========================================================================= Directory aminet/gfx/conv ================================================== amgif.lzh Convert IFF to GIF AmigaJPEGV4.lha Version 4 of the JPEG software brush2icon.lzh Converts IFF brush to Workbench icon brush2txt.lzh Converts 8-color IFF brushes to text demmer.lha IFF to VISTAPRO converter FixIFF.lha change ViewMode of IFF file hp2xx_1_04.lha Converts HPGL vector gfx to other formats iff2asci.lha Converts grey IFF pix to ASCII pix iff2obj.lha Creates linkable objects from IFF-Files Iff2Source.zoo Converts ILBM to C or ASM source iffconvert.lha converts IFF-ILBM-pics + New compression format IFFCut10.lha Advanced IFF to raw converter. Requires OS 2.0. ilbm24.lha Universal picture displayer w/ src iso_ilbm.lha utility to digitize for VISTAPRO MKANIM_1_1.lha Make iff anim out of iff pictures, OS2.x+ ppm.lzh PPM->24bit IFF, 24->PPM, PPM-Preview R2G.lha Converts 2-Colour-Raster to 16-Colour-Greyscale !!! tiff2iff.lha Converts TIFF files to Amiga IFF unanm_1_0.lha Split .anm anim files into IFF pix undl_1_2.lha Unpacks .dl anims to single frames unmovie.lha Convert MOVIE animation to iff pictures. unvga_1_0.lha IBM PC .VGA animation decontructor, outputs IFF Wasp202b.lha Wasp picture converter V2.02beta wiconvert.lha Converts a windows icon to an iff picture.