amigasrc.lzh diffs & Makefiles contents. listing of the archives 1-11 courier.lzh Courier-font for pbmtext extra.lzh some bonus goodies manuals.lzh Unix-style online manuals pbmbin.lzh PBM binaries pgmbin.lzh PGM binaries pnmbin.lzh PNM binaries, part 1 ppmbin1.lzh PPM binaries, part 1 ppmbin2.lzh PPM binaries, part 2 readme.txt scripts.lzh Unix shell scripts texts.lzh some text files, read them tiffbin.lzh PNM binaries, part 2 (tiff binaries) update1.lzh minor bugfix to ilbmtoppm update2.lzh bugfixes for ppmtomitsu and ppmforge update3.lzh ppmhist with new feature