MultiPalette format nova.lha Third place in the art competition at AmeriCon. profile.lha 32 color pic of robo lady, Lo-Res. ratman.lha HAM picture a a rat batman retreat.lha 3d SCALA pic, christmas theme sci_3d_i.lha Optical illusion sky_24.lzh 24 Bit SKY-Brush slu5.lha Picture of "Slu Aspiks" (Skip Sauls) sticking his head in a color sludesk.jpg A jpeg of Slu Aspiks (Skip Sauls) desk at work... space.lha pictures digitized from the movie "SPACEBALLS" starry.lha 8 color image for NickPrefs backdrop stng_1.lha Rendered/painted picture of Star Trek NCC1701D vallejo2.lha This file contains 4 HAM-8 Images of Boris vallejo paintings, xmen.lzh JPEG images from XMEN cartoon on FOX zippy2.lha dtiberio's version of the Zippy comic strip