akeyswap.lha Swap the left/right "Amiga" key functions appmenu1.lha Commodity for starting programs from WB Tools menu. appmenu2.lha Commodity for starting programs from WB Tools menu. arq1_78.lzh The requester improver aswarmii.lha Screenblanker for OS 2.x with nice GFX autoacti.lzh Activate window under mouse on keypress centersc.lha Center a screen on a keypress cycletom.lha Turn GadTools cyclegads into menues findfile.lha File location and searching util ft_1_2.lha A mac afterdark inspired screenblanker req.2.0 huntwin4.lha Multi-Purpose Window Commodity huntwin6.lha Multi-Purpose Window Commodity huntwin7.lha Multi-Purpose Window Commodity leftymou.lha Swap mouse buttons for lefties magicmen.lha PopUp menus for OS 2.x and newer mouseacc.lzh A mouse accelerator commodity mousebla.lzh A mouseblanker commodity nag1_14a.lha A scheduler/reminder commodity v1.14 newedit1.lha A commodity supporting copy and paste in all string gadgets newshell.lzh Open a shell on hotkey powersna.lha Snap and paste anywhere using the mouse. qmouse26.lha Small multi-functional utility. KS2.0+. qmouse27.lha Small multi-functional utility. KS2.0+. rotor_v1.lha Screenblanker for OS2.0 and newer. screenco.lha Commodity for manipulating screens/windows (kill,save etc.) screense.lha Commodity to change screen orders. sdark14b.lha Modular screen blanker v1.4 major bug fixed (binaries) sdark14s.lha Modular screen blanker v1.4 (sources) smaus115.lha a configurable replacement for Autopoint smaus117.lha A configurable replacement for Autopoint splinerv.lha Spline screen blanker for Release 2. switchnt.lha Screen-Management-Commodity for OS 2.04 tinycloc.lha The Ultimate Analog Clock toback_f.lzh Window/screen to back/front twa_v1_1.lha Commodity, remembers last active window on screen twa_v1_2.lha Reactivates window on screen shuffling windowsh.lha Activate next/prev window w/ hotkey yak13e.lha Great multi-purpose commodity (bug-fixes) yak14.lha Great multi-purpose commodity (bug-fixes) yak14a.lha Great multi-purpose commodity